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major progress: complete rewrite of ga deposit update functions
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corresponding/required revisions of components of ga invariant proof
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williamdemeo committed Apr 17, 2024
1 parent 9034e7d commit 5be26ef
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Showing 2 changed files with 74 additions and 127 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/Axiom/Set/Properties.agda
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Propositional.Properties using
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Subset.Propositional using () renaming (_⊆_ to _⊆ˡ_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any using (here; there )
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any.Properties using (++⁺ʳ; ++⁺ˡ; ++⁻)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Ext using (hereʳ; thereʳ)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Unique.Propositional.Properties.WithK using (unique∧set⇒bag)
open import Data.Product using (map₂)
open import Data.Product.Properties using (×-≡,≡→≡)
Expand Down
200 changes: 74 additions & 126 deletions src/Ledger/Ledger/Properties.agda
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any using (here; there )

open import Data.Bool.Properties using (¬-not)
open import Data.List using (filter)
open import Data.List.Properties using (length-map; ++-identityʳ; ++-conicalʳ)
open import Data.List.Properties using (length-map; ++-identityʳ; ++-conicalʳ; map-++; ++-assoc)
open import Data.List.Ext.Properties using (map-∷ʳ; frominj₁; ∈-frominj₁; frominj₂; ∈-frominj₂; map-[])
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-0-monoid)
open import Relation.Binary using (IsEquivalence)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,148 +138,96 @@ govDepsMatch ⟦ utxoSt , govSt , _ ⟧ˡ =
filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (utxoSt .deposits )) ≡ᵉ fromList (map (λ pr GovActionDeposit (proj₁ pr)) govSt)
where open UTxOState using (deposits)

updateVotes : GovState List (GovVote) GovState
updateVotes s [] = s
updateVotes s (v ∷ vs) = updateVotes (addVote s gid voter vote) vs
where open GovVote v

instance _ = +-0-monoid

getDeps : LState DepositPurpose ⇀ Coin
getDeps s = UTxOState.deposits (LState.utxoSt s)

module _
-- (l : List Tx)
(tx : Tx) (let open Tx tx renaming (body to txb)) (let open TxBody txb)
: LEnv) (let open LEnv Γ renaming (pparams to pp))
(s : LState)

{gΓ : GovEnv}
utxoSt : UTxOState
utxoSt = LState.utxoSt s
govSt : GovState
govSt = LState.govSt s

-- ASSUMPTIONS (TODO: eliminate these) --
{- 1 -} {dom-single : {A} {B} {x : A} {y : B} dom (❴ x , y ❵ ˢ) ≡ ❴ x ❵ }
{- 2 -} {filterCD : {c} {pp} filterˢ isGADeposit (dom ((certDeposit c {pp})ˢ)) ≡ᵉ ∅}
{- 3 -} {filterGA : {txid} {n} filterˢ isGADeposit ❴ GovActionDeposit (txid , n) ❵ ≡ᵉ ❴ GovActionDeposit (txid , n) ❵ }
{- 4 -} {filterCR : (c : DCert) {deps : DepositPurpose ⇀ Coin}
filterˢ isGADeposit (dom ( deps ∣ certRefund c ᶜ ˢ )) ≡ᵉ filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (deps ˢ))}
updateDeps_? : Bool LState DepositPurpose ⇀ Coin
updateDeps true ? s = updateDeposits pp txb (getDeps s)
updateDeps false ? s = getDeps s

module Ledger-sts-setup (txb : TxBody)(Γ : LEnv)(pp : PParams)(utxoSt utxoSt' : UTxOState) where
STS→utxoDeps≡ : {s' : LState} Γ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ tx ,LEDGER⦈ s'
getDeps s' ≡ updateDeps isValid ? s

