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ImIllusion edited this page Jul 18, 2023 · 1 revision

Cosmos has several built-in commands to allow for the creation and management of templates.


cosmos import <serializer> <filename>

Imports a file as a template. The file must be present in the plugins/Cosmos/import folder, and the file name parameter must contain the extension.

Example: /cosmos import worldedit skyblock.schem

cosmos migrate <template> <source> <destination>

Copies a template from a source container into a destination container. Both containers must be properly set-up and enabled.
You can specify all as the template to copy all the templates from the database.

Example: /cosmos migrate skyblock mongodb mysql (Copies from mongodb to mysql)

cosmos templates delete <template> <container>

Deletes a template from the specified container.
If the container is not set, it is assigned as the default container specified in the databases.yml file.

Example: /cosmos templates delete skyblock mysql

cosmos templates list <container>

Lists all the templates in a container.
If the container is not set, it is assigned as the default container specified in the databases.yml file.

Example: /cosmos templates list mysql

cosmos templates paste <template> <container>

Pastes a template at the player's location. If the container is not set, it is assigned as the default container specified in the databases.yml file.

Example: /cosmos templates paste skyblock mysql

cosmos templates set <template> <container>

Attempts to create a template from the player's selection.
At the moment, this command is hardcoded to only work with the WorldEdit serializer. This means that you must create a worldedit selection prior to running the command.
If the container is not set, it is assigned as the default container specified in the databases.yml file.

Example: /cosmos templates set skyblock mysql

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