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Soupstraw committed May 8, 2024
1 parent d9a802f commit 6530562
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Showing 19 changed files with 221 additions and 71 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/Axiom/Set.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -164,6 +164,9 @@ record Theory {ℓ} : Type (sucˡ ℓ) where
∈-fromList : {a} a ∈ˡ l ⇔ a ∈ fromList l
∈-fromList = proj₂ $ listing _

listToFinSet : List A FinSet A
listToFinSet l = fromList l , l , R.SK-sym ∈-fromList

∈-unions : {a : A} {U : Set (Set A)} (∃[ T ] T ∈ U × a ∈ T) ⇔ a ∈ proj₁ (unions U)
∈-unions = proj₂ $ unions _

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14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions src/Axiom/Set/Map/Dec.agda
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Expand Up @@ -51,12 +51,12 @@ module Lookupᵐᵈ (sp-∈ : spec-∈ A) where
helper _ _ | _ , _ , refl | _ , _ , refl | yes _ | yes _
with refl trans (sym eq) eq' = refl

module _ {V : Type} ⦃ mon : IsCommutativeMonoid' 0ℓ 0ℓ V ⦄ ⦃ _ : DecEq A ⦄ where
infixr 6 _∪⁺_
open IsCommutativeMonoid' mon
open import Algebra
module OpUnion {V : Type} (_∙_ : V V V) where
infixr 6 _∪̇_

_∪⁺_ : Map A V Map A V Map A V
_∪⁺_ = unionWith (fold id id __)
_∪̇_ : ⦃ DecEq A ⦄ Map A V Map A V Map A V
_∪̇_ = unionWith (fold id id __)

aggregate: FinSet (A × V) Map A V
aggregate (_ , l , _) = foldl (λ m x m ∪ ❴ x ❵ᵐ) ∅ᵐ l
aggregate: ⦃ DecEq A ⦄ FinSet (A × V) Map A V
aggregate (_ , l , _) = foldl (λ m x m ∪̇ ❴ x ❵ᵐ) ∅ᵐ l
40 changes: 28 additions & 12 deletions src/Interface/ComputationalRelation.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -168,20 +168,34 @@ Computational⇒Dec' ⦃ comp = comp ⦄ = Computational⇒Dec comp

open Computational ⦃...⦄

record InjectError Err₁ Err₂ : Set where
field injectError : Err₁ Err₂

open InjectError

InjectError-⊥ : InjectError ⊥ Err
InjectError-⊥ = λ where
.injectError ()

InjectError-Id : InjectError Err Err
InjectError-Id = λ where
.injectError id

Computational-Id : {C S : Set} Computational (IdSTS {C} {S}) ⊥
Computational-Id .computeProof _ s _ = success (s , Id-nop)
Computational-Id .completeness _ _ _ _ Id-nop = refl

module _ {BSTS : C S S Set} ⦃ _ : Computational BSTS Err₁ ⦄ where
module _ {STS : C S Sig S Set} ⦃ _ : Computational STS Err₂ ⦄ where instance
Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵇ : Computational (ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵇ BSTS STS) (Err₁ ⊎ Err₂)
Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵇ .computeProof c s [] = bimap inj₁ (map₂′ BS-base) (computeProof c s tt)
module _ {STS : C S Sig S Set} ⦃ _ : Computational STS Err₂ ⦄
⦃ _ : InjectError Err₁ Err ⦄ ⦃ _ : InjectError Err₂ Err ⦄ where instance
Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵇ : Computational (ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵇ BSTS STS) (Err)
Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵇ .computeProof c s [] = bimap (injectError it) (map₂′ BS-base) (computeProof c s tt)
Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵇ .computeProof c s (sig ∷ sigs) with computeProof c s sig
... | success (s₁ , h) with computeProof c s₁ sigs
... | success (s₂ , hs) = success (s₂ , BS-ind h hs)
... | failure a = failure a
Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵇ .computeProof c s (sig ∷ sigs) | failure a = failure (inj₂ a)
... | failure a = failure (injectError it a)
Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵇ .computeProof c s (sig ∷ sigs) | failure a = failure (injectError it a)
Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵇ .completeness c s [] s' (BS-base p)
with computeProof {STS = BSTS} c s tt | completeness _ _ _ _ p
... | success x | refl = refl
Expand All @@ -191,15 +205,17 @@ module _ {BSTS : C → S → ⊤ → S → Set} ⦃ _ : Computational BSTS Err
with computeProof ⦃ Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵇ ⦄ c s₁ sigs | completeness _ _ _ _ hs
... | success (s₂ , _) | p = p