open UTxOState using (deposits) public
open TxBody txb public
open LEnv Γ public; open PParams pp public
STS→utxoDeps≡ {.(⟦ utxoSt' , _ , _ ⟧ˡ)} (LEDGER-V {utxoSt' = utxoSt'}
(val , UTXOW-inductive⋯ _ _ _ _ _ (UTXO-inductive⋯ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UTXOS-sts) , _ , _)) =
trans (⊢utxo-valid UTXOS-sts) (sym (cong (λ x updateDeps x ? s ) val))
⊢utxo-valid : record { slot = slot ; pparams = pp } ⊢ LState.utxoSt s ⇀⦇ tx ,UTXOS⦈ utxoSt'
UTxOState.deposits utxoSt' ≡ updateDeposits pp txb (getDeps s)
⊢utxo-valid (_⊢_⇀⦇_,UTXOS⦈_.Scripts-Yes _) = refl
⊢utxo-valid (_⊢_⇀⦇_,UTXOS⦈_.Scripts-No u) = contradiction (trans (sym val) (proj₂ u)) (λ ())

utxoDeps utxoDeps' : DepositPurpose ⇀ Coin
utxoDeps = utxoSt .deposits
utxoDeps' = utxoSt' .deposits
STS→utxoDeps≡ {.(⟦ utxoSt' , _ , _ ⟧ˡ)} (LEDGER-I {utxoSt' = utxoSt'}
(¬val , UTXOW-inductive⋯ _ _ _ _ _ (UTXO-inductive⋯ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UTXOS-sts))) =
trans (⊢utxo-invalid UTXOS-sts) (sym (cong (λ x updateDeps x ? s ) ¬val))
⊢utxo-invalid : record { slot = slot ; pparams = pp } ⊢ LState.utxoSt s ⇀⦇ tx ,UTXOS⦈ utxoSt'
UTxOState.deposits utxoSt' ≡ getDeps s
⊢utxo-invalid (_⊢_⇀⦇_,UTXOS⦈_.Scripts-Yes u) = contradiction (trans (sym ¬val) (proj₂ u)) (λ ())
⊢utxo-invalid (_⊢_⇀⦇_,UTXOS⦈_.Scripts-No _) = refl

module ≡ᵉ = IsEquivalence (≡ᵉ-isEquivalence {DepositPurpose})

-- Governance Functions and Lemmas --

propsToState : List (GovProposal) GovState
propsToState [] = []
propsToState (p ∷ ps) = (propsToState ps) ∷ʳ newAction
open GovProposal p
newAction : GovActionID × GovActionState
newAction = ActionId×ActionState (govActionLifetime +ᵉ GovEnv.epoch gΓ) (txid , length ps) returnAddr action prevAction

updateGovStates : GovState List (GovVote ⊎ GovProposal) GovState
updateGovStates s vps = updateVotes s (frominj₁ vps) ++ propsToState (frominj₂ vps)

noGACerts : (pp : PParams)(cs : List DCert)(deps : DepositPurpose ⇀ Coin)
filterˢ isGADeposit (dom ((updateCertDeposits pp cs deps)ˢ)) ≡ᵉ filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (deps ˢ))
noGACerts _ [] _ = filter-pres-≡ᵉ ≡ᵉ.refl
noGACerts pp (c ∷ cs) deps =
upCD = updateCertDeposits pp cs deps
open SetoidReasoning (≡ᵉ-Setoid{DepositPurpose})
filterˢ isGADeposit (dom ((updateCertDeposits pp (c ∷ cs) deps)ˢ))
≈⟨ filterCR c {upCD ∪⁺ certDeposit c {pp}} ⟩
filterˢ isGADeposit (dom ((upCD ∪⁺ certDeposit c {pp})ˢ))
≈⟨ filter-pres-≡ᵉ dom∪⁺ ⟩
filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (upCD ˢ) ∪ dom ((certDeposit c {pp})ˢ))
≈⟨ filter-hom-∪ ⟩
filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (upCD ˢ)) ∪ filterˢ isGADeposit (dom ((certDeposit c {pp})ˢ))
≈⟨ ∪-cong (noGACerts pp cs deps) (filterCD {c} {pp}) ⟩
filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (deps ˢ)) ∪ ∅
≈⟨ ∪-identityʳ (filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (deps ˢ))) ⟩
filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (deps ˢ))

