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OC List Config

Rickard Hansson edited this page Jun 12, 2019 · 6 revisions



Sortable/Suggest are optional and should be mirrored in the OC-list plugin config

Name Type Multivalued Sortable Suggest
PackageCategory string x
PackageCoverArticleUuid string
PackageListUuid string
Name string x x
PackageProducts string x x
PackagePublished Boolean
PackagePubStart Date
PackagePubStop Date
PackagePubStatus string x
Type string x
Content type map

(xxx) == content type relation => xxx = content type

Property Type Multivalued Indexfield
CoverRelation (Article)
ListRelation (List)
PackageCategory string PackageCategory
PackageCoverArticleUuid string PackageCoverArticleUuid
PackageListUuid string PackageListUuid
Name string Name
PackageProducts string x PackageProducts
PackagePublished Boolean PackagePublished
PackagePubStart Date PackagePubStart
PackagePubStop Date PackagePubStop
PackagePubStatus string PackagePubStatus
Type string Type


Property Mimetype Xpath
PackageCategory infomaker/package-1.0 /package/category/text()
PackageCoverArticleUuid infomaker/package-1.0 /package/cover/@uuid
PackageListUuid infomaker/package-1.0 /package/itemList/@uuid
Name infomaker/package-1.0 /package/name/text()
PackageProducts infomaker/package-1.0 /package/products//product/text()
PackagePubStart infomaker/package-1.0 /package/pubStart/text()
PackagePubStop infomaker/package-1.0 /package/pubStop/text()
PackagePubStatus infomaker/package-1.0 /package/pubStatus/text()
Type infomaker/package-1.0 /package/type/text()
Property Type Target content type Constraints Source Property Constraints Target Property
CoverRelation Relation (contenttype) Article PackageCoverArticleUuid uuid
ListRelation Relation (contenttype) List PackageListUuid uuid



Sortable/Suggest are optional and should be mirrored in the OC-list plugin config

Name Type Multivalued Sortable Suggest
ListArticleUuids string x
Description text
Name string x x
ListProducts string x x
Type string x
ListItemLimit integer
ListContentUuids string x
ListContentListUuids string x
ListContentPackageUuids string x
Content type map

(xxx) == content type relation => xxx = content type

Property Type Multivalued Indexfield
ArticleRelations (Article) x
ContentPackageRelations (Package) x
ContentListRelations (List) x
ListArticleUuids string x ListArticleUuids
Description string Description
Name string Name
ListProducts string x ListProducts
Type string Type
ListItemLimit integer ListItemLimit
ListContentUuids string x ListContentUuids
ListContentListUuids string x ListContentListUuids
ListContentPackageUuids string x ListContentPackageUuids


Property Mimetype Xpath
ListArticleUuids infomaker/list-2.0 /list/items//item/@uuid
Description infomaker/list-2.0 /list/description/text()
Name infomaker/list-2.0 /list/name/text()
ListProducts infomaker/list-2.0 /list/products//product/text()
Type infomaker/list-2.0 /list/type/text()
ListItemLimit infomaker/list-2.0 /list/items/@limit
ListContentUuids infomaker/list-2.0 /list/items//item[not(@type) or @type="Article"]/@uuid
ListContentListUuids infomaker/list-2.0 /list/items//item[@type="List"]/@uuid
ListContentPackageUuids infomaker/list-2.0 /list/items//item[@type="Package"]/@uuid
Property Type Target content type Constraints Source Property Constraints Target Property
ArticleRelations Relation (contenttype) Article ListArticleUuids uuid
PackageRelations Relation (contenttype) Package uuid PackageListUuid
ContentListRelations Relation (contenttype) List ListContentListUuids uuid
ContentPackageRelations Relation (contenttype) Package ListContentPackageUuids uuid

v3 config

General config
    "writer": {
        "url": "__INSERT_WRITER_URL__"
    "lcc": {
        "provider": "__INSERT_LCC_PROVIDER__"
    "icp": {
        "provider": "__INSERT_ICP_PROVIDER__",
        "thumbnail": "default"
    "displayPublishedFilter": true,
    "defaultListLimit": 30
Property mapper

