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DRepDistr: iterate over UMap in chunks.
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The DRepDistr was being calculated by iterating over the StakeDistr,
which meant that delegations that have only rewards and no UTxOs would
be left out. This commit changes the calculation to iterate over the
UMap in chunks instead, adding the corresponding rewards and StakeDistr
in the calculation and producing a DRepDistr for all DReps that are
either registered or one of the eternal ones, irrespective of whether
they have an associated StakeDistr.

Also add `UMap.umElemDRepDelegatedReward` to get only those rewards that
have an active DRep delegation.
  • Loading branch information
aniketd authored and lehins committed Apr 25, 2024
1 parent a2d7a81 commit 401410c
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Showing 12 changed files with 241 additions and 85 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions eras/conway/impl/
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Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@

## 1.14.0 0

* Make `DRepDistr` calculation include rewards when no UTxO stake is delegated. #4273
* Rename `computeDrepPulser` to `computeDRepPulser`.
* Implement `NoThunks` instance for:
* `ConwayUtxoPredFailure`
* `ConwayUtxowPredFailure`
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### `testlib`

* Add `setupDRepWithoutStake` to `Conway.ImpTest`. #4273
* Implement `ConwayUtxowPredFailure` instances:
* `Arbitrary`
* `ToExpr`
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9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions eras/conway/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Conway/Governance.hs
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Expand Up @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ module Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Governance (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -424,18 +424,19 @@ setFreshDRepPulsingState epochNo stakePoolDistr epochState = do
dState = certDState certState
vState = certVState certState
govState = epochState ^. epochStateGovStateL
stakeSize = Map.size stakeDistr
-- Maximum number of blocks we are allowed to roll back
k = securityParameter globals
pulseSize = max 1 (ceiling (toInteger stakeSize % (8 * toInteger k)))
umap = dsUnified dState
umapSize = Map.size $ umElems umap
pulseSize = max 1 (ceiling (toInteger umapSize % (8 * toInteger k)))
epochState' =
& epochStateGovStateL . cgsDRepPulsingStateL
.~ DRPulsing
( DRepPulser
{ dpPulseSize = pulseSize
, dpUMap = dsUnified dState
, dpBalance = stakeDistr -- used as the balance of things left to iterate over
, dpIndex = 0 -- used as the index of the remaining UMap
, dpStakeDistr = stakeDistr -- used as part of the snapshot
, dpStakePoolDistr = stakePoolDistr
, dpDRepDistr = Map.empty -- The partial result starts as the empty map
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119 changes: 49 additions & 70 deletions eras/conway/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Conway/Governance/DRepPulser.hs
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Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ module Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Governance.DRepPulser (
PulsingSnapshot (..),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,78 +160,57 @@ instance EraPParams era => ToCBOR (PulsingSnapshot era) where
instance EraPParams era => FromCBOR (PulsingSnapshot era) where
fromCBOR = fromEraCBOR @era

-- ===============================================================================
-- Algorithm for computing the DRep stake distrubution, with and without pulsing.
-- ===============================================================================

-- | Given three inputs
-- 1) Map (Credential 'Staking c) (DRep c). The delegation map. Inside the DRepUView of
-- the UMap 'um' from the DState.
-- 2) regDreps :: Map (Credential 'DRepRole c) (DRepState c). The map of registered
-- DReps to their state. The first part of the VState.
-- 3) stakeDistr :: VMap VB VP (Credential 'Staking c) (CompactForm Coin). The
-- aggregated stake distr extracted from the first component of the IncrementalStake
-- i.e. (IStake credmap _) where credmap is converted to a VMap
-- | We iterate over a pulse-sized chunk of the UMap. For each StakingCredential
-- in the chunk that has delegated to a DRep, add the StakeDistr and rewards
-- for that Credential to the DRep Distribution, if the DRep is a DRepCredential
-- (also, AlwaysAbstain or AlwaysNoConfidence) and a member of the registered
-- DReps. If the DRepCredential is not a member of the registered DReps, ignore
-- and skip that DRep.
-- Compute the Drep distribution of stake(Coin)
-- cost is expected to be O(size of 'stakeDistr' * log (size of 'um') * log (size of 'regDreps'))
-- This is going to be expensive, so we will want to pulse it. Without pulsing,
-- we estimate 3-5 seconds
computeDrepDistr ::
UMap c ->
Map (Credential 'DRepRole c) (DRepState c) ->
-- Give or take, this operation has roughly O(a * (log(b) + log(c))) complexity,
-- where,
-- (a) is the size of the chunk of the UMap, which is expected to be the pulse-size,
-- (b) is the size of the StakeDistr, and
-- (c) is the size of the DRepDistr, this grows as the accumulator
computeDRepDistr ::
forall c.
Map (Credential 'Staking c) (CompactForm Coin) ->
Map (DRep c) (CompactForm Coin)
computeDrepDistr um regDreps stakeDistr =
Map.foldlWithKey' (accumDRepDistr um regDreps) Map.empty stakeDistr

