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[1.20.1] Json Configs

Insane96 edited this page Jan 7, 2024 · 5 revisions

The following config options can be found as .json files in the config folder.
These options can be reloaded with the /reload command. Some options might still require a MC restart. Jsons can be found in config/iguanatweaksreborn/<module>/<feature>/ E.g. Stats feature (Combat module) jsons can be found in config/iguanatweaksreborn/Combat/Stats/

Common objects


  • id: ID or Tag
  • value: The chance for bonemeal to fail to grow the specified plant.


  • id: ID or Tag
  • min: The minimum experience dropped by the block
  • max: The maximum experience dropped by the block




Disable enchantments, as straightforward as this.
The json contains a list of enchantments.
It looks like this:




Change or add experience dropped by blocks.
The json contains a list of IdTagRange with a block id or tag and the min and max being the experience dropped.


Bone meal


Set the chance for bonemeal to fail to grow a plant.
This json contains a list of IdTagValue with a block id or tag and the value between 0~1 being the chance for the block to fail to grow.

Hard Crops


Set the hardness for a crop.
This json contains a list of IdTagValue with a block id or tag and the value being the hardness of the specified crop.

Hoes Nerfs


Set cooldowns and durability lost on till for hoes.
This json contains a list of HoeStats.

Fields are all mandatory if not specified otherwise

  • id: Item ID or item tag
  • cooldown: the cooldown the hoe goes on when tilling
  • damage_on_till: the damage taken when tilling. Optional
  • scythe_radius: the horizontal radius in which hoes will break tall grass. (Vertical radius is given by this value -1). Optional


Most jsons use a LivestockData object, being the same as a IdTagValue with added season field.

  • season: The Serene Season's Season where this value will apply. Valid values are 'WINTER', 'SPRING', 'SUMMER', 'AUTUMN'. Doesn't work if Serene Seasons is not installed


Set a multiplier for the cooldown of animals breeding.
This json contains a list of LivestockData with an entity id or tag and the value being the cooldown multiplier for the mob to be able to breed again.


Set the chance for a breed to fail.
This json contains a list of LivestockData with an entity id or tag and the value 0~1 being the chance for the mob to not give a child.


Set the cooldown for a cow to be milked again.
This json contains a list of LivestockData with an entity id or tag and the value being the ticks for the cow to be milked again.


Set a multiplier for the cooldown of chickens laying eggs.
This json contains a list of LivestockData with an entity id or tag and the value being the cooldown multiplier for the chicken to be able to lay an egg.


Set a multiplier for the cooldown of animals growing up.
This json contains a list of LivestockData with an entity id or tag and the value being the cooldown multiplier for the animal to grow


Set the chance for a sheep wool to regrow.
This json contains a list of LivestockData with an entity id or tag and the value 0~1 being the chance for the sheep to actually regrow wool.

Plants Growth


Set growth multipliers for plants.
This json contains a list of PlantGrowthModifier.

Fields are all mandatory if not specified otherwise

  • id: Block ID or block tag
  • growth_multiplier: the generic growth multiplier. Optional, defaults to 1
  • no_sunlight_growth_multiplier: the growth multiplier when the light is below min_sunlight_required. Optional, defaults to 1
  • min_sunlight_required: the light required for the crop to not apply the no_sunlight_growth_multiplier. Required if no_sunlight_growth_multiplier is set to > 1, defaults to 0
  • night_time_growth_multiplier: the growth multiplier when it's night time. Optional, defaults to 1
  • correct_biomes: a list of Biomes (or Biome Tags) in which the wrong_biome_multiplier will not be applied. Optional
  • wrong_biome_multiplier: the growth multiplier when the plant is not in the correct biome. Required if correct_biomes is used
  • inverse_correct_biomes: if true, wrong_biome_multiplier will not be applied in correct_biomes. Optional
  • season_multipliers: A list of SeasonMultiplier
    • A SeasonMultiplier
      • season: The Serene Season's Season where this value will apply. Valid values are 'WINTER', 'SPRING', 'SUMMER', 'AUTUMN'. Doesn't work if Serene Seasons is not installed
      • multiplier: The multiplier to apply when it's the specified season

Hunger & Health



Set food properties.
This json contains a list of foods (or item tags) with the relative properties.

Fields are all mandatory if not specified otherwise

  • id: Item ID or item tag. Must be a food
  • nutrition: Hunger restored by the food
  • saturation_modifier: The saturation modifier of the food (note this is not the saturation given by the food, but a multiplier. Saturation Ratio on the Wiki)
  • eating_time: The time taken by the food to be eaten.
  • fast_eating: If true, the item will be eaten at twice the speed
  • effects: A list of effects (and chance) to apply when the specified food is eaten
    • One MobEffectInstance
      • id: Mob Effect Id
      • amplifier: Effect level (level I is 0)
      • duration: Duration in ticks
      • chance: Chance for the effect to apply


Block Hardness


Set hardness of blocks or block tags.
This json contains a list of IdTagValue with a block id or tag and the value being the hardness of the specified block.


Set hardness multipliers for dimension.
This json contains a list of DimensionHardnessMultiplier.

Fields are all mandatory if not specified otherwise

  • dimension: Dimension id
  • multiplier: the hardness multiplier


Increase hardness the deeper you mine.
This json contains a list of DepthHardnessDimension.

Fields are all mandatory if not specified otherwise

  • dimension: Dimension id
  • multiplier: the hardness multiplier added for each block below apply_below_y
  • apply_below_y: the Y coordinate at which the hardness multiplier starts kicking in
  • stop_at: the Y coordinate at which the hardness multiplier stops adding up


Beacon & Conduit


Set blocks or block tags with the relative increase in beacon range per block. After the blocks have been summed the final value is divided by the number of layers of the beacon.
This json contains a list of IdTagValue with a block id or tag and the value being how many blocks of range will the beacon gain by this block.


Set the effects that the beacon can give.
This json contains TDB. A maximum of 16 effects can be specified.


Set how much time an item refills the beacon.
This json contains a list of IdTagValue with an item id or tag and the value being how many ticks will refill the beacon.



Give effects to players based off some stats.
This json contains a list of DeBuff.

Fields are all mandatory if not specified otherwise

  • stat: The stat. ("hunger", "health", "experience_level")
  • min: The minimum of the stat. Optional if max exists
  • max: The maximum of the stat. Optional if min exists
  • effect: The effect id to apply
  • amplifier: The level of the effect (0 = I, 1 = II, and so on). Optional, defaults to 0

Give Mining Fatigue if the hunger of the player is 2 or lower

    "stat": "hunger",
    "max": 2.0,
    "effect": "minecraft:mining_fatigue"



Set the drop chances of mobs equipment. Mobs and slots in this list are not affected by the "Drop Chance" config option in "Equipment" feature. This json contains a list of EquipmentDropChance.

Fields are all mandatory if not specified otherwise

  • entity: Entity id or tag
  • slot: The slot to set the drop chance
  • drop_chance: the drop chance (0 ~ 1). If omitted the drop chance will stay the same as vanilla.


Terrain Slowdown


Sets slowdown on certain blocks.
This json contains a list of IdTagValue with a block id or tag and the value between 0~1 being the percentage amount to slow down / speed up entities on it.


Sets slowdown in certain blocks.
This json contains a list of IdTagValue with a block id or tag and the value between 0~1 being the percentage amount to slow down / speed up entities in it.

Weighted Equipment