List property mapper

    "checksum": "checksum",
    "uuid": "uuid",
    "limit": "ListItemLimit",
    "updated": "updated",
    "contentType": "contenttype",
    "name": "Name",
    "description": "Description",
    "type": "Type",
    "contentUuids": "ListContentUuids",
    "products": "Products",
    "package": {
            "property": "PackageRelations"
    "contentArticles": {
            "property": "ArticleRelations"
    "contentPackages": {
            "property": "ContentPackageRelations"
    "contentLists": {
            "property": "ContentListRelations"

Package property mapper

    "checksum": "checksum",
    "uuid": "uuid",
    "contentType": "contenttype",
    "updated": "updated",
    "name": "Name",
    "type": "Type",
    "category": "PackageCategory",
    "coverUuid": "PackageCoverArticleUuid",
    "products": "Products",
    "published": "PackagePublished",
    "pubStatus": "PackagePubStatus",
    "pubStart": "PackagePubStart",
    "pubStop": "PackagePubStop",
    "listUuid": "PackageListUuid",
    "cover": {
            "property": "CoverArticleRelation"
    "list": {
            "property": "ListRelation"

Article property mapper

    "uuid": "uuid",
    "contentType": "contenttype",
    "headline": "WriterHeadlines",
    "section": "Section",
    "imageIdentifier": "ImageUuid",
    "hasPublishedVersion": "WriterHasPublishedVersion",
    "coverImageIdentifier": "TeaserImageUuid",
    "coverHeadline": "TeaserHeadline",
    "coverBody": "TeaserVignette",
Template config

Item template config

    "header": {
        "displayDate": false,
        "displayPremium": false,
        "products": {
            "key": "__KEY_TO_MAP_FOR_PRODUCTS__"
    "title": [
            "key": "headline"
    "body": [
            "key": "section"
            "key": "__OTHER_KEY...__"
            "key": "__OTHER_KEY...__"
    "imageIdentifier": {
        "key": "imageIdentifier"

Cover template config

    "header": {
        "displayDate": false,
        "displayPremium": false,
        "products": {
            "key": "__KEY_TO_MAP_FOR_PRODUCTS__"
    "title": [
            "key": "coverHeadline"
    "body": [
            "key": "section"
            "key": "__OTHER_KEY...__"
            "key": "__OTHER_KEY...__"
    "imageIdentifier": {
        "key": "coverImageIdentifier"

Product icons

        "key": "",
        "value": "base64-encoded-image"
        "name": "Example-single-group",
        "value": [
        "name": "Example-multi-group",
        "value": [
List options
    "search": {
        "sortProperty": "updated",
        "suggestQuery": "contenttype: List",
        "filterQuery": "metadata_mimetype: infomaker/list-2.0",
        "suggestFields": [
        "labels": {
            "_all": "Fritext",
            "ListProducts": "Produkt",
            "Name": "Listnamn",
            "Type": "Typ",
            "Products": "Produkt"
        "keysToFetch": []
    "types": [
            "name": "Lista",
            "value": "list"
            "name": "Just nu",
            "value": "justnu"
Package options
    "search": {
        "suggestQuery": "contenttype: Package",
        "filterQuery": "contenttype: Package AND metadata_mimetype: infomaker/package-1.0",
        "suggestFields": [
        "labels": {
            "_all": "Fritext",
            "Products": "Produkter",
            "PubStatus": "Status",
            "Name": "Namn",
            "Type": "Typ",
            "Category": "Kategori"
        "keysToFetch": []
    "types": [
            "name": "Utgåva",
            "value": "utgåva",
            "categories": [
                    "name": "Morgon",
                    "value": "morgon"
                    "name": "Kväll",
                    "value": "kväll"
                    "name": "Special",
                    "value": "special"
            "name": "Nyhetsbrev",
            "value": "nyhetsbrev",
            "categories": []
Article options
  "keysToFetch": []