-- | For each 'stakecred' and coin 'c', check if that credential is delegated to some DRep.
-- If so then add that coin to the aggregated map 'ans', mapping DReps to compact Coin
-- If the DRep is a DRepCredential (rather than AwaysAbstain or AlwaysNoConfidence) then check
-- that the credential is a member of the registered DRep map ('regDreps') before adding it to 'ans'
accumDRepDistr ::
UMap c ->
Map (Credential 'DRepRole c) (DRepState c) ->
Map (DRep c) (CompactForm Coin) ->
Credential 'Staking c ->
CompactForm Coin ->
Map (Credential 'Staking c) (UMElem c) ->
Map (DRep c) (CompactForm Coin)
accumDRepDistr um regDreps ans stakeCred stake@(CompactCoin compactStake) = fromMaybe ans $ do
umElem <- Map.lookup stakeCred (umElems um)
drep <- umElemDRep umElem
let stakeWithRewards =
case umElemRDPair umElem of
Nothing -> stake
Just rdPair
| CompactCoin compactReward <- rdReward rdPair ->
CompactCoin (compactReward + compactStake)
pure $ case drep of
DRepAlwaysAbstain -> Map.insertWith UMap.addCompact drep stakeWithRewards ans
DRepAlwaysNoConfidence -> Map.insertWith UMap.addCompact drep stakeWithRewards ans
DRepCredential drepCred
| Map.member drepCred regDreps -> Map.insertWith UMap.addCompact drep stakeWithRewards ans
| otherwise -> ans

-- | The type of a Pulser which uses 'accumDRepDistr' as its underlying function.
-- 'accumDRepDistr' will be partially applied to the components of type (UMap c)
-- and (Map (Credential 'DRepRole c) (DRepState c)) when pulsing. Note that we use two type
-- equality (~) constraints to fix both the monad 'm' and the 'ans' type, to
-- the context where we will use the type as a Pulser. The type DRepPulser must
-- have 'm' and 'ans' as its last two parameters so we can make a Pulsable instance.
-- We will always use this instantiation (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era))
computeDRepDistr stakeDistr regDReps dRepDistr uMapChunk =
Map.foldlWithKey' go dRepDistr uMapChunk
go accum stakeCred umElem =
let stake = fromMaybe (CompactCoin 0) $ Map.lookup stakeCred stakeDistr
in case umElemDRepDelegatedReward umElem of
Just (r, drep@DRepAlwaysAbstain) ->
Map.insertWith addCompact drep (addCompact stake r) accum
Just (r, drep@DRepAlwaysNoConfidence) ->
Map.insertWith addCompact drep (addCompact stake r) accum
Just (r, drep@(DRepCredential drepCred))
| Map.member drepCred regDReps ->
Map.insertWith addCompact drep (addCompact stake r) accum
| otherwise -> accum
Nothing -> accum

