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Part 2. Setting up the Cactus Micro

Rachel edited this page Nov 19, 2015 · 1 revision

Working with the Cactus Micro is almost identical to working with any other Arduino (it runs on the ATmega32U4 chip). Things only start to get different when communicating with the WiFi chip.

As with any other Arduino the board can sometimes get "bricked" and refuse new sketch uploads. To fix this, try to upload a blank sketch, and while it is uploading rapidly press the reset button next to the micro USB port twice. If the sketch doesn't successfully upload after the first try, just try again!

Now, if you have no idea what I'm talking about when I mention "sketches" and "uploading", no worries - the next section covers some Arduino basics! If you're an Arduino pro, go ahead and skip to "Reading from a Sensor".

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