module _ {STS : C × ℕ S Sig S Set} ⦃ Computational-STS : Computational STS Err₂ ⦄ where instance
Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢᵇ' : Computational (_⊢_⇀⟦_⟧ᵢ*'_ BSTS STS) (Err₁ ⊎ Err₂)
module _ {STS : C × ℕ S Sig S Set} ⦃ Computational-STS : Computational STS Err₂ ⦄
⦃ InjectError-Err₁ : InjectError Err₁ Err ⦄ ⦃ InjectError-Err₂ : InjectError Err₂ Err ⦄
where instance
Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢᵇ' : Computational (_⊢_⇀⟦_⟧ᵢ*'_ BSTS STS) Err
Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢᵇ' .computeProof c s [] =
bimap inj₁ (map₂′ BS-base) (computeProof (proj₁ c) s tt)
bimap (injectError it) (map₂′ BS-base) (computeProof (proj₁ c) s tt)
Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢᵇ' .computeProof c s (sig ∷ sigs) with computeProof c s sig
... | success (s₁ , h) with computeProof (proj₁ c , suc (proj₂ c)) s₁ sigs
... | success (s₂ , hs) = success (s₂ , BS-ind h hs)
... | failure a = failure a
Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢᵇ' .computeProof c s (sig ∷ sigs) | failure a = failure (inj₂ a)
Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢᵇ' .computeProof c s (sig ∷ sigs) | failure a = failure (injectError it a)
Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢᵇ' .completeness c s [] s' (BS-base p)
with computeProof {STS = BSTS} (proj₁ c) s tt | completeness _ _ _ _ p
... | success x | refl = refl
Expand All @@ -209,16 +225,16 @@ module _ {BSTS : C → S → ⊤ → S → Set} ⦃ _ : Computational BSTS Err
with computeProof (proj₁ c , suc (proj₂ c)) s₁ sigs | completeness _ _ _ _ hs
... | success (s₂ , _) | p = p

Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢᵇ : Computational (ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢᵇ BSTS STS) (Err₁ ⊎ Err₂)
Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢᵇ : Computational (ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢᵇ BSTS STS) Err
Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢᵇ .computeProof c =
Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢᵇ' .computeProof (c , 0)
Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢᵇ .completeness c =
Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢᵇ' .completeness (c , 0)

Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosure : {STS : C S Sig S Set} ⦃ Computational STS Err ⦄
Computational (ReflexiveTransitiveClosure STS) (⊥ ⊎ Err)
Computational (ReflexiveTransitiveClosure STS) Err
Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosure = it

Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢ : {STS : C × ℕ S Sig S Set} ⦃ Computational STS Err ⦄
Computational (ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢ STS) (⊥ ⊎ Err)
Computational (ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢ STS) Err
Computational-ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢ = it
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Ledger/Chain/Properties.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ instance
Computational-CHAIN : Computational _⊢_⇀⦇_,CHAIN⦈_ String
Computational-CHAIN .computeProof Γ s b = do
_ , neStep map₁ ⊥-elim $ computeProof {STS = _⊢_⇀⦇_,NEWEPOCH⦈_} _ _ _
_ , lsStep map₁ (λ where (inj₁ ()); (inj₂ x) x) $ computeProof _ _ _
_ , lsStep computeProof _ _ _
success (_ , CHAIN neStep lsStep)
Computational-CHAIN .completeness Γ s b s' (CHAIN neStep lsStep)
with recomputeProof neStep | completeness _ _ _ _ neStep
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Ledger/Deleg.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -148,9 +148,9 @@ data