-- | The type of a Pulser which uses 'computeDRepDistr' as its underlying
-- function. Note that we use two type equality (~) constraints to fix both
-- the monad 'm' and the 'ans' type, to the context where we will use the
-- type as a Pulser. The type DRepPulser must have 'm' and 'ans' as its last
-- two parameters so we can make a Pulsable instance. We will always use this
-- instantiation (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era))
data DRepPulser era (m :: Type -> Type) ans where
DRepPulser ::
forall era ans m.
(ans ~ RatifyState era, m ~ Identity, RunConwayRatify era) =>
{ dpPulseSize :: !Int
-- ^ How many elements of 'dpBalance' to consume each pulse.
-- ^ How many elements of 'dpUMap' to consume each pulse.
, dpUMap :: !(UMap (EraCrypto era))
-- ^ Snapshot containing the mapping of stake credentials to Pools.
, dpBalance :: !(Map (Credential 'Staking (EraCrypto era)) (CompactForm Coin))
-- ^ The object we are iterating over. Shrinks with each pulse
-- ^ Snapshot containing the mapping of stake credentials to DReps, Pools and Rewards.
, dpIndex :: !Int
-- ^ The index of the iterator over `dpUMap`. Grows with each pulse.
, dpStakeDistr :: !(Map (Credential 'Staking (EraCrypto era)) (CompactForm Coin))
-- ^ Snapshot of the stake distr (comes from the IncrementalStake)
, dpStakePoolDistr :: PoolDistr (EraCrypto era)
Expand All @@ -242,7 +221,7 @@ data DRepPulser era (m :: Type -> Type) ans where
, dpDRepState :: !(Map (Credential 'DRepRole (EraCrypto era)) (DRepState (EraCrypto era)))
-- ^ Snapshot of registered DRep credentials
, dpCurrentEpoch :: !EpochNo
-- ^ Snapshot of the Epoch this pulser will complete in.
-- ^ Snapshot of the EpochNo this pulser will complete in.
, dpCommitteeState :: !(CommitteeState era)
-- ^ Snapshot of the CommitteeState
, dpEnactState :: !(EnactState era)
Expand All @@ -257,16 +236,16 @@ instance EraPParams era => Eq (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) where
x == y = finishDRepPulser (DRPulsing x) == finishDRepPulser (DRPulsing y)

instance Pulsable (DRepPulser era) where
done DRepPulser {dpBalance} = Map.null dpBalance
done DRepPulser {dpUMap, dpIndex} = dpIndex >= Map.size (UMap.umElems dpUMap)

current x@(DRepPulser {}) = snd $ finishDRepPulser (DRPulsing x)

pulseM pulser@(DRepPulser {..})
| Map.null dpBalance = pure pulser
| done pulser = pure pulser {dpIndex = 0}
| otherwise =
let !(!steps, !balance') = Map.splitAt dpPulseSize dpBalance
drep' = Map.foldlWithKey' (accumDRepDistr dpUMap dpDRepState) dpDRepDistr steps
in pure (pulser {dpBalance = balance', dpDRepDistr = drep'})
let !chunk = Map.drop dpIndex $ Map.take (dpIndex + dpPulseSize) $ UMap.umElems dpUMap
dRepDistr = computeDRepDistr dpStakeDistr dpDRepState dpDRepDistr chunk
in pure (pulser {dpIndex = dpIndex + dpPulseSize, dpDRepDistr = dRepDistr})

completeM x@(DRepPulser {}) = pure (snd $ finishDRepPulser @era (DRPulsing x))

