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Developer API Serializers

ImIllusion edited this page Jul 21, 2023 · 2 revisions

A core feature of Cosmos is its ability to save and paste blocks at scale.

Cosmos does this by using the built-in Serializer system, which allows you implement your own pasting and saving logic, or just hooking into a custom plugin. The serializer is responsible for the serialization, deserialization, importing and pasting process of Templated Areas.

By default, Cosmos uses WorldEdit as its default serializer.

How can I fetch/register a serializer?

You can fetch, register and list serializers through the serializer registry:

CosmosPlugin cosmos = ...;
CosmosSerializerRegistry serializerRegistry = cosmos.getSerializerRegistry();

CosmosSerializer serializer = serializerRegistry.get("worldedit");

How can I create an area with the serializer?

Assuming you have the dimensions and location of the area, you can use the CosmosSerializer#createArea method:

CosmosSerializer serializer = ...;
Location center = ...;

int radius = 10;

Cuboid cuboid = new Cuboid(center, radius); // There are many constructors, use the one that's appropriate to your situation

serializer.createArea(cuboid, center).thenAccept(area -> { // This might be async

How can I make my own serializer?

Making a serializer requires the creation of a few classes:

  • The serializer class (Example)
  • The templated area instance that's returned by the serializer (Example)
  • The pasted area class that extends the TemplatedArea class, containing methods to reverse the pasting process (Example)

Once that's done, just register it.