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Adding initial example and ledger implementation
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Ali-Hill committed Apr 16, 2024
1 parent 4885e00 commit 97394e5
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Showing 6 changed files with 459 additions and 0 deletions.
113 changes: 113 additions & 0 deletions src/ScriptVerification/Examples.agda
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
open import Ledger.Prelude hiding (fromList; ε); open Computational
open import ScriptVerification.Prelude

module ScriptVerification.Examples
(scriptImp : ScriptImplementation ℕ) (open ScriptImplementation scriptImp)

open import ScriptVerification.LedgerImplementation ℕ scriptImp
open import ScriptVerification.Lib ℕ scriptImp

open Implementation

open import Ledger.ScriptValidation SVTransactionStructure SVAbstractFunctions
open import Data.Empty
-- open import Ledger.UTxo SVTransactionStructure SVAbstractFunctions
open import Ledger.Utxo SVTransactionStructure SVAbstractFunctions
open import Ledger.Transaction
open TransactionStructure SVTransactionStructure
open import Ledger.Types.Epoch
open EpochStructure SVEpochStructure

open import Data.Rational

succeedIf1 : PlutusScript
succeedIf1 zero _ = false
succeedIf1 (suc zero) _ = true
succeedIf1 (suc (suc x)) _ = false

succeedIf1' : Bool
succeedIf1' zero _ = false
succeedIf1' (suc zero) _ = true
succeedIf1' (suc (suc x)) _ = false

test : PlutusScript
test x y with deserialise x
... | just x₁ = succeedIf1' x₁ y
... | nothing = false

initEnv : UTxOEnv
initEnv = createEnv 0

initState : UTxO
initState = fromList' (createInitUtxoState 5 10)

initTxOut : TxOut
initTxOut = inj₁ (record { net = tt ;
pay = inj₂ succeedIf1 ;
stake = inj₂ succeedIf1 })
, 10 , nothing

exTx : Tx
exTx = record { body = record
{ txins =
; txouts = fromListIx ((6 , initTxOut) ∷ [])
; txfee = 10
; mint = 0
; txvldt = nothing , nothing
; txcerts = []
; txwdrls =
; txvote = []
; txprop = []
; txdonation = 0
; txup = nothing
; txADhash = nothing
; netwrk = just tt
; txsize = 10
; txid = 6
; collateral =
; reqSigHash =-- maybe need this
; scriptIntHash = nothing -- not sure
} ;
wits = record { vkSigs = ∅ ;
scripts = ∅ ;
txdats = ∅ ;
txrdmrs = ∅ } ;
isValid = false ;
txAD = nothing }

example : Bool
example = evalScripts exTx (collectPhaseTwoScriptInputs (UTxOEnv.pparams initEnv) exTx initState)

example2 : Bool
example2 = not true

-- scriptsNoTest : {!!}
-- scriptsNoTest = Scripts-No {!!}

initList : List (TxIn × TxOut)
initList = ((1 , 1) , inj₂ (record { net = tt ; pay = inj₁ 1 ; attrsSize = 1 }) , (1 , nothing)) ∷ []
initUTxO : UTxO
initUTxO = fromListᵐ initList
exTx : Tx
exTx = {!!}
example : Bool
example = evalScripts exTx (collectPhaseTwoScriptInputs (UTxOEnv.pparams initEnv) exTx initUTxO)

initState : UTxOState
initState = ?
transaction : Tx
transaction = ?
-- _⊢_⇀⦇_,UTXOS⦈_ : UTxOEnv → UTxOState → Tx → UTxOState → Set
207 changes: 207 additions & 0 deletions src/ScriptVerification/LedgerImplementation.agda
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
open import ScriptVerification.Prelude

module ScriptVerification.LedgerImplementation
(D : Set)
(scriptImp : ScriptImplementation D) (open ScriptImplementation scriptImp)

open import Ledger.Prelude hiding (fromList; ε); open Computational

open import Data.Rational using (0ℚ; ½)

open import Algebra using (CommutativeMonoid)
open import Algebra.Morphism using (module MonoidMorphisms)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-0-commutativeMonoid; +-0-isCommutativeMonoid)
open import Relation.Binary.Morphism.Structures

open import Foreign.Convertible

import Foreign.Haskell as F
import Ledger.Foreign.LedgerTypes as F

open import Ledger.Crypto
open import Ledger.Transaction
open import Ledger.Types.Epoch
open import Ledger.Types.GovStructure

open import Interface.HasOrder.Instance

module _ {A : Set} ⦃ _ : DecEq A ⦄ where instance
∀Hashable : Hashable A A
∀Hashable = λ where .hash id; .hashInj refl refl

∀isHashableSet : isHashableSet A
∀isHashableSet = mkIsHashableSet A

Hashable-⊤ : Hashable ⊤ ℕ
Hashable-⊤ = λ where .hash tt 0; .hashInj _ refl

module Implementation where
Network =
SlotsPerEpochᶜ = 100
StabilityWindowᶜ = 10
Quorum = 1
NetworkId = tt