DELEG-delegate : let open PParams pp in
∙ (c ∉ dom rwds → d ≡ poolDeposit)
∙ (c ∉ dom rwds → d ≡ keyDeposit)
∙ (c ∈ dom rwds → d ≡ 0)
∙ mc ∈ mapˢ just (dom pools)
∙ mc ∈ mapˢ just (dom pools) ∪ ❴ nothing ❵
⟦ pp , pools ⟧ᵈᵉ ⊢
⟦ vDelegs , sDelegs , rwds ⟧ᵈ ⇀⦇ delegate c mv mc d ,DELEG⦈
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39 changes: 21 additions & 18 deletions src/Ledger/Deleg/Properties.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,32 +15,34 @@ open import Ledger.Deleg gs

open Computational ⦃...⦄

open import Tactic.GenError using (genErrors)

Computational-DELEG : Computational _⊢_⇀⦇_,DELEG⦈_ String
Computational-DELEG .computeProof ⟦ pp , pools ⟧ᵈᵉ ⟦ _ , _ , rwds ⟧ᵈ = λ where
(delegate c mv mc d) case ¿ (c ∉ dom rwds d ≡ pp .PParams.poolDeposit)
(delegate c mv mc d) case ¿ (c ∉ dom rwds d ≡ pp .PParams.keyDeposit)
× (c ∈ dom rwds d ≡ 0)
× mc ∈ mapˢ just (dom pools) ¿ of λ where
× mc ∈ mapˢ just (dom pools) ∪ ❴ nothing ❵ ¿ of λ where
(yes p) success (-, DELEG-delegate p)
_ failure "Failed in DELEG at delegate"
(no ¬p) failure (genErrors ¬p)
(dereg c) case ¿ (c , 0) ∈ rwds ¿ of λ where
(yes p) success (-, DELEG-dereg p)
_ failure "Failed in DELEG at (c , 0) ∈ rwds"
(no ¬p) failure (genErrors ¬p)
_ failure "Unexpected certificate in DELEG"
Computational-DELEG .completeness ⟦ pp , pools ⟧ᵈᵉ ⟦ _ , _ , rwds ⟧ᵈ (delegate c mv mc d)
s' (DELEG-delegate p) rewrite dec-yes (¿ (c ∉ dom rwds d ≡ pp .PParams.poolDeposit)
s' (DELEG-delegate p) rewrite dec-yes (¿ (c ∉ dom rwds d ≡ pp .PParams.keyDeposit)
× (c ∈ dom rwds d ≡ 0)
× mc ∈ mapˢ just (dom pools) ¿) p .proj₂ = refl
× mc ∈ mapˢ just (dom pools) ∪ ❴ nothing ❵ ¿) p .proj₂ = refl
Computational-DELEG .completeness ⟦ _ , _ ⟧ᵈᵉ ⟦ _ , _ , rwds ⟧ᵈ (dereg c) _ (DELEG-dereg p)
rewrite dec-yes (¿ (c , 0) ∈ rwds ¿) p .proj₂ = refl

