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compiling Chain, working on lin-tests
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polinavino committed Apr 16, 2024
1 parent aaa6b63 commit 84bfdbe
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Showing 4 changed files with 284 additions and 17 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Ledger/Chain.lagda
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ open import Ledger.Ledger txs abs
open import Ledger.Ratify txs
open import Ledger.Utxo txs abs
open import Ledger.Epoch txs abs
open import Ledger.Zone txs abs

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267 changes: 267 additions & 0 deletions src/Ledger/LinTest.lagda
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
\section{Transaction Linearelisability Test}

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

open import Ledger.Transaction
open import Ledger.PParams
open import Ledger.Prelude
open import Ledger.Abstract
open import Ledger.Transaction using (TransactionStructure)

module Ledger.LinTest
(txs : _) (open TransactionStructure txs)
(abs : AbstractFunctions txs) (open AbstractFunctions abs)

open import Ledger.Zone txs abs

open Tx

Topological sort/cycle detection tests.


txBody : TxBody
txBody = record {
txins : ℙ TxIn
txouts : Ix ⇀ TxOut
txfee = 0
mint = ∅
txvldt = (nothing , nothing)
txcerts = []
txwdrls = ∅
txvote = []
txprop = []
txdonation = 0
txup = nothing
txADhash = nothing
netwrk = nothing
txsize = 0
txid : TxId
collateral : ℙ TxIn
reqSigHash : ℙ KeyHash
scriptIntHash = nothing
fulfills : ℙ Fulfill
requests : Ix ⇀ Request
requiredTxs = ∅

txWits : TxWitnesses
txWits = record {
vkSigs = ∅
scripts = ∅
txdats = ∅
txrdmrs = ∅

tx : Tx
tx = record { body = txBody; wits = txWits; isValid = true; txAD = nothing }

-- get a set of TxIds containing all IDs of transaction in given list tb
getIDs : List Tx → ℙ TxId
getIDs tb = foldr (λ { tx ls → ls ∪ (singleton (tx .Tx.body .TxBody.txid)) }) ∅ tb

-- make edges for a given transaction
mkEdges : Tx → List Tx → List (Tx × Tx)
mkEdges _ [] = []
mkEdges tx (h ∷ tb) with ( ( tx .Tx.body .TxBody.txid ) ∈? (fromList (map proj₁ (setToList (h .Tx.body .TxBody.txins)))) )
... | yes p = (tx , h) ∷ mkEdges tx tb
... | no ¬p = mkEdges tx tb

-- make FR edges for a given transaction
mkFREdges : Tx → List Tx → List (Tx × Tx)
mkFREdges _ [] = []
mkFREdges tx (h ∷ tb) with ( ( tx .Tx.body .TxBody.txid ) ∈? (fromList (map proj₁ (setToList (h .Tx.body .TxBody.fulfills)))) )
... | yes p = (h , tx) ∷ mkFREdges tx tb
... | no ¬p = mkFREdges tx tb

-- make all edges for all transactions
mkAllEdges : List Tx → List Tx → List (Tx × Tx)
mkAllEdges [] ls = []
mkAllEdges (h ∷ tb) ls = mkEdges h ls ++ mkFREdges h ls ++ mkAllEdges tb ls

-- for a given tx, and set of edges,
-- returns a list of transactions ls such that for each e in ls is such that e -> tx is a dependency
-- i.e. returns all ends of incoming edges
hasIncEdges : Tx → List (Tx × Tx) → List Tx
hasIncEdges tx [] = []
hasIncEdges tx ((e , tx') ∷ edges) with (tx .Tx.body .TxBody.txid ≡ᵇ tx' .Tx.body .TxBody.txid)
... | true = e ∷ (hasIncEdges tx edges)
... | false = (hasIncEdges tx edges)

-- filters a list of transactions such that only ones with no incoming edges remain
nodesWithNoIncomingEdge : List Tx → List (Tx × Tx) → List Tx
nodesWithNoIncomingEdge [] edges = []
nodesWithNoIncomingEdge (tx ∷ txs) edges with (hasIncEdges tx edges)
... | e ∷ dges = nodesWithNoIncomingEdge txs edges
... | [] = tx ∷ nodesWithNoIncomingEdge txs edges