SKey =
VKey =
Sig =
Ser =

isKeyPair = _≡_
sign = _+_

Data = D
Dataʰ = mkHashableSet Data
toData : {A : Set} A D
toData = serialise

PlutusScript = Data Data Bool
ScriptHash = Data Data Bool

ExUnits = ℕ × ℕ
ExUnit-CommutativeMonoid = IsCommutativeMonoid' 0ℓ 0ℓ ExUnits ∋ (toCommMonoid' record
{ Carrier = ExUnits
; _≈_ = _≈ᵖ_
; _∙_ = _∙ᵖ_
; ε = zero , zero
; isCommutativeMonoid = pairOpRespectsComm +-0-isCommutativeMonoid
}) where open import Algebra.PairOp ℕ zero _≡_ _+_
_≥ᵉ_ : ExUnits ExUnits Set
_≥ᵉ_ = _≡_
CostModel =-- changed from ⊥
Language =
LangDepView =
Prices =
open import Ledger.TokenAlgebra (Data Data Bool)
coinTokenAlgebra : TokenAlgebra
coinTokenAlgebra = λ where
.Value-IsCommutativeMonoid' it
-- ^ Agda bug? Without this line, `coinIsMonoidHomomorphism` doesn't type check anymore
.coin id
.inject id
.policies λ _
.size λ x 1 -- there is only ada in this token algebra
._≤ᵗ_ _≤_
.AssetName String
.specialAsset "Ada"
.property λ _ refl
.coinIsMonoidHomomorphism Id.isMonoidHomomorphism _ refl
where open TokenAlgebra
open Algebra.Morphism.IsMonoidHomomorphism
open Algebra.Morphism.IsMagmaHomomorphism
import Algebra.Morphism.Construct.Identity as Id

TxId =
Ix =
AuxiliaryData =
DocHash =
networkId = tt
tokenAlgebra = coinTokenAlgebra

SVGlobalConstants = GlobalConstants ∋ record {Implementation}
SVEpochStructure = EpochStructure ∋ ℕEpochStructure SVGlobalConstants
instance _ = SVEpochStructure

SVCrypto : Crypto
SVCrypto = record
{ Implementation
; pkk = SVPKKScheme
-- Dummy private key crypto scheme
SVPKKScheme : PKKScheme
SVPKKScheme = record
{ Implementation
; isSigned = λ a b m a + b ≡ m
; sign = _+_
; isSigned-correct = λ where (sk , sk , refl) _ _ h h

instance _ = SVCrypto

open import Ledger.Script it it

SVScriptStructure : ScriptStructure
SVScriptStructure = record
{ hashRespectsUnion = hashRespectsUnion
; ps = SVP2ScriptStructure }
instance Hashable-Timelock : Hashable Timelock (Implementation.Data Implementation.Data Bool) -- ℕ

hashRespectsUnion : {A B ℍ}
Hashable A ℍ Hashable B ℍ
Hashable (A ⊎ B) ℍ

SVP2ScriptStructure : PlutusStructure
SVP2ScriptStructure = record
{ Implementation
; validPlutusScript = λ _ _ _ _

instance _ = SVScriptStructure

open import Ledger.PParams it it it hiding (PParams)

SVGovParams : GovParams
SVGovParams = record
{ Implementation
; ppUpd = let open PParamsDiff in λ where
.updateGroups λ _
.applyUpdate λ p _ p
.ppdWellFormed λ _ false
.ppdWellFormed⇒hasGroup λ ()
.ppdWellFormed⇒WF λ _ _ x x
; ppHashingScheme = it

SVGovStructure : GovStructure
SVGovStructure = record
{ Implementation
; epochStructure = SVEpochStructure
; govParams = SVGovParams
; crypto = SVCrypto
instance _ = SVGovStructure

open import Ledger.GovernanceActions it hiding (Vote; GovRole; VDeleg; Anchor)
open import Ledger.Deleg it hiding (PoolParams; DCert)

SVTransactionStructure : TransactionStructure
SVTransactionStructure = record
{ Implementation
; epochStructure = SVEpochStructure
; globalConstants = SVGlobalConstants
; adHashingScheme = it
; crypto = SVCrypto
; govParams = SVGovParams
; txidBytes = id
; scriptStructure = SVScriptStructure
instance _ = SVTransactionStructure

open import Ledger.Abstract it
open import Ledger.Gov it

SVAbstractFunctions : AbstractFunctions
SVAbstractFunctions = record
{ Implementation
; txscriptfee = λ tt y 0
; serSize = λ v v
; indexOfImp = record
{ indexOfDCert = λ _ _ nothing
; indexOfRwdAddr = λ _ _ nothing
; indexOfTxIn = λ _ _ nothing
; indexOfPolicyId = λ _ _ nothing
; indexOfVote = λ _ _ nothing
; indexOfProposal = λ _ _ nothing
; runPLCScript = λ _ _ _ _ false
; scriptSize = λ _ 0
instance _ = SVAbstractFunctions

Empty file.

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