LEDGER-govDepsMatch : LedgerInvariant _⊢_⇀⦇_,LEDGER⦈_ govDepsMatch

(LEDGER-I⋯ tx-not-valid (UTXOW-inductive⋯ _ _ _ _ _ (UTXO-inductive⋯ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UTXOS-sts)))
aprioriMatch = case UTXOS-sts of λ where
(_⊢_⇀⦇_,UTXOS⦈_.Scripts-Yes u) contradiction (trans (sym $ proj₂ u) tx-not-valid) (λ ())
(_⊢_⇀⦇_,UTXOS⦈_.Scripts-No _) aprioriMatch

Γ@{⟦ _ , _ , pp , _ ⟧ˡᵉ}
s@{⟦ utxoSt , govSt , _ ⟧ˡ}
tx@{record { body = txb }}
s'@{⟦ utxoSt' , govSt' , _ ⟧ˡ}
(LEDGER-V⋯ tx-valid
(UTXOW-inductive⋯ _ _ _ _ _
(UTXO-inductive⋯ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UTXOS-sts)) _

GOV-sts) -- ⟦ txid , _ , .pp , _ , _ ⟧ᵍ ⊢ govSt ⇀⦇ txgov txb ,GOV⦈ govSt'

aprioriMatch with txgov txb in p | GOV-sts

... | inj₁ v ∷ vps | BS-ind {s' = .(addVote govSt _ _ _)} (GOV-Vote x) govSt₁→₂ = {!!}
: GovEnv
= ⟦ txid , epoch slot , pp , ppolicy , enactState ⟧ᵍ

open Ledger-sts-setup txb Γ pp utxoSt utxoSt'
updateVote : GovState GovVote GovState -- new --
updateVote s v = addVote s gid voter vote
where open GovVote v

updateGovSt≡ : govSt' ≡ updateGovStates govSt (inj₁ v ∷ vps)
updateGovSt≡ = {!!}
mkAction : GovProposal GovActionID × GovActionState
mkAction p n = let open GovProposal p in
ActionId×ActionState (PParams.govActionLifetime pp +ᵉ GovEnv.epoch gΓ)
(GovEnv.txid gΓ , n) returnAddr action prevAction

updateGovSt≡ᵉ : fromList (map f govSt') ≡ᵉ fromList (map f (updateGovStates govSt (inj₁ v ∷ vps)))
updateGovSt≡ᵉ = ≡ᵉ.reflexive (cong (fromList ∘ map f) updateGovSt≡)
propToState : GovState GovProposal GovState
propToState s p n = s ∷ʳ mkAction p n

updateGovStates : GovState List (GovVote ⊎ GovProposal) GovState
updateGovStates s [] = s
updateGovStates s (inj₁ v ∷ vps) = updateGovStates (updateVote s v) vps
updateGovStates s (inj₂ p ∷ vps) = updateGovStates (propToState s p (length vps)) vps

... | inj₂ p ∷ ps | BS-ind {s' = .(govSt ∷ʳ (ActionId×ActionState _ (TxBody.txid txb , length ps) _ _ _))} (GOV-Propose x) govSt₁→₂ = {!!}
module ≡ᵉ = IsEquivalence (≡ᵉ-isEquivalence {DepositPurpose})

... | [] | BS-base Id-nop = goal
open Ledger-sts-setup txb Γ pp utxoSt utxoSt'
STS→updateGovSt≡ : {govSt govSt' : GovState} (vps : List (GovVote ⊎ GovProposal))
(gΓ ⊢ govSt ⇀⦇ vps ,GOV⦈ govSt') govSt' ≡ updateGovStates govSt vps

