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BepInEx Plugin to allow loading into the game with unstripped Assemblies.


Download the BepInEx Package from the Releases and unzip into your game directory to set it up

Inkbound directory: Inkbound/

├── BepInEx/ (Put here by you)

│ └── (a few subdirectories)

├── doorstop_config.ini (Put here by you)

├── winhttp.dll (Put here by you)

├── UnityPlayer.dll

├── UnityCrashHandler64.exe

├── Inkbound.exe

├── MonoBleedingEdge/

├── Inkbound_Data/

└── Inkbound_BurstDebugInformation_DoNotShip/


Version 1.2.8 (Early Access Patch 0.3.1)

  • Fixed bugged Force Offline initialization (only worked with Custom Vestiges).
  • Made patches more granular to try and be more resistent to future updates breaking stuff.

Version 1.2.7 (Early Access Patch 0.3.1)

  • Recompiled for new version.

Version 1.2.6 (Early Access Patch 0.3.0)

  • ForceOffline is now initialized later. This prevents the error that the dirty flag is set after initialization which would prevent the mod from copying save files.
  • Added check to always copy save files if none currently exist.

Version 1.2.5 (Early Access Patch 0.3.0)

  • VestigeTemplate now Supports Vestige Sets
  • Now supports search by display name again (was broken since 0.3.0 replaced DisplayNames with localization Keys)

Version 1.2.4 (Early Access Patch 0.3.0)

  • (Bubbles): Add some Unity Extensions
  • Code Cleanup

Version 1.2.3 (Early Access Patch 0.3.0)

  • (Bubbles): Compatability with game version 0.3.0.

Version 1.2.2 (Early Access Patch 0.2.9)

  • Changed ForceOffline to make options clearer.
  • Code Cleanup (Moved to new .csproj template; Removed some VestigeUtils dumping code that wasn't used anymore).

Version 1.2.1 (Early Access Patch 0.2.9)

  • Custom items are now saved when runs are stopped and continued later.
  • It is now possible to overwrite existing Vestiges with Vestige Template (The internal name or the guid has to match that of the existing Vestige.

Version 1.2 (Early Access Patch 0.2.9)

  • Finished implementation of VestigeUtils.
  • Added the possibility to add new Vestiges by just adding a textfile and an image; no need for doing all the work that comes with creating a mod project.

Version 1.1.3 (Early Access Patch 0.2.9)

  • Added opt-out Force Offline; meaning if any unknown mod without the [CosmeticPlugin] Attribute is encountered the game will automatically enter Forced Offline mode.

Version 1.1.2 (Early Access Patch 0.2.9)

  • Integrate force offline functionality.

Version 1.1.1 (Early Access Patch 0.2.9)

  • Added basic VestigeUtils.
  • Change project layout.

Version 1.1 (Early Access Patch 0.2.9)

  • Disabled Crash Reports and Analytics.

Version 1.0 (Early Access Patch 0.2.8)

  • Initial Release.


## Settings file was created by plugin Inkbound Mod Enabler v1.2.6
## Plugin GUID: InkboundModEnabler

[Custom Content]

## This is where the mod will use as root to search for new Vestiges and as base path for their icons. This automatically defaults to the game directory when you first start the game.
# Setting type: String
# Default value: C:Your\Path\To\Steam\steamapps\common\Inkbound\BepInEx\custom\Vestiges
customVestigeRootDirectory = C:Your\Path\To\Steam\steamapps\common\Inkbound\BepInEx\custom\Vestiges

## Disable this to ignore possible existing custom Vestiges in the customVestigeRootDirectors.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
checkForCustomVestiges = true

[Force Offline]

## Force the game to start in offline mode
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
ForceOfflineMode = false

## This is where Force Offline will save your offline runs when it is turned on. This automatically defaults to the game directory when you first start the game.
# Setting type: String
# Default value: C:Your\Path\To\Steam\steamapps\common\Inkbound\BepInEx\plugins\InkboundModEnabler\persistent_data
persistentPath = C:Your\Path\To\Steam\steamapps\common\Inkbound\BepInEx\plugins\InkboundModEnabler\persistent_data

## Keep offline saves separate from normal. This allows having offline and online mode to keep track of different progression. This is forced behaviour when using non-cosmetic mods. Best used with OverwriteOfflineSave set to false
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
UseSeparateOfflineSave = false

## If UseSeparateOfflineSave is enabled, setting this to false prevents the mod from overwriting the offline save with online saves, basically treating offline and online as two separate profiles.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
OverwriteOfflineSave = true

## Ignored if OverwriteOfflineSave is false. If this is enabled then offline saves will be overwritten even if there is a paused run in the offline save.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
OverwriteSavedOfflineRun = false