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Rss Reader Config

Hamzah Al Hariri edited this page Nov 30, 2018 · 1 revision


url to your RSS-xml feed

Refresh rate

Update RSS feed interval in minute


Feed's extractor

Feed's extractor xpaths

    "title": "/*:rss/*:channel/*:title/text()",
    "link": "/*:rss/*:channel/*:link/text()",
    "description": "/*:rss/*:channel/*:description/text()",
    "language": "/*:rss/*:channel/*:language/text()",
    "items": "/*:rss/*:channel/*:item"

Feed's item extractor

Feed's item extractor.

    "link": {
        "key": "link",
        "match": [],
        "replace": []
    "headline": {
        "key": "title",
        "match": [],
        "replace": []
    "description": {
        "key": "description",
        "match": [
                "regex": "/<\\s*p[^>]*>([^<]*)<\\s*\\/\\s*p\\s*>/g"
        "replace": [
                "value": "<p>",
                "with": ""
                "value": "</p>",
                "with": ""
    "extra": [
            "key": "author",
            "match": [],
            "replace": []
            "key": "pubDate",
            "match": [],
            "replace": []

Item extractor description:

link: Object Url-link for feed item to open in a new window onClick.

headline: Object Feed item title to be displayed as a headline in the list item.

description: Object Feed item description to be displayed as a body in the list item.

extra: Array Extra data to be displayed as a footer in the list item

Object item description:

key: String The element key to get from the feed to be replaced in the list item.

match: Array match specific values from the feed item element.

replace: Array rplace specific values from the feed item element.

Array item description:

Array of objects like Object item description to get the values from the feed item and displayed in one line as a footer in the list item.

match: Array Array of objects to match a specific value from the feed value uses regex

each object should has a property: regex

    "match": [
            "regex": "/<\\s*p[^>]*>([^<]*)<\\s*\\/\\s*p\\s*>/g" //Example to match value with in <p></p> tag.

replace: Array Array of objects to match a specific value from the feed value uses string || regex

each object should has to properties: value && with || regex && with

    "replace": [ //Example to replace <p> and </p> with empty string
            "value": "<p>",
            "with": ""
            "value": "</p>",
            "with": ""
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