STS→updateGovSt≡ [] (BS-base Id-nop) = refl
STS→updateGovSt≡ (inj₁ v ∷ vps) (BS-ind (_⊢_⇀⦇_,GOV'⦈_.GOV-Vote x) x₁) = STS→updateGovSt≡ vps x₁
STS→updateGovSt≡ (inj₂ p ∷ vps) (BS-ind (_⊢_⇀⦇_,GOV'⦈_.GOV-Propose x) x₁) = STS→updateGovSt≡ vps x₁

updateGovSt_? : Bool LState GovState
updateGovSt true ? s = updateGovStates govSt (txgov txb)
updateGovSt false ? s = govSt

STS→GovSt≡ : {s' : LState} Γ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ tx ,LEDGER⦈ s'
LState.govSt s' ≡ updateGovSt isValid ? s

STS→GovSt≡ {⟦ _ , govSt' , _ ⟧ˡ} (LEDGER-V x) = let open ≡-Reasoning in
govSt' ≡⟨ STS→updateGovSt≡ (txgov txb) (proj₂ (proj₂ (proj₂ x))) ⟩
updateGovStates govSt (txgov txb) ≡˘⟨ cong (λ u updateGovSt u ? s) (proj₁ x) ⟩
updateGovSt isValid ? s ∎

STS→GovSt≡ {⟦ _ , .govSt , _ ⟧ˡ} (LEDGER-I x) = sym (cong (λ u updateGovSt u ? s) (proj₁ x))

updateGovSt≡ᵉ : fromList (map f govSt') ≡ᵉ fromList (map f (updateGovStates govSt (txgov txb)))
updateGovSt≡ᵉ = ≡ᵉ.reflexive (cong (fromList ∘ (map f)) updateGovSt≡)
open ≡-Reasoning
updateGovSt≡ : govSt' ≡ updateGovStates govSt (txgov txb)
updateGovSt≡ = begin
govSt' ≡˘⟨ ++-identityʳ govSt ⟩
updateGovStates govSt [] ≡˘⟨ cong (updateGovStates govSt) p ⟩
updateGovStates govSt (txgov txb) ∎

updateDeps-dom≡ᵉ : dom utxoDeps' ≡ᵉ dom (updateDeposits pp txb utxoDeps)
updateDeps-dom≡ᵉ = let open IsEquivalence (≡ᵉ-isEquivalence{DepositPurpose}) in
reflexive (cong dom (⊢utxo-valid UTXOS-sts))
⊢utxo-valid : record { LEnv Γ } ⊢ utxoSt ⇀⦇ tx ,UTXOS⦈ utxoSt'
utxoDeps' ≡ (updateDeposits pp txb utxoDeps)
⊢utxo-valid (_⊢_⇀⦇_,UTXOS⦈_.Scripts-Yes _) = refl
⊢utxo-valid (_⊢_⇀⦇_,UTXOS⦈_.Scripts-No u) = contradiction (trans (sym tx-valid) (proj₂ u)) (λ ())

noProps : updateProposalDeposits txprop txid govActionDeposit utxoDeps ≡ utxoDeps
noProps = cong (λ x updateProposalDeposits x txid govActionDeposit utxoDeps)
(map-[] txprop (++-conicalʳ (map inj₁ txvote) (map inj₂ txprop) p))

open SetoidReasoning (≡ᵉ-Setoid{DepositPurpose})

goal : filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (utxoDeps' )) ≡ᵉ fromList (map f govSt')
goal = let UPD = updateProposalDeposits txprop txid govActionDeposit utxoDeps in
filterˢ isGADeposit (dom utxoDeps')
≈⟨ filter-pres-≡ᵉ updateDeps-dom≡ᵉ ⟩
filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (updateDeposits pp txb utxoDeps))
≈⟨ ≡ᵉ.reflexive (cong (filterˢ isGADeposit) refl) ⟩
filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (updateCertDeposits pp txcerts UPD))
≈⟨ noGACerts pp txcerts UPD ⟩
filterˢ isGADeposit (dom UPD)
≈⟨ ≡ᵉ.reflexive (cong (λ u filterˢ isGADeposit (dom u)) noProps) ⟩
filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (utxoDeps))
≈⟨ aprioriMatch ⟩
fromList (map f govSt)

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