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[546] Coverage tests for Chain Traces + refactor Deleg Trace coverage…
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uroboros committed Jul 17, 2019
1 parent 8ffdbad commit 2771ca0
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Showing 5 changed files with 311 additions and 99 deletions.
122 changes: 118 additions & 4 deletions byron/chain/executable-spec/test/Cardano/Spec/Chain/STS/Properties.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,24 +1,31 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module Cardano.Spec.Chain.STS.Properties where

import Control.Lens ((^.), (^..))
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.Lens (view, (&), (^.), (^..), _1, _5)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.List.Ordered (nubSortBy)
import Data.Ord (Down (Down), comparing)
import Hedgehog (MonadTest, Property, assert, failure, forAll, property, withTests, (===))

import Hedgehog (MonadTest, Property, assert, cover, failure, forAll, property, withTests,

import Control.State.Transition
import Control.State.Transition.Generator (TraceLength (Maximum), classifyTraceLength,
import qualified Control.State.Transition.Generator as TransitionGenerator
import Control.State.Transition.Trace

import Ledger.Core (BlockCount (BlockCount), Epoch, Slot (unSlot))
import Ledger.Delegation
import Ledger.GlobalParams (slotsPerEpoch)

import Cardano.Spec.Chain.STS.Block
import Cardano.Spec.Chain.STS.Rule.Chain
import Ledger.Core (BlockCount (BlockCount))
import Cardano.Spec.Chain.STS.Rule.Epoch (sEpoch)

slotsIncrease :: Property
slotsIncrease = property $ do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,3 +79,110 @@ signersListIsBoundedByK = property $ do
signersListIsBoundedByKInState :: MonadTest m => BlockCount -> State CHAIN -> m ()
signersListIsBoundedByKInState (BlockCount k') (_sLast, sgs, _h, _utxoSt, _ds, _us) =
assert $ length sgs <= fromIntegral k'

relevantCasesAreCovered :: Property
relevantCasesAreCovered = withTests 400 $ property $ do
tr <- forAll $ traceSigGen (Maximum 250) (sigGenChain GenDelegation NoGenUTxO)
let certs = traceDCerts tr

-- for at least 15% of traces...
cover 15
"there are more certificates than blocks"
(traceLength tr <= length certs)

-- for at least 5% of traces...
cover 5
"the majority of blocks (at least 75%) have certificates"
(emptyDelegationPayloadRatio (traceDCertsByBlock tr) <= 0.25)

-- for at least 50% of traces...
cover 50
"some delegations (at least 15%) delegate to this epoch"
(0.15 <= thisEpochDelegationsRatio (epochDelegationEpoch tr))

-- for at least 50% of traces...
cover 50
"the majority of delegations (at least 50%) delegate to the next epoch"
(0.5 <= nextEpochDelegationsRatio (epochDelegationEpoch tr))

-- for at least 10% of traces...
cover 10
"not too many certificates (at most 25%) self-delegate"
(selfDelegationsRatio certs <= 0.25)

-- for at least 50% of traces...
cover 50
"some delegates (at least 25%) have multiple delegators"
(0.25 <= multipleDelegationsRatio certs)

-- for at least 10% of traces...
cover 10
"some delegates have at least 5 corresponding delegators"
(5 <= maxDelegationsTo certs)

-- for at least 8% of traces...
cover 8
"not too many delegators (at most 25%) change their delegation"
(changedDelegationsRatio certs <= 0.25)

-- for at least 10% of traces...
cover 10
"some delegators have changed their delegation 5 or more times"
(5 <= maxChangedDelegations certs)

-- for at least 20% of traces...
cover 20
"not too many delegations (at most 25%) are repeats"
(repeatedDelegationsRatio certs <= 0.25)

-- for at least 10% of traces...
cover 10
"some delegations are repeated 10 or more times"
(10 <= maxRepeatedDelegations certs)

-- for at least 10% of traces...
cover 10
"some blocks have 5 or more certificates"
(5 <= maxCertsPerBlock (traceDCertsByBlock tr))

-- for at least 25% of traces...
cover 25
"there is at least one change of epoch in the trace"
(2 <= epochBoundariesInTrace tr)