Expand All @@ -278,7 +257,7 @@ instance EraPParams era => NoThunks (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era))
[ noThunks ctxt (dpPulseSize drp)
, noThunks ctxt (dpUMap drp)
, noThunks ctxt (dpBalance drp)
, noThunks ctxt (dpIndex drp)
, noThunks ctxt (dpStakeDistr drp)
, -- dpStakePoolDistr is allowed to have thunks
noThunks ctxt (dpDRepDistr drp)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -332,7 +311,7 @@ finishDRepPulser (DRComplete snap ratifyState) = (snap, ratifyState)
finishDRepPulser (DRPulsing (DRepPulser {..})) =
(PulsingSnapshot dpProposals finalDRepDistr dpDRepState, ratifyState')
!finalDRepDistr = Map.foldlWithKey' (accumDRepDistr dpUMap dpDRepState) dpDRepDistr dpBalance
!finalDRepDistr = computeDRepDistr dpStakeDistr dpDRepState dpDRepDistr $ Map.drop dpIndex $ umElems dpUMap
!ratifyEnv =
{ reStakeDistr = dpStakeDistr
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103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions eras/conway/impl/testlib/Test/Cardano/Ledger/Conway/Imp/RatifySpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -571,6 +571,58 @@ votingSpec =
passNEpochs 2
-- The same vote should now successfully ratify the proposal
getLastEnactedCommittee `shouldReturn` SJust (GovPurposeId addCCGaid)
it "Rewards contribute to active voting stake even in the absence of StakeDistr" $ do
-- Only modify the applicable thresholds
modifyPParams $ \pp ->
& ppDRepVotingThresholdsL
.~ def
{ dvtCommitteeNormal = 51 %! 100
, dvtCommitteeNoConfidence = 51 %! 100
& ppCommitteeMaxTermLengthL .~ EpochInterval 20
-- Setup DRep delegation #1
(drepKH1, stakingKH1) <- setupDRepWithoutStake
-- Add rewards to delegation #1
modifyNES $
nesEsL . epochStateUMapL
%~ UM.adjust
(\(UM.RDPair r d) -> UM.RDPair (r <> UM.CompactCoin 1_000_000) d)
(KeyHashObj stakingKH1)
. UM.RewDepUView
-- Setup DRep delegation #2
(_drepKH2, stakingKH2) <- setupDRepWithoutStake
-- Add rewards to delegation #2
modifyNES $
nesEsL . epochStateUMapL
%~ UM.adjust
(\(UM.RDPair r d) -> UM.RDPair (r <> UM.CompactCoin 1_000_000) d)
(KeyHashObj stakingKH2)
. UM.RewDepUView
-- Submit a committee proposal
cc <- KeyHashObj <$> freshKeyHash
let addCCAction = UpdateCommittee SNothing mempty (Map.singleton cc 10) (75 %! 100)
addCCGaid <- submitGovAction addCCAction
-- Submit the vote
submitVote_ VoteYes (DRepVoter $ KeyHashObj drepKH1) addCCGaid
passNEpochs 2
-- The vote should not result in a ratification
isDRepAccepted addCCGaid `shouldReturn` False
getLastEnactedCommittee `shouldReturn` SNothing
-- Increase the rewards of the delegator to this DRep
-- to barely make the threshold (51 %! 100)
modifyNES $
nesEsL . epochStateUMapL
%~ UM.adjust
(\(UM.RDPair r d) -> UM.RDPair (r <> UM.CompactCoin 200_000) d)
(KeyHashObj stakingKH1)
. UM.RewDepUView
-- The same vote should now qualify for ratification
isDRepAccepted addCCGaid `shouldReturn` True
-- The same vote should now successfully ratify the proposal
getLastEnactedCommittee `shouldReturn` SJust (GovPurposeId addCCGaid)
describe "StakePool" $ do
it "UTxOs contribute to active voting stake" $ do
-- Only modify the applicable thresholds
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -645,6 +697,57 @@ votingSpec =
passNEpochs 2
-- The same vote should now successfully ratify the proposal
getLastEnactedCommittee `shouldReturn` SJust (GovPurposeId addCCGaid)
it "Rewards contribute to active voting stake even in the absence of StakeDistr" $ do
-- Only modify the applicable thresholds
modifyPParams $ \pp ->
& ppPoolVotingThresholdsL
.~ def
{ pvtCommitteeNormal = 51 %! 100
, pvtCommitteeNoConfidence = 51 %! 100
& ppCommitteeMaxTermLengthL .~ EpochInterval 20
-- Setup Pool delegation #1
(poolKH1, delegatorCStaking1) <- setupPoolWithoutStake
-- Add rewards to delegation #1
modifyNES $
nesEsL . epochStateUMapL
%~ UM.adjust
(\(UM.RDPair r d) -> UM.RDPair (r <> UM.CompactCoin 1_000_000) d)
. UM.RewDepUView
-- Setup Pool delegation #2
(poolKH2, delegatorCStaking2) <- setupPoolWithoutStake
-- Add rewards to delegation #2
modifyNES $
nesEsL . epochStateUMapL
%~ UM.adjust
(\(UM.RDPair r d) -> UM.RDPair (r <> UM.CompactCoin 1_000_000) d)
. UM.RewDepUView
-- Submit a committee proposal
cc <- KeyHashObj <$> freshKeyHash
let addCCAction = UpdateCommittee SNothing mempty (Map.singleton cc 10) (75 %! 100)
addCCGaid <- submitGovAction addCCAction
-- Submit the vote
submitVote_ VoteYes (StakePoolVoter poolKH1) addCCGaid
submitVote_ VoteNo (StakePoolVoter poolKH2) addCCGaid
passNEpochs 2
-- The vote should not result in a ratification
isSpoAccepted addCCGaid `shouldReturn` False
getLastEnactedCommittee `shouldReturn` SNothing
logRatificationChecks addCCGaid
-- Add to the rewards of the delegator to this SPO
-- to barely make the threshold (51 %! 100)
modifyNES $
nesEsL . epochStateUMapL
%~ UM.adjust
(\(UM.RDPair r d) -> UM.RDPair (r <> UM.CompactCoin 200_000) d)
. UM.RewDepUView
passNEpochs 2
-- The same vote should now successfully ratify the proposal
getLastEnactedCommittee `shouldReturn` SJust (GovPurposeId addCCGaid)

delayingActionsSpec ::
forall era.
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