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Steam Turbine

Michael Weatherby edited this page Aug 24, 2021 · 5 revisions

A required part of the Fission Reactor multiblock. The Steam Turbine processes Steam produced by the Fission Reactor into power. Can process up to 50 kW- if the reactor outputs more than 50 kW * Number of Turbines, the extra power is wasted. Having more turbines than that does nothing (so if a reactor outputs 250 steam, and you have 4 turbines, 4 * 50 = 200, so you get 200 kJ and 50 kJ is wasted).

Item Recipe Items
Steam Turbine Steam Turbine
  • x4 Prismarine Crystals
  • x2 Conductive Rods
  • x1 Steel Rod
  • x1 Bucket
  • x1 Tier 2 Machine Frame
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