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Releases: Internet-of-People/iop-rs

Ascent Comments

30 Jun 14:31
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  • New WASM bindings:
    • allNetworkNames() lists all network names that are accepted as a parameter in some methods.
    • Bip39.shortEntropy(), Bip39.shortPhrase() improves compatibility with old wallets like Coinomi.
    • wrapWithNonce() helps adding extra entropy to a JSON document, where selective masking will be used.
    • MorpheusPrivate.path and MorpheusPrivateKind.path returns BIP32 derivation paths to allow compatibility with other wallets.
    • MorpheusOperationSigner.signWithId() makes it easier to sign with a key if only its identifier is known to the caller.
    • JwtBuilder.timeToLive property helps to override the default 5s expiration of tokens.
    • new MorpheusSignableOperation(json) and new MorpheusSignedOperation(json) mirrors MorpheusSignableOperation.toJSON() and
      MorpheusSignedOperation.toJSON(), so it is easier to build complex SSI transactions.
  • Documented all WASM methods in the SDK, except those related to Coeus for now.


  • Vault freshly created from a random seed is dirty (unsaved).
  • All crates are now using Rust edition 2021.

Transaction Relation

09 Nov 20:15
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  • JsSubtreePolicies methods should not take ownership of self


  • Exposed all 4 DID kinds (persona, device, group, resource) through WASM, FFI and vault file format.
  • Exposed SignedJson serialization format through WASM and FFI.
  • Made the native Rust SDK more usable by re-exporting symbols through it.
  • Morpheus node stores transaction ID of PoE SSI operations, so it can be queried in IBeforeProofHistory.
  • scripts/ helps publishing all crates in the correct order.

Property Properly

27 Jul 08:15
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  • DID documents generated were missing the index property in the objects in the keys list.


  • Separated sign and signWithKey methods on MorpheusOperationSigner both in WASM and FFI

Load Node Mode

09 Jul 11:46
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  • Separated node-wasm and sdk-wasm, so hydra-core plugins can have code that does not bloat the SDK
  • Multicipher objects can be safely downcasted in Rust to secp and ed cipher objects.
  • Added some missing bindings to WASM and FFI

Taming Naming

06 Nov 09:32
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We're heavily refactoring our crate structure while implementing Coeus, our decentralized naming system as the second Layer-2 component. Our end goal is to make fine-grained crates for reducing dependency footprint for integrators by separating client/server sides and making Morpheus and Coeus optional plugins.


  • Coeus: generic decentralized naming system built on top of a distributed ledger. Allows binding arbitrary data to names, allowing naming schemas, wallets, DIDs, devices, etc. This helps public figures and services to be more accessible and transparent. For more details, see the IOP Developer Portal.


  • BREAKING: changed crate hierarchy
    • coeus-core: a temporary crate with proto, sdk and node parts are not separated yet
    • coeus-core-wasm: WebAssembly bindings for Coeus, sdk and node parts are not separated yet
    • hydra-proto: extracted hydra-dependent blockchain features (e.g. Morpheus and Coeus transactions) into their own crate
    • hydra-sdk: Hydra BIP32 subtree plugin for the Vault
    • morpheus-sdk-legacy: the old morpheus-sdk is now considered to be legacy code and was thus renamed
    • morpheus-sdk: Morpheus BIP32 subtree plugin for the Vault
    • sdk: IOP aggregate crate for clients (stub)
    • vault: extracted keyvault state serialization into its own crate


  • serde structure of Morpheus transactions, parsing them will not collide with core transactions
  • core transactions without an asset will not serialize an "asset": "none"JSON field
  • cleaned up some basic API types like BlockHeight and BlockCount
  • fixed contact email in crate descriptions

Finest digest

21 Sep 09:38
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  • Extracted and released json-digest as separate crate

Aligned minds

07 Sep 12:59
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  • Create and verify JWT tokens with multicipher
  • Hydra transaction builder, exposed on FFI and Wasm
    • transfer
    • vote
    • unvote
  • HydraSigner available on Wasm
  • xprv on HydraPrivate

Humble rumble

28 Jul 13:29
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First github release, yeay