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UlfNorell committed May 3, 2024
1 parent 133cd36 commit fc5d038
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Showing 5 changed files with 125 additions and 48 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/Foreign/Convertible/Deriving.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -126,6 +126,9 @@ private
fromClauses mapM (conversionClause (quote Convertible.from) (quote from)) ( hsCons agdaCons)
return $ pat-lam (toClauses ++ fromClauses) []

doPatternLambda : Term R.TC Term
doPatternLambda hole = patternLambda =<< initTCEnvWithGoal hole

-- Deriving a Convertible instance. Usage
-- unquoteDecl iName = deriveConvertible iName (quote AgdaTy) (quote HsTy)
deriveConvertible : Name Name Name R.TC ⊤
Expand Down
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions src/Foreign/HaskellTypes.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@

module Foreign.HaskellTypes where

open import Level using (Level)
open import Data.Nat.Base using (ℕ)
open import Data.List.Base using (List)

private variable
l : Level
A B : Set l

record HasHsType (A : Set l) : Set₁ where
HsType : Set

HsType : (A : Set l) ⦃ HasHsType A ⦄ Set
HsType _ ⦃ i ⦄ = i .HasHsType.HsType

-- Could make a macro for these kind of congruence instances.

iHasHsTypeℕ : HasHsType ℕ
iHasHsTypeℕ .HasHsType.HsType =

iHasHsTypeList : ⦃ HasHsType A ⦄ HasHsType (List A)
iHasHsTypeList {A = A} .HasHsType.HsType = List (HsType A)

iHasHsTypeFun : ⦃ HasHsType A ⦄ ⦃ HasHsType B ⦄ HasHsType (A B)
iHasHsTypeFun {A = A} {B = B} .HasHsType.HsType = HsType A HsType B
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- {-# OPTIONS -v tc.unquote.def:10 -v tc.unquote.decl:10 -v tactic.hs-types:10 #-}

module Foreign.Convertible.HaskellTypes where
module Foreign.HaskellTypes.Deriving where

open import Meta hiding (TC)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ open import Class.Show.Instances
open import Tactic.Derive.Show using (showName)

open import Reflection.Utils
open import Foreign.HaskellTypes

Expand All @@ -45,29 +46,24 @@ private variable
l : Level
A B : Set l

record HasHsType (A : Set l) : Set₁ where
theHsType : Set

open HasHsType

HsType : (A : Set l) ⦃ HasHsType A ⦄ Set
HsType _ ⦃ i ⦄ = i .HasHsType.theHsType

-- Could make a macro for these kind of congruence instances.

iHasHsTypeℕ : HasHsType ℕ
iHasHsTypeℕ .theHsType =

iHasHsTypeList : ⦃ HasHsType A ⦄ HasHsType (List A)
iHasHsTypeList {A = A} .theHsType = List (HsType A)

iHasHsTypeFun : ⦃ HasHsType A ⦄ ⦃ HasHsType B ⦄ HasHsType (A B)
iHasHsTypeFun {A = A} {B = B} .theHsType = HsType A HsType B

NameEnv = List (Name × String)

solveInstance : Term TC Term
solveInstance ty = do
iTerm@(meta iMeta _) newMeta ty
where _ typeErrorFmt "Impossible"
debugPrintFmt "tactic.hs-types" 10 "getInstances %t : %t" iTerm =<< inferType iTerm
iSol ∷ _ getInstances iMeta
where [] typeErrorFmt "No instance found for %t" ty
debugPrintFmt "tactic.hs-types" 10 "iSol = %t" iSol
unify iTerm iSol
pure iSol

solveHsType : Term TC Term
solveHsType tm = do
inst solveInstance (quote HasHsType ∙⟦ tm ⟧)
normalise $ def (quote HsType) (vArg tm ∷ iArg inst ∷ [])

lookup : ⦃ DecEq A ⦄ A List (A × B) Maybe B
lookup x xs = proj₂ <$> findᵇ ((x ==_) ∘ proj₁) xs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,15 +93,6 @@ private
isThis f (def g []) = f == g
isThis _ _ = false

computeHsTypeInst : Term TC Term
computeHsTypeInst tm = do
iTerm@(meta iMeta _) checkType unknown (quote HasHsType ∙⟦ tm ⟧)
where _ typeErrorFmt "Impossible"
iSol ∷ _ getInstances iMeta
where [] typeErrorFmt "No instance found for %t" (quote HasHsType ∙⟦ tm ⟧)
unify iTerm iSol
normalise $ def (quote HsType) (vArg tm ∷ iArg iSol ∷ [])

computeHsType : Name Name Term TC Term
computeHsType aThis hThis tm with isThis aThis tm
... | true = pure (hThis ∙)
Expand All @@ -118,20 +105,26 @@ private
just ty′ pure (strengthen ty)
where nothing extendContext x a $ typeErrorFmt "%s free in computed HsType %t" x ty
pure ty′
computeHsType _ _ tm | false = computeHsTypeInst tm
computeHsType _ _ tm | false = do
debugPrintFmt "tactic.hs-types" 10 "solving HsType %t" tm
ty solveHsType tm
debugPrintFmt "tactic.hs-types" 10 "HsType %t = %t" tm ty
pure ty

makeHsCon : NameEnv Name Name Name TC (Name × Type)
makeHsCon env agdaName hsName c = do
debugPrintFmt "tactic.hs-types" 10 "Making constructor %q : %q" c agdaName
hsC freshHsConName env c
cTy getType c
debugPrintFmt "tactic.hs-types" 10 "cTy = %t" cTy
hsTy computeHsType agdaName hsName cTy
debugPrintFmt "tactic.hs-types" 10 "hsTy = %t" hsTy
pure (hsC , hsTy)

makeHsData : NameEnv Name List Name TC Name
makeHsData env agdaName nPars constrs = do
hsName freshHsTypeName env agdaName
let hsPars = 0 -- TODO
declareData hsName hsPars `Set
declareData hsName 0 `Set
hsCons mapM (makeHsCon env agdaName hsName) constrs
defineData hsName hsCons
pure hsName
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,20 +172,22 @@ private
(record-type c fs) typeErrorFmt "todo record"
_ typeErrorFmt "%q is not a data or record type" d

doAutoHsType : NameEnv Term TC ⊤
doAutoHsType env hole = do
def (quote HasHsType) (_ ∷ vArg (d ∙) ∷ _) inferType hole
where t typeErrorFmt "Expected HasHsType D, got %t" t
hs makeHsType env d
bindHsType hs
unify hole (`λ⟦ proj (quote theHsType) ⇒ hs ∙ ⟧)
doAutoHsType : NameEnv Name Term TC Term
doAutoHsType env d hole = do
-- def (quote HasHsType) (_ ∷ vArg (d ∙) ∷ _) ← inferType hole
-- where t → typeErrorFmt "Expected HasHsType D, got %t" t
checkType hole (quote HasHsType ∙⟦ d ∙ ⟧)
hs makeHsType env d
bindHsType hs
unify hole (`λ⟦ proj (quote HasHsType.HsType) ⇒ hs ∙ ⟧)
pure (hs ∙)

autoHsType : Term TC ⊤
autoHsType = doAutoHsType []
autoHsType : Name Term TC ⊤
autoHsType d hole = _ <$ doAutoHsType [] d hole

autoHsType' : NameEnv Term TC ⊤
autoHsType' = doAutoHsType
autoHsType' : Name NameEnv Term TC ⊤
autoHsType' d env hole = _ <$ doAutoHsType env d hole

_↦_ : Name String Term TC ⊤
x ↦ s = unify (quote (Data.Product._,_) ◆⟦ lit (name x) ∣ lit (string s) ⟧)
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions src/Foreign/Marshall.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
{-# OPTIONS -v tc.unquote.def:10 -v tc.unquote.decl:10 -v tactic.hs-types:10 #-}

module Foreign.Marshall where

open import Level using (Level; 0ℓ)
open import Data.Nat.Base using (ℕ)
open import Data.Unit using (⊤)
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_)
open import Function.Base

open import Reflection hiding (_>>=_; _>>_)
open import Reflection.Syntax

open import Class.Monad

open import Foreign.Convertible
open import Foreign.HaskellTypes
import Foreign.Convertible.Deriving
import Foreign.HaskellTypes.Deriving

open Foreign.Convertible.Deriving
open Foreign.HaskellTypes.Deriving
open Foreign.Convertible.Deriving public using (autoConvertible; ConvertibleType)
open Foreign.HaskellTypes.Deriving public using (autoHsType; autoHsType')

`Set = agda-sort (Sort.set (quote 0ℓ ∙))
doAutoMarshalling : Name Term TC ⊤
doAutoMarshalling d hole = do
hsTyMeta newMeta `Set
checkType hole (quote Convertible ∙⟦ d ∙ ∣ hsTyMeta ⟧)
hsTy solveHsType (d ∙)
unify hsTyMeta hsTy
patlam doPatternLambda hole
unify hole patlam

autoMarshall : Name Term TC ⊤
autoMarshall = doAutoMarshalling

data Dummy : Set where
baseCase : Dummy
stepCase : Dummy

iConvertible-ℕ = Convertible-Refl

iHsType-Dummy = autoHsType Dummy
iMarshalling-Dummy = autoMarshall Dummy
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Ledger/Foreign/LedgerTypes.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ open import Foreign.Haskell.Coerce
open import Foreign.Haskell.Either
open import Data.Rational.Base

open import Foreign.Convertible.HaskellTypes
open import Foreign.HaskellTypes
open import Foreign.HaskellTypes.Deriving
open import Ledger.Transaction using (Tag)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,8 +85,7 @@ HashProtected : Set → Set
HashProtected A = Pair A GovActionID

iHsType-Tag : HasHsType Tag
iHsType-Tag = autoHsType
iHsType-Tag = autoHsType Tag

RdmrPtr = Pair (HsType Tag) Ix
ExUnits = Pair ℕ ℕ
Expand Down

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