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stm32 cmake

Use cmake to build your stm32 project!



stm32 cmake tool

You need to do :

cmake -DSTM32_MODEL=<your chip model> -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<path_to_STM32.cmake> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug <path_to_source_dir>

and add ${STM32_INCLUDE} ${STM32_SOURCE_FILES} to your CMakeLists.txt. Maybe your need to link with ${STM32_LIBRARY}

  • STM32_MODEL - Must. eg. STM32F411CE ( Only 12 ).
  • CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE - Must. ${stm32-cmake_PATH}/Modules/STM32.cmake.
  • TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX - default: arm-none-eabi.
  • STM32Cube_DIR - Set the STM32Cube repository directory. default: ~/STM32Cube/Repository/.
  • STM32Cube_VERSION - Set the STM32Cube firmware version. default: latest. eg. ${STM32Cube_DIR}/STM32Cube_FW_${STM32_SERIES}_V${STM32Cube_VERSION}
  • STM32_SPECS - Set the compile option: --specs. default: nosys.( Documentation )
  • STM32_CUSTOM_SYSCALL - If ON, will generate a syscalls.c to your ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}. default: OFF.( Documentation )
  • STM32_LINKER_SCRIPT - You can custom the link script template. default: ${stm32-cmake_PATH}/Modules/STM32/${STM32_SERIES}/ldscript.template.

find package tool

Now, I only completed one find_package for stm32. In the future, I will write more find_package for stm32.


You must use the stm32 cmake tool first, then can use these find_package.

find_package ( STM32LL COMPONENTS gpio REQUIRED )

The ${STM32LL_FOUND} ${STM32LL_INCLUDE} and ${STM32LL_STM32LL_SOURCE_FILES} will be created, just add to

include_directories (

Add chip support

Now, Only supports four chip. but you can add a support for your chip.

Support List Cmake Script
STM32F103C8 STM32F103C8.cmake
STM32F103VC STM32F103VC.cmake
STM32F103ZE STM32F103ZE.cmake
STM32F411CE STM32F411CE.cmake
├── Modules
│   ├── FindCMSIS.cmake
│   ├── FindSTM32Cube.cmake
│   ├── FindSTM32HAL.cmake
│   ├── STM32
│   │   ├── F1                     #F1 series.
│   │   │   ├── STM32F103C8.cmake  #Chip model ( One to one ).
│   │   │   ├── STM32F103VC.cmake  #Chip model ( One to one ).
│   │   │   ├── STM32F103ZE.cmake  #Chip model ( One to one ).
│   │   │   ├── cmake.cmake        #F1 cmake.
│   │   │   └── ldscript.template  #F1 link script template.
│   │   ├── F4                     #F4 series.
│   │   │   ├── STM32F411CE.cmake  #Chip model ( One to one ).
│   │   │   ├── cmake.cmake        #F4 cmake.
│   │   │   └── ldscript.template  #F4 link script template.
│   │   ├── Linker.cmake
│   │   ├── Util.cmake
│   │   └── syscalls.c
│   └── STM32.cmake                #Main cmake.

If you use the F1 or F4 series chip, you only need copy STM32F103C8.cmake or STM32F411CE.cmake and change some parameters.

  • add_definitions ( -DSTM32F411xE ) - Set chip marco.
  • STM32_RAM_START_ADDRESS - Chip ram start address.
  • STM32_ROM_START_ADDRESS - Chip rom start address.
  • STM32_RAM_SIZE - Chip ram size.
  • STM32_ROM_SIZE - Chip rom size.
  • STM32_RAM_END_ADDRESS - Chip ram end address ( ram start address + ram size ).
  • STM32_STARTUP_SOURCE_NAME - Chip startup source code name.

Finally, push it!!! Thanks!

If you don't use F1 or F4 series chip, you can copy Modules/F4/cmake.cmake and change some parameters too. But I think you can take a issues and tell me the parameters. Then I will do it.


Use cmake to build your stm32 project!







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