-- remove the first instance of a transaction in a list
removeTx : Tx → List Tx → List Tx
removeTx tx [] = []
removeTx tx (n ∷ ne) with (tx .Tx.body .TxBody.txid ≡ᵇ n .Tx.body .TxBody.txid)
... | true = ne
... | false = [ n ] ++ (removeTx tx ne)

-- remove a transaction from a list if it has no incoming edges
ifNoEdgeRemove : Tx → List (Tx × Tx) → List Tx → List Tx
ifNoEdgeRemove tx edges s with (hasIncEdges tx edges)
... | [] = removeTx tx s
... | e ∷ dges = s

-- given tx1, for all tx such that (tx1 , tx) in edges,
-- remove (tx1 , tx) from the graph
-- if tx has no other incoming edges then
-- insert tx into S
updateRES : Tx → List (Tx × Tx) → List Tx → ((List (Tx × Tx)) × (List Tx))
updateRES tx1 [] s = ([] , s)
updateRES tx1 ((tx , tx') ∷ em) s with (tx .Tx.body .TxBody.txid ≡ᵇ tx1 .Tx.body .TxBody.txid)
... | true = (proj₁ (updateRES tx1 em (ifNoEdgeRemove tx em s)) , (ifNoEdgeRemove tx em s))
... | false = ((tx , tx') ∷ proj₁ (updateRES tx1 em s) , s)

-- topologically sorts a tx list
-- arguments : tracking edges for agda termination check, remaining edges, remaining txs with no incoming edge (S), current sorted list (L)
-- returns nothing if there are remaining edges the graph, but S is empty
topSortTxs : List (Tx × Tx) → List (Tx × Tx) → List Tx → List Tx → Maybe (List Tx)
topSortTxs e [] s srtd = just srtd
topSortTxs [] (r ∷ em) s srtd = nothing
topSortTxs e (r ∷ em) [] srtd = nothing
topSortTxs ((tx1 , tx2) ∷ dges) (r ∷ em) (tx ∷ rls) srtd =
topSortTxs dges (proj₁ updRES) (proj₂ updRES) (srtd ++ [ tx1 ])
where updRES = updateRES tx1 (r ∷ em) (removeTx tx1 (tx ∷ rls))

-- TOP SORT original
-- L ← Empty list that will contain the sorted elements
-- S ← Set of all nodes with no incoming edge
-- while S is not empty do
-- remove a node n from S
-- add n to L
-- for each node m with an edge e from n to m do
-- remove edge e from the graph
-- if m has no other incoming edges then
-- insert m into S
-- if graph has edges then
-- return error (graph has at least one cycle)
-- else
-- return L (a topologically sorted order)

-- TOP SORT implemented
-- L ← Empty list that will contain the sorted elements
-- S ← Set of all nodes with no incoming edge
-- --
-- for each (tx1 , tx2) in edges do
-- remove tx1 from S
-- add tx1 to L
-- for all tx such that (tx1 , tx) in edges,
-- remove (tx1 , tx) from the graph
-- if tx has no other incoming edges then
-- insert tx into S
-- if graph has edges then
-- return error (graph has at least one cycle)
-- else
-- return L (a topologically sorted order)

-- check that all IDs in all requiredTxs groups correspond to Txs in the given zone
chkRqTx : List Tx → Tx → Set
chkRqTx tb tx = ∀[ txrid ∈ tx .Tx.body .TxBody.requiredTxs ] Any (txrid ≡_) ( getIDs tb )

-- check for duplicates in two sets
noDups : ℙ Tx → ℙ Tx → Set
noDups tb tb' = ∀[ tx ∈ tb ] ∀[ tx' ∈ tb' ] ¬ tx ≡ tx'

-- apply top. sort/cycle detection to graph generated from all transactions in the zone, with forward
-- edges between transactions spending each other's outputs within the zone,
-- and backwards edges between transactions spending each other's requests within the zone
chkLinear : List Tx → Set
chkLinear tb = topSortTxs (mkAllEdges tb tb) (mkAllEdges tb tb) (nodesWithNoIncomingEdge tb (mkAllEdges tb tb)) [] ≡ just []