Computational-POOL : Computational _⊢_⇀⦇_,POOL⦈_ String
Computational-POOL .computeProof _ ⟦ pools , _ ⟧ᵖ (regpool c _) =
case c ∈? dom pools of λ where
(yes _) failure "Pool already registered"
(no p) success (-, POOL-regpool p)
case ¬? (c ∈? dom pools) of λ where
(yes p) success (-, POOL-regpool p)
(no ¬p) failure (genErrors ¬p)
Computational-POOL .computeProof _ _ (retirepool c e) = success (-, POOL-retirepool)
Computational-POOL .computeProof _ _ _ = failure "Failed in POOL"
Computational-POOL .computeProof _ _ _ = failure "Unexpected certificate in POOL"
Computational-POOL .completeness _ ⟦ pools , _ ⟧ᵖ (regpool c _) _ (POOL-regpool ¬p)
rewrite dec-no (c ∈? dom pools) ¬p = refl
Computational-POOL .completeness _ _ (retirepool _ _) _ POOL-retirepool = refl
Expand All @@ -51,15 +53,15 @@ instance
case ¿ (d ≡ drepDeposit × c ∉ dom dReps)
⊎ (d ≡ 0 × c ∈ dom dReps) ¿ of λ where
(yes p) success (-, GOVCERT-regdrep p)
(no _) failure "GOVCERT failed at (d ≡ drepDeposit × c ∉ dom dReps) ⊎ (d ≡ 0 × c ∈ dom dReps)"
(no ¬p) failure (genErrors ¬p)
Computational-GOVCERT .computeProof _ ⟦ dReps , _ ⟧ᵛ (deregdrep c) =
case c ∈? dom dReps of λ where
(yes p) success (-, GOVCERT-deregdrep p)
(no _) failure "GOVCERT failed at (c ∈? dom dReps)"
(no ¬p) failure (genErrors ¬p)
Computational-GOVCERT .computeProof _ ⟦ _ , ccKeys ⟧ᵛ (ccreghot c _) =
case (c , nothing) ∈? (ccKeys ˢ) of λ where
(yes _) failure "GOVCERT failed at (c , nothing) ∈? (ccKeys ˢ)"
(no p) success (-, GOVCERT-ccreghot p)
case ¬? ((c , nothing) ∈? (ccKeys ˢ)) of λ where
(yes p) success (-, GOVCERT-ccreghot p)
(no ¬p) failure (genErrors ¬p)
Computational-GOVCERT .computeProof _ _ _ = failure "Unexpected certificate in GOVCERT"
Computational-GOVCERT .completeness ⟦ _ , pp , _ , _ ⟧ᶜ ⟦ dReps , _ ⟧ᵛ
(regdrep c d _) _ (GOVCERT-regdrep p)
Expand All @@ -81,7 +83,8 @@ instance
... | success (_ , h) | _ | _ = success (-, CERT-deleg h)
... | failure _ | success (_ , h) | _ = success (-, CERT-pool h)
... | failure _ | failure _ | success (_ , h) = success (-, CERT-vdel h)
... | failure _ | failure _ | failure _ = failure "Failed at CERT"
... | failure e₁ | failure e₂ | failure e₃ = failure $
"DELEG: " <> e₁ <> "\nPOOL: " <> e₂ <> "\nVDEL: " <> e₃
Computational-CERT .completeness ⟦ _ , pp , _ , wdrls ⟧ᶜ ⟦ stᵈ , stᵖ , stᵍ ⟧ᶜˢ
dCert@(delegate c mv mc d) ⟦ stᵈ' , stᵖ , stᵍ ⟧ᶜˢ (CERT-deleg h)
with computeProof ⟦ pp , PState.pools stᵖ ⟧ᵈᵉ stᵈ dCert | completeness _ _ _ _ h
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,11 +122,11 @@ instance
wdrlCreds = mapˢ RwdAddr.stake (dom wdrls)
in case ¿ wdrlCreds ⊆ dom voteDelegs × mapˢ (map₁ RwdAddr.stake) (wdrls ˢ) ⊆ rewards ˢ ¿ of λ where
(yes p) success (-, CERT-base p)
(no ¬p) failure "CERTBASE Failed at (mapˢ RwdAddr.stake (dom wdrls) ⊆ dom voteDelegs × wdrls ˢ ⊆ rewards ˢ)"
(no ¬p) failure (genErrors ¬p)
Computational-CERTBASE .completeness ⟦ e , pp , vs , wdrls ⟧ᶜ st _ st' (CERT-base p)
rewrite let dState = CertState.dState st; open DState dState in
dec-yes ¿ mapˢ RwdAddr.stake (dom wdrls) ⊆ dom voteDelegs × mapˢ (map₁ RwdAddr.stake) (wdrls ˢ) ⊆ rewards ˢ ¿
p .proj₂ = refl

Computational-CERTS : Computational _⊢_⇀⦇_,CERTS⦈_ (String ⊎ String)
Computational-CERTS : Computational _⊢_⇀⦇_,CERTS⦈_ String
Computational-CERTS = it
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/Ledger/Enact.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,6 +88,10 @@ private variable

