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Releases: IridiumIO/GCodePlot


02 Jan 12:39
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Forked and updated from: (Last version forked was 0.12)

Backend Changes

  • Added Moonraker API support to send generated GCode directly to a Klipper connected 3D Printer.
  • Added option to ignore hidden and locked SVG layers:
    • Both options work for Inkscape SVGs
    • Only the hidden option will work for Illustrator SVGs as I don't know how Illustrator tags locked SVGs
      • You need to export SVGs with Advanced Options > CSS Properties set to Style Attributes in the SVG Options Save dialog.
  • Rewrote argument parser to use argparse instead of getopt
    • This reduces the need to provide separate help/default/variable assignments and makes it easier to manage new parameters. This change is almost entirely feature-equal to the old getopt version, the only real difference being that config files are passed into the script using python $config.txt instead of python --config-file config.txt.
    • New commandline arguments: