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WeDeliver - Proposal submission in staging

Closed Aug 8, 2024 100% complete

User Story 1

As an author of proposals,
I want to be able to submit a proposal using a submission form (main requirements already defined)

Acceptance Criteria

Given I am a signed-in user
And an author of proposals
When I click on Create Proposal
Then I should be able to fill out the information requested on the submission form
And the proposal created sho…

User Story 1

As an author of proposals,
I want to be able to submit a proposal using a submission form (main requirements already defined)

Acceptance Criteria

Given I am a signed-in user
And an author of proposals
When I click on Create Proposal
Then I should be able to fill out the information requested on the submission form
And the proposal created should be visible to all users

Definition of Done

It will be possible for author of proposals to create and submit a proposal.

User Story 2

As an author of proposals,
I want to be able to update/edit my proposal

Acceptance Criteria

Given I am a signed-in user
And an author of proposals
When I click on EDIT
Then I should be able to change/update the information requested on the submission form
And saved the changes.

Definition of Done

It will be possible for author of proposals to edit/update a proposal.

User Story 3

As an author of proposals,
I want to be able to create and attach a Yes/No poll to each proposal that I submit

Acceptance Criteria

Given I am a signed-in user
And an author of proposals
When I click on ADD A POLL
Then I should be able to create and add a Yes/No poll on the submission form
And publish the results on the proposal

Definition of Done

It will be possible for author of proposals to add a YES/NO poll and provide results on the proposal.

User Story 4

As an author of proposals,
I want to be notified if a comment was created on my proposal

Acceptance Criteria

Given I am a signed-in user
And an author of proposals
When another user creates a comment on my proposal
Then I should be able to get a notification

Definition of Done

It will be possible for author of proposals to be notified every time that a user creates a comment


As an author of proposals,
I want to be able to access all previous versions of the proposal after editing the proposal

Acceptance Criteria

Given I am a signed-in user
And an author of proposals
When I click on DRAFT
Then I should be able to get access to all previous versions of the proposal

Definition of Done

It will be possible for author of proposals to get access to all previous versions of proposals

This milestone is closed.

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