-- sum up the fees (adjusted by collateralPercentage) of transactions in a list
sumCol : List Tx → ℕ → Coin
sumCol tb cp = foldr (λ { tx c → c + tx .Tx.body .TxBody.txfee * cp }) 0 tb

\caption{Functions used for zone validation}

_⊢_⇀⦇_,ZONE⦈_ : LEnv → LState → List Tx → LState → Set
\caption{The type of the ZONE transition system}

private variable
Γ : LEnv
utxo utxo' : UTxO
fees fees' : Coin
deposits deposits' : Deposits
donations donations' : Coin
govSt govSt' : GovState
certState certState' : CertState
tb lsV : List Tx
tx : Tx

Γ ⊢ ⟦ ⟦ (utxo , ∅) , fees , deposits , donations ⟧ᵘᵘ , govSt , certState ⟧ˡˡ ⇀⦇ tb ,LEDGERS⦈
⟦ ⟦ (utxo' , ∅) , fees' , deposits' , donations' ⟧ᵘᵘ , govSt' , certState' ⟧ˡˡ
∙ All (chkRqTx tb) (fromList tb)
∙ chkLinear tb
∙ All chkIsValid (fromList tb)
∙ ((coin (balance (utxo ∣ tx .Tx.body .TxBody.collateral)) * 100)
≥ᵇ sumCol (lsV ++ [ tx ]) (Γ .LEnv.pparams .PParams.collateralPercentage)) ≡ true
Γ ⊢ ⟦ ⟦ utxo , fees , deposits , donations ⟧ᵘ , govSt , certState ⟧ˡ ⇀⦇ tb ,ZONE⦈ ⟦ ⟦ utxo' , fees' , deposits' , donations' ⟧ᵘ , govSt' , certState' ⟧ˡ
Γ ⊢ ⟦ ⟦ (utxo , ∅) , fees , deposits , donations ⟧ᵘᵘ , govSt , certState ⟧ˡˡ ⇀⦇ (lsV ++ [ tx ]) ,LEDGERS⦈ _
∙ tx .Tx.isValid ≡ false
∙ All chkIsValid (fromList lsV)
∙ ((coin (balance (utxo ∣ tx .Tx.body .TxBody.collateral)) * 100)
≥ᵇ sumCol (lsV ++ [ tx ]) (Γ .LEnv.pparams .PParams.collateralPercentage)) ≡ true
Γ ⊢ ⟦ ⟦ utxo , fees , deposits , donations ⟧ᵘ , govSt , certState ⟧ˡ ⇀⦇ tb ,ZONE⦈
⟦ ⟦ utxo ∣ (tx .Tx.body .TxBody.collateral) ᶜ
, fees + cbalance (utxo ∣ tx .Tx.body .TxBody.collateral)
, deposits , donations ⟧ᵘ
, govSt
, certState ⟧ˡ
\caption{ZONE transition system}
-- TODO fix this
-- unquoteDecl ZONE-V-premises = genPremises ZONE-V-premises (quote ZONE-V)
-- unquoteDecl ZONE-N-premises = genPremises ZONE-N-premises (quote ZONE-N)
-- pattern ZONE-V⋯ x y z w = ZONE (x , y , z , w)
-- unquoteDecl ZONE-premises = genPremises ZONE-premises (quote ZONE)
_⊢_⇀⦇_,ZONES⦈_ : LEnv → LState → List (List Tx) → LState → Set
_⊢_⇀⦇_,ZONES⦈_ = ReflexiveTransitiveClosure _⊢_⇀⦇_,ZONE⦈_
\caption{ZONES transition system}
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Ledger/Utxo.lagda
Expand Up @@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ data _⊢_⇀⦇_,UTXO⦈_ where
open UTxOEnv Γ renaming (pparams to pp)
open UTxOStateTemp s
∙ txins ≢ ∅ ∙ txins ⊆ dom (nutxo utxoTemp) -- TODO change this to check in spent UTxOs/FRxOs
∙ txins ≢ ∅ ∙ txins ⊆ dom (nutxo utxoTemp) -
∙ inInterval slot txvldt ∙ feesOK pp tx (nutxo utxoTemp) ≡ true
∙ consumed pp s txb ≡ produced pp s txb ∙ coin mint ≡ 0
∙ txsize ≤ maxTxSize pp
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