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Secondary Index Mapping in Cassandra

chhavigangwal edited this page Nov 6, 2013 · 5 revisions

Introduction :

Cassandra supports secondary indexes of the type KEYS (similar to a hash index). Secondary indexes can be used for querying and applying filters on columns other than primary indexes.

Secondary indexes can be created using Cassandra only if property is enabled.

<property name="" value="create" />
@IndexCollection(columns = { @Index(name = "likedBy"), @Index(name = "income"), @Index(name = "settlementDate"),
        @Index(name = "dateSet"), @Index(name = "and"), @Index(name = "between"), @Index(name = "or") })
public class Property
    private String id;

    private String likedBy;

    private String income;

    private String settlementDate;

    private String dateSet;

    private String and;

    private String between;

    private String or;

    private String set;

An equivalent created in Cassandra for secondary the given object :

CREATE TABLE property (
  key text PRIMARY KEY,
  "and" text,
  between text,
  "dateSet" text,
  income text,
  "likedBy" text,
  or text,
  "set" text,
  "settlementDate" text

CREATE INDEX property_and_idx ON property ("and");
CREATE INDEX property_between_idx ON property (between);
CREATE INDEX property_dateSet_idx ON property ("dateSet");
CREATE INDEX property_income_idx ON property (income);
CREATE INDEX property_likedBy_idx ON property ("likedBy");
CREATE INDEX property_or_idx ON property (or);
CREATE INDEX property_settlementDate_idx ON property ("settlementDate");

These indexes can be queried using Kundera in the following manner :

 // Select query.
 List<Property> entityWithClauses = em.createQuery(
                "select t from Property t where t.income=1233").getResultList();
 entityWithClauses = em.createQuery("select t from Property t where t.likedBy=kk").getResultList();
 entityWithClauses = em.createQuery("select t from Property t where t.dateSet=dateSet").getResultList();
 entityWithClauses = em.createQuery("select t from Property t where t.settlementDate=12/12/12")

 entityWithClauses = em.createQuery("select t from Property t where t.or=or").getResultList();
 entityWithClauses = em.createQuery("select t from Property t where t.between=between").getResultList();
 entityWithClauses = em.createQuery("select t from Property t where t.and=and").getResultList();
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