-- for at least 10% of traces...
cover 10
"there are at least 5 epoch changes in the trace"
(5 <= epochBoundariesInTrace tr)
-- Get the epoch in which the delegation certificates of the trace were
-- applied, paired with the epoch of the delegation certificate.
epochDelegationEpoch :: Trace CHAIN -> [(Epoch, Epoch)]
epochDelegationEpoch tr = preStatesAndSignals @CHAIN OldestFirst tr
& fmap (sEpoch_ . view _1 *** (fmap depoch . (_bDCerts . _bBody)))
& fmap (\(e, es) -> zip (repeat e) es)
& concat
blockCount = _traceEnv tr ^. _5
sEpoch_ = flip sEpoch blockCount

-- Count the number of epoch boundaries in the trace
epochBoundariesInTrace :: Trace CHAIN -> Int
epochBoundariesInTrace tr
= length $
filter (== 0) (isAtBoundary <$> slots)
where blocks = traceSignals NewestFirst tr
slots = blocks ^.. traverse . bHeader . bhSlot
k = _traceEnv tr ^. _5
isAtBoundary = (`rem` slotsPerEpoch k) . unSlot

-- | Extract the delegation certificates in the blocks, in the order they would
-- have been applied.
traceDCertsByBlock :: Trace CHAIN -> [[DCert]]
traceDCertsByBlock tr = _bDCerts . _bBody <$> traceSignals OldestFirst tr

-- | Flattended list of DCerts for the given Trace
traceDCerts :: Trace CHAIN -> [DCert]
traceDCerts = concat . traceDCertsByBlock

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions byron/chain/executable-spec/test/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,5 +19,6 @@ main = defaultMain tests
, testAbstractSize
, testProperty "Only valid signals are generated" CHAIN.onlyValidSignalsAreGenerated
, testProperty "Signers list is bounded by k " CHAIN.signersListIsBoundedByK
, testProperty "We are generating reasonable Chain Traces" CHAIN.relevantCasesAreCovered
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions byron/ledger/executable-spec/cs-ledger.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ library
, hashable
, hedgehog >= 1.0
, lens
, Unique >=
-- Local deps
, small-steps
default-language: Haskell2010
Expand Down
145 changes: 140 additions & 5 deletions byron/ledger/executable-spec/src/Ledger/Delegation.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -62,6 +62,19 @@ module Ledger.Delegation
, initialEnvFromGenesisKeys
-- * Functions on delegation state
, delegatorOf
-- * Support Functions for delegation properties
, delegatorDelegate
, emptyDelegationPayloadRatio
, thisEpochDelegationsRatio
, nextEpochDelegationsRatio
, selfDelegationsRatio
, multipleDelegationsRatio
, maxDelegationsTo
, changedDelegationsRatio
, maxChangedDelegations
, repeatedDelegationsRatio
, maxRepeatedDelegations
, maxCertsPerBlock

Expand All @@ -73,6 +86,7 @@ import qualified Data.Bimap as Bimap
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import qualified Data.Hashable as H
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.List.Unique (count)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
Expand All @@ -86,14 +100,14 @@ import Hedgehog.Range (linear)

import Control.State.Transition (Embed, Environment, IRC (IRC), PredicateFailure, STS,
Signal, State, TRC (TRC), initialRules, judgmentContext, trans,
transitionRules, wrapFailed, (?!))
Signal, State, TRC (TRC), initialRules, judgmentContext,
trans, transitionRules, wrapFailed, (?!))
import Control.State.Transition.Generator (HasTrace, envGen, genTrace, sigGen)
import Control.State.Transition.Trace (TraceOrder (OldestFirst), traceSignals)
import Ledger.Core (BlockCount, Epoch, HasHash, Hash (Hash), Owner (Owner), Sig,
Slot (Slot), SlotCount (SlotCount), VKey (VKey), VKeyGenesis (VKeyGenesis),
addSlot, hash, mkVkGenesisSet, range, signWithGenesisKey, unBlockCount, (∈),
(∉), (⨃))
Slot (Slot), SlotCount (SlotCount), VKey (VKey),
VKeyGenesis (VKeyGenesis), addSlot, hash, mkVkGenesisSet, owner,
range, signWithGenesisKey, unBlockCount, (∈), (∉), (⨃))
import Ledger.Core.Generators (epochGen, slotGen)
import qualified Ledger.Core.Generators as CoreGen