v2 config

Template config
    "itemTemplate": {
        "title": [
                "property": "articleHeadline"
        "body": [
                "property": "uuid"
        "imageIdentifier": {
                "property": "imageUuid"
    "coverTemplate": {
        "title": [
                "property": "teaserHeadline"
        "body": [
                "property": "teaserVignette"
        "imageIdentifier": {
          "property": "teaserImageUuid"
OC-list config (config dependent on OC config above)
    "writer": {
      "url": "http://writer.domain"
    "icp": {
        "contentProvider": "CHANGE_ME_TO_ICC_CONTENT_PROVIDER",
        "thumbnail": "default"
    "lcc": {
        "ocProvider": "CHANGE_ME_TO_LCC_OC_PROVIDER",
        "qsProvider": "CHANGE_ME_TO_LCC_QS_PROVIDER"
    "defaultListLimit": 30,
    "displayPublishedFilter": false,
    "products": [
            "name": "Barometern",
            "value": [
            "name": "Samtliga",
    "propertyMapping": [
            "field": "hasBeenPublished",
            "ocProperty": "HasBeenPublished"
            "field": "etag",
            "ocProperty": "checksum"
            "field": "uuid",
            "ocProperty": "uuid"
            "field": "contentType",
            "ocProperty": "contenttype"
            "field": "name",
            "ocProperty": "Name"
            "field": "category",
            "ocProperty": "Category"
            "field": "description",
            "ocProperty": "Description"
            "field": "articleUuids",
            "ocProperty": "ArticleUuids"
            "field": "products",
            "ocProperty": "Products"
            "field": "listUuid",
            "ocProperty": "ListUuid"
            "field": "coverUuid",
            "ocProperty": "CoverUuid"
            "field": "pubStart",
            "ocProperty": "PubStart"
            "field": "pubStop",
            "ocProperty": "PubStop"
            "field": "pubStatus",
            "ocProperty": "PubStatus"
            "field": "cover",
            "ocProperty": "CoverRelation",
            "type": "relation"
            "field": "list",
            "ocProperty": "ListRelation",
            "type": "relation"
            "field": "imageUuid",
            "ocProperty": "ImageUuid"
            "field": "items",
            "ocProperty": "ArticleRelation",
            "type": "relation"
            "field": "itemList",
            "ocProperty": "ListUuid"
            "field": "package",
            "ocProperty": "PackageRelation",
            "type": "relation"
            "field": "headline",
            "ocProperty": "ArticleHeadline"
            "field": "section",
            "ocProperty": "Section"
            "field": "type",
            "ocProperty": "Type"
            "field": "listItemLimit",
            "ocProperty": "ListItemLimit"
    "articleOptions": {
        "propertiesToFetch": [
    "packageOptions": {
        "search": {
            "labels": {
                "ProductsSuggest": "Produkt",
                "PubStatus": "Status",
                "TypeSuggest": "Typ",
                "NameSortSuggest": "Namn"
            "suggestQuery": "contenttype: Package",
            "suggestFields": [
            "propertiesToFetch": [
        "types": [
                "name": "Utgåva",
                "value": "utgåva",
                "categories": [
                        "name": "Morgon",
                        "value": "morgon"
                        "name": "Kväll",
                        "value": "kväll"
                        "name": "Special",
                        "value": "special"
                "name": "Nyhetsbrev",
                "value": "nyhetsbrev",
                "categories": []
    "listOptions": {
        "search": {
            "labels": {
                "ProductsSuggest": "Produkt",
                "PubStatus": "Status",
                "NameSortSuggest": "Listnamn",
                "TypeSuggest": "Typ"
            "sortProperty": "updated",
            "suggestQuery": "contenttype: List",
            "suggestFields": [
            "propertiesToFetch": [
        "types": [
                "name": "Lista",
                "value": "list"
                "name": "Just nu",
                "value": "justnu"
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