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aniketd authored and lehins committed May 7, 2024
1 parent f539af6 commit c77828b
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Showing 4 changed files with 40 additions and 34 deletions.
45 changes: 30 additions & 15 deletions eras/conway/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Conway/Governance/DRepPulser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -160,18 +160,31 @@ instance EraPParams era => ToCBOR (PulsingSnapshot era) where
instance EraPParams era => FromCBOR (PulsingSnapshot era) where
fromCBOR = fromEraCBOR @era

-- | We iterate over a pulse-sized chunk of the UMap. For each StakingCredential
-- in the chunk that has delegated to a DRep, add the StakeDistr and rewards
-- for that Credential to the DRep Distribution, if the DRep is a DRepCredential
-- (also, AlwaysAbstain or AlwaysNoConfidence) and a member of the registered
-- DReps. If the DRepCredential is not a member of the registered DReps, ignore
-- and skip that DRep.
-- | We iterate over a pulse-sized chunk of the UMap.
-- Give or take, this operation has roughly O(a * (log(b) + log(c))) complexity,
-- where,
-- (a) is the size of the chunk of the UMap, which is expected to be the pulse-size,
-- (b) is the size of the StakeDistr, and
-- (c) is the size of the DRepDistr, this grows as the accumulator
-- For each staking credential in the chunk that has delegated to a DRep, add
-- the stake distribution, rewards, and proposal deposits for that credential to
-- the DRep distribution, if the DRep is a DRepCredential (also, AlwaysAbstain
-- or AlwaysNoConfidence) and a member of the registered DReps. If the
-- DRepCredential is not a member of the registered DReps, ignore and skip that
-- DRep.
-- For each staking credential in the chunk that has delegated to an SPO,
-- add only the proposal deposits for that credential to the stake pool
-- distribution, since the rewards and stake are already added to it by the
-- SNAP rule.
-- Give or take, this operation has roughly
-- @
-- O (a * (log(b) + log(c) + log(d) + log(e) + log(f)))
-- @
-- complexity, where,
-- (a) is the size of the chunk of the UMap, which is the pulse-size, iterate over
-- (b) is the size of the StakeDistr, lookup
-- (c) is the size of the DRepDistr, insertWith
-- (d) is the size of the dpProposalDeposits, lookup
-- (e) is the size of the registered DReps, lookup
-- (f) is the size of the PoolDistr, insert
computeDRepDistr ::
forall c.
Map (Credential 'Staking c) (CompactForm Coin) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,11 +216,13 @@ computeDRepDistr stakeDistr regDReps proposalDeposits poolDistr dRepDistr uMapCh
, addToPoolDistr spo proposalDeposit poolAccum
addToPoolDistr spo ccoin distr =
-- Only add the proposal deposits to the CompactCoin numerator and
-- denominator and not the rational In order not to interfere with rewards
-- calculation of any kind.
-- Avoid adding the proposal deposits to anything other than the numerator
-- and denominator in order not to interfere with rewards calculation,
-- although this is an isolated copy inside the DRepPulser, we want to
-- just be sure we do not confuse ourselves over which representations are
-- used where.
case Map.lookup spo $ distr ^. poolDistrDistrL of
Nothing -> distr -- Impossible! Because, a delegation to an SPO would also appear in the PoolDistr
Nothing -> distr -- Impossible! Because a delegation to an SPO would also appear in the PoolDistr.
Just ips ->
& poolDistrDistrL %~ Map.insert spo (ips & individualPoolStakeCoinL <>~ ccoin)
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14 changes: 5 additions & 9 deletions eras/conway/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Conway/Rules/Ratify.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -198,20 +198,16 @@ spoAccepted re rs gas =
-- vote are considered as `Abstain` votes.
spoAcceptedRatio :: forall era. RatifyEnv era -> GovActionState era -> Rational
RatifyEnv {reStakePoolDistr}
RatifyEnv {reStakePoolDistr = PoolDistr individualPoolStake (CompactCoin totalActiveStake)}
{ gasStakePoolVotes
, gasProposalProcedure =
ProposalProcedure {pProcGovAction}
, gasProposalProcedure = ProposalProcedure {pProcGovAction}
| abstainVotesRatio == 1 = 0 -- guard against the degenerate case when all abstain.