_ = +-0-monoid

_∪⁺_ : ∀ {A} → ⦃ DecEq A ⦄ → A ⇀ ℕ → A ⇀ ℕ → A ⇀ ℕ
_∪⁺_ = OpUnion._∪̇_ _+_


Figure~\ref{fig:sts:enact} defines the rules of the ENACT transition
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Ledger/Epoch.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ its results, i.e:
open LState ls; open UTxOState utxoSt; open CertState certState
open PState pState; open DState dState; open GState gState
open Acnt acnt
open OpUnion _+_ renaming (aggregate∙ to aggregate₊)

trWithdrawals = esW .EnactState.withdrawals
totWithdrawals = ∑[ x ← trWithdrawals ] x
Expand Down
44 changes: 42 additions & 2 deletions src/Ledger/Foreign/HSLedger.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -163,8 +163,6 @@ HSGovStructure = record
instance _ = HSGovStructure

open import Ledger.Deleg it hiding (PoolParams; DCert)

HSTransactionStructure : TransactionStructure
HSTransactionStructure = record
{ Implementation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -206,11 +204,24 @@ open import Ledger.Utxo.Properties it it
open import Ledger.Utxow.Properties it it
open import Data.Rational

open import Algebra

_ = Convertible-Refl {⊤}
_ = Convertible-Refl {ℕ}
_ = Convertible-Refl {String}

Convertible-HSMap : {A B A′ B′}
⦃ DecEq A ⦄
⦃ Convertible A A′ ⦄
⦃ Convertible B B′ ⦄
Convertible (A ⇀ B) (F.HSMap A′ B′)
Convertible-HSMap = λ where
.to (x , _) record { assocList = to x }
.from record { assocList = x }
let open OpUnion (flip const) renaming (aggregate∙ to aggregateʳ)
in aggregateʳ (listToFinSet (map (λ where (l F., r) from l , from r) x))

Convertible-Rational : Convertible ℚ F.Rational
Convertible-Rational = λ where
.to (mkℚ n d _) n F., suc d
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -339,6 +350,7 @@ instance
; maxValSize = maxValSize
; minUTxOValue = minUTxOValue
; poolDeposit = poolDeposit
; keyDeposit = keyDeposit
; Emax = Emax
; nopt = nopt
; pv = to pv
Expand All @@ -365,6 +377,7 @@ instance
; maxValSize = maxValSize
; minUTxOValue = minUTxOValue
; poolDeposit = poolDeposit
; keyDeposit = keyDeposit
; minFeeRefScriptCoinsPerByte = 0ℚ
; a0 = 0ℚ
; Emax = Emax
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -446,6 +459,8 @@ fromNeedsHash {ChangePParams _} x = to x
fromNeedsHash {TreasuryWdrl _} x = to 0 F., 0
fromNeedsHash {Info} x = to 0 F., 0

open import Ledger.Deleg.Properties govStructure

Convertible-GovActionState : Convertible GovActionState F.GovActionState
Convertible-GovActionState = λ where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -502,6 +517,21 @@ instance
.to (inj₂ y) y
.from inj₂

Convertible-CertEnv : ConvertibleType CertEnv F.CertEnv
Convertible-CertEnv = autoConvertible

Convertible-GState : ConvertibleType GState F.GState
Convertible-GState = autoConvertible

Convertible-PState : ConvertibleType PState F.PState
Convertible-PState = autoConvertible

Convertible-DState : ConvertibleType DState F.DState
Convertible-DState = autoConvertible

Convertible-CertState : ConvertibleType CertState F.CertState
Convertible-CertState = autoConvertible

utxo-step : F.UTxOEnv F.UTxOState F.Tx F.ComputationResult String F.UTxOState
utxo-step = to UTXO-step

Expand All @@ -516,3 +546,13 @@ gov-step : F.GovEnv → F.GovState → List F.GovSignal → F.ComputationResult
gov-step = to (compute Computational-GOV)

{-# COMPILE GHC gov-step as govStep #-}

certs-step : F.CertEnv F.CertState List F.TxCert F.ComputationResult String F.CertState
certs-step = to (compute Computational-CERTS)

{-# COMPILE GHC certs-step as certsStep #-}

cert-step : F.CertEnv F.CertState F.TxCert F.ComputationResult String F.CertState
cert-step = to (compute Computational-CERT)

{-# COMPILE GHC cert-step as certStep #-}

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