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BONUS SECTION. Your Dashboard

Elizabeth Adams edited this page Nov 27, 2018 · 2 revisions

You should see a bucket pop up in your Initial State account called "😈 Electric Imp Nora".

I let the Nora run on windowsill at our office for about a day and collected almost 16,000 data points. The dashboard turned out pretty cool because I could see how light levels declined over the day and how the temperature changed. In this screenshot I compared 12-2AM to 12-2PM:

screen shot 2016-02-24 at 3 27 04 pm

Pretty cool!

Now the Nora was sitting still, the exact same way this whole time, so I tried just turning it about 90 degrees for a few readings. You can see from the magnetometer data that the sudden dip in the x and y is when I turned it:

screen shot 2016-02-24 at 3 56 35 pm