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Hi 👋, I'm Thiago

A Backend Developer and Software Engineer

inoxybel's GitHub stats

  • 🔭 I’m graduated Software Analysis and Development at FIAP

  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Software Engineer

  • 👨‍💻 Some of my academic projects are available at Repositories

  • 💬 Ask me about .NET, C#, React, Python, DDD, Software Architecture, Patterns, MongoDB, SQL, REDIS, Docker, GIT, KAFKA, ... Technology

  • 📫 How to reach me

About Me

(EN) Highly focused and resilient technology professional, recognized for an exceptional commitment to academic and professional excellence. Over the past two years, I have distinguished myself by consistently achieving the highest graduation average and having my academic projects selected among the best, reflecting strong dedication and a proactive approach to learning and professional development. With a proven ability to overcome challenges and a willingness to take on additional responsibilities, I quickly evolved from an intern to a full professional, balancing multiple job responsibilities with outstanding academic performance. My unwavering commitment to career goals and constant pursuit of growth position me to make significant contributions in dynamic and future-oriented environments.

(PT-BR) Profissional de tecnologia altamente focado e resiliente, reconhecido por um excepcional comprometimento com a excelência tanto acadêmica quanto profissional. Nos últimos dois anos, destaquei-me por obter a maior média de graduação consistentemente e ter meus projetos acadêmicos selecionados entre os melhores, refletindo uma forte dedicação e uma abordagem proativa à aprendizagem e ao desenvolvimento profissional. Com uma habilidade comprovada para superar desafios e uma disposição para assumir responsabilidades adicionais, evoluí rapidamente de estagiário para profissional pleno, equilibrando múltiplas responsabilidades de trabalho com um desempenho acadêmico de destaque. Meu compromisso inabalável com os objetivos de carreira e a busca constante por crescimento me posicionam para fazer contribuições significativas em ambientes dinâmicos e orientados para o futuro.

🌟 Featured Projects

IAcademy: A Revolutionary AI-Driven Online Training Platform

Project Overview: IAcademy is my most significant and recent academic project, elected as one of the top 12 projects in the FIAP institution, embodying a pioneering approach to online training. This platform leverages Generative AI to offer users personalized learning experiences, featuring new explanations, custom examples, intelligently crafted exercises, and dynamic corrections with real-time feedback. Each user's learning journey is uniquely tailored: User A's specific challenges are mapped and addressed in the most effective way for their learning process, while User B's focus is on their unique set of difficulties. With the extensive data collected, the platform can swiftly identify the learning hurdles of User X's profile, optimizing their learning process for enhanced productivity.

Current Status: The MVP of this project is in these repositories:

You can see the MVP from Youtube clicking here

Another Academic Projects

Below are some of the projects I worked on during my graduation in Analysis and Systems Development at FIAP. The scopes and technologies used varied according to the requirements of the professors for each assignment.

  1. TaskManager

    • Repository
    • Description: A mini task management platform that integrates a React Native front-end with a .NET API, using MongoDB, Docker, and Docker-Compose. Hosted on Azure Cloud.
  2. Student Manager

    • Repository
    • Description: A mini platform for student registration and management, using Docker, Docker-Compose, ASP.NET MVC, SQL, and authentication.
  3. DreamControl

    • Repository
    • Description: A project for sleep time control, aiming to record user sleep time, create metrics and goals, and generate reports on user rest. RESTful API developed in Java, using Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring HATEOAS, and Spring Data.
  4. Friday IA Assistant

    • Repository
    • Description: An Alexa-like assistant integrated with GPT-4 and using speech recognition and pyttsx3 technologies. Monolith (as per the professor's request) built in Python.
  5. DonateDine

    • Repository
    • Description: A project aimed at managing consumer users, producers, and food items to reduce food waste. The application connects stores and producers with consumers and other producers to reuse food items for consumption or donations.
  6. Employee Management System

    • Repository
    • Description: A basic .NET CRUD for managing PJ and CLT employees. Used .NET 6 and libraries like MOQ, XUnit, and FluentAssertions.
  7. User Manager

    • Repository
    • Description: API for user management, featuring a complete CRUD. Built with .NET 6, MongoDB, and Docker. Hosted on Azure Cloud with infrastructure created via CLI.

Connect with me:

th-agomatos thiago4400 Inoxybel#9939



Languages and Tools:

csharp .NET XUnit MongoDB Redis SQL React Native Apache Kafka RabbitMQ javascript Scrum Angular c cplusplus


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