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Artem Yushev edited this page Feb 26, 2019 · 11 revisions

Hostcode strucuture

Repository overview

The four folders in this repository are:

  1. certifcates - X.509 CA certificates used either to verify an End Device Certificate (stored inside OPTIGA™ Trust X, see Keys and Certificates) or used as an Trust Anchor CA stored by default inside a dedicated Trust Anchor certificate slot inside OPTIGA™ Trust X.
    • Infineon OPTIGA(TM) Trust X CA 101 - Certificate Authority certificate used to issue productive security chip samples
    • OPTIGA_Trust_X_InfineonTestCA - Certificate Authority certificate used to issue test security ship samples
  2. examples
    • optiga - a collection of examples showing usage of various tool box functions of the security chip
    • ecdsa_utils - helping function to encode/decode ecdsa signatures to/from ASN.1 format
    • mbedtls - porting functions to offload crypto operation onto the security chip for mbedTLS (compatible with versions >= 2.7)
  3. optiga - core library, find more in the Hostcode architecture section
  4. pal - Supported Platform Abstraction Layer implementation. See Porting guide

Hostcode architecture

hostcode architecture

  1. See OPTIGA Crypt API and OPTIGA Util API to know more about optiga_crypt and optiga_util modules
  2. Information about the OPTIGA™ Trust X Command Library can be found in the Solution Reference Manual v1.35 In the same document you can find explanation of all Object IDs (OIDs) available for users as well as detailed technical explanation for all features and envisioned use cases.
  3. Infineon I2C Protocol implementation details can be found here
  4. Platform Abstraction Layer (PAL) overview and Porting Guide are presented in the Wiki

Supported Host MCUs (PALs)

You might find a list of supported Platforms here. These are:

  • Espressif ESP32 with Amazon freeRTOS
  • Espressif ESP32 with freeRTOS
  • Nordic NRF52
  • Raspberry Pi (Embedded Linux)
  • Infineon XMC microcontrollers

Hostcode architecture with mapped sources/headers

The figure uses relative to <repo_root>/optiga/ paths

hostcode architecture mapped