| otherwise = yesVotesRatio / (1 - abstainVotesRatio)
PoolDistr individualPoolStake (CompactCoin totalActiveStake) = reStakePoolDistr
(yesVotesRatio, abstainVotesRatio) =
( toInteger yesVotes % toInteger totalActiveStake
, toInteger abstainVotes % toInteger totalActiveStake
yesVotesRatio = toInteger yesVotes % toInteger totalActiveStake
abstainVotesRatio = toInteger abstainVotes % toInteger totalActiveStake
(CompactCoin yesVotes, CompactCoin abstainVotes) =
Map.foldlWithKey' getVotesStakePerStakePoolDistr (mempty, mempty) individualPoolStake
getVotesStakePerStakePoolDistr (!yess, !abstains) poolId distr =
Expand All @@ -221,9 +217,9 @@ spoAcceptedRatio
| HardForkInitiation {} <- pProcGovAction -> (yess, abstains)
| otherwise -> (yess, abstains <> d)
Just Abstain -> (yess, abstains <> d)
Just VoteNo -> (yess, abstains)
Just VoteYes -> (yess <> d, abstains)
Just Abstain -> (yess, abstains <> d)

dRepAccepted ::
ConwayEraPParams era => RatifyEnv era -> RatifyState era -> GovActionState era -> Bool
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Expand Up @@ -887,13 +887,13 @@ votingSpec =
, pProcGovAction = addCCAction
, pProcAnchor = def
-- Submit the vote from SPO #1
-- Submit a yes vote from SPO #1 and a no vote from SPO #2
submitVote_ VoteYes (StakePoolVoter poolKH1) addCCGaid
submitVote_ VoteNo (StakePoolVoter poolKH2) addCCGaid
passNEpochs 2
-- The vote should not result in a ratification
getLastEnactedCommittee `shouldReturn` SNothing
-- Submit another proposal to bump up the active voting stake
-- Submit another proposal to bump up the active voting stake of SPO #1
anotherCC <- KeyHashObj <$> freshKeyHash
let anotherAddCCAction = UpdateCommittee SNothing mempty (Map.singleton anotherCC 10) (75 %! 100)
submitProposal_ $
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ votingSpec =
spoRewardAccount1 <- getRewardAccountFor stakingC1
spoRewardAccount3 <- getRewardAccountFor stakingC3
-- Submit committee proposals
-- The proposal deposits comes from the root UTxO
-- The proposal deposits come from the root UTxO
-- After this both stakingC1 and stakingC3 are expected to have 1_000_000 ADA of stake, each
cc <- KeyHashObj <$> freshKeyHash
let addCCAction = UpdateCommittee SNothing mempty (Map.singleton cc 10) (75 %! 100)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -960,12 +960,7 @@ votingSpec =
getLastEnactedCommittee `shouldReturn` SNothing
submitTxAnn_ "Switch the delegation from SPO #3 to SPO #1" $
mkBasicTx mkBasicTxBody
& bodyTxL . certsTxBodyL
.~ SSeq.fromList
[ mkDelegTxCert
(DelegStake poolKH1)
& bodyTxL . certsTxBodyL .~ SSeq.fromList [mkDelegTxCert stakingC3 (DelegStake poolKH1)]
passNEpochs 2
-- The same vote should now successfully ratify the proposal
getLastEnactedCommittee `shouldReturn` SJust (GovPurposeId addCCGaid)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion libs/cardano-ledger-core/src/Cardano/Ledger/PoolDistr.hs
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Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ import NoThunks.Class (NoThunks (..))
-- delegated to a registered stake pool.
data IndividualPoolStake c = IndividualPoolStake
{ individualPoolStake :: !Rational
, individualPoolStakeCoin :: !(CompactForm Coin)
, individualPoolStakeCoin :: !(CompactForm Coin) -- TODO: Document
, individualPoolStakeVrf :: !(Hash c (VerKeyVRF c))
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
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