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -575,3 +589,124 @@ initialEnvFromGenesisKeys ngk chainLength =
<*> epochGen 0 10
<*> slotGen 0 100
<*> CoreGen.k chainLength (chainLength `div` 10)

-- Shared support functions for Delegation Properties

delegatorDelegate :: DCert -> (VKeyGenesis, VKey)
delegatorDelegate = delegator &&& delegate

ratioInt :: Int -> Int -> Double
ratioInt x y
= fromIntegral x / fromIntegral y

-- | Filters the list with the predicate and returns
-- the ratio of filtered to original list lengths.
lenRatio :: ([a] -> [b]) -> [a] -> Double
lenRatio p xs
= ratioInt (length (p xs))
(length xs)

maxInt :: [Int] -> Int
maxInt [] = 0
maxInt xs = List.maximum xs

-- | True if the tuple count (snd item) is >= 2
multiple :: (a,Int) -> Bool
multiple = (2 <=) . snd

-- | Count the number of delegates in the given certificates
delegateCounts :: [DCert] -> [(VKey, Int)]
delegateCounts certs
= fmap delegatorDelegate certs
-- Remove duplicated elements, since we're not
-- interested in repeated delegations
& List.nub
-- Select the (unique) delegates
& fmap snd
-- If we have more than one occurrence of a delegate,
-- then we know that there were multiple delegations
-- to that delegate
& count

-- | Count the number of delegators in the given certificates
delegatorCounts :: [DCert] -> [(VKeyGenesis, Int)]
delegatorCounts dcerts
= fmap delegatorDelegate dcerts
-- Remove duplicated elements, since we're not
-- interested in repeated delegations
& List.nub
-- Select the (unique) delegators
& fmap fst
-- If we have more than one occurrence of a delegator,
-- then we know that the delegator changed their delegation
& count

-- | Ratio of certificate groups that are empty
emptyDelegationPayloadRatio :: [[DCert]] -> Double
= lenRatio (filter null)

-- | Ratio of certificates that delegate to _this_ epoch, where
-- each certificate is represented by (current epoch,cert epoch)
thisEpochDelegationsRatio :: [(Epoch, Epoch)] -> Double
= lenRatio (filter thisEpoch)
thisEpoch = uncurry (==)

-- | Ratio of certificates that delegate to the _next_ epoch, where
-- each certificate is represented by (current epoch,cert epoch)
nextEpochDelegationsRatio :: [(Epoch, Epoch)] -> Double
= lenRatio (filter nextEpoch)
nextEpoch (e0, e1) = e0 + 1 == e1

-- | Ratio of certificates that "delegate to self", that is,
-- where the delegator and delegate are the same
selfDelegationsRatio :: [DCert] -> Double
= lenRatio (filter selfDeleg . fmap delegatorDelegate)
selfDeleg (vks, vk) = owner vks == owner vk

-- | Ratio of delegates that have multiple delegators
-- that are delegating to them
multipleDelegationsRatio :: [DCert] -> Double
multipleDelegationsRatio dcerts
= lenRatio (filter multiple) (delegateCounts dcerts)

-- | The maximum number of delegators to any particular delegate
maxDelegationsTo :: [DCert] -> Int
maxDelegationsTo dcerts
= maxInt (snd <$> filter multiple (delegateCounts dcerts))

-- | Ratio of delegators that have changed their delegations
changedDelegationsRatio :: [DCert] -> Double
changedDelegationsRatio dcerts
= lenRatio (filter multiple) (delegatorCounts dcerts)

-- | The maximum number of change-of-delegate for any particular delegator
maxChangedDelegations :: [DCert] -> Int
maxChangedDelegations dcerts
= maxInt (snd <$> filter multiple (delegateCounts dcerts))

-- | Ratio of repeated delegations to all delegations
repeatedDelegationsRatio :: [DCert] -> Double
repeatedDelegationsRatio dcerts
= fmap delegatorDelegate dcerts
& count
& lenRatio (filter multiple)

-- | The maximum number of repeated delegations in the given certificates
maxRepeatedDelegations :: [DCert] -> Int
maxRepeatedDelegations dcerts
= maxInt (snd <$> filter multiple ds)
ds = count (fmap delegatorDelegate dcerts)

maxCertsPerBlock :: [[DCert]] -> Int
maxCertsPerBlock groupedCerts
= maxInt (map length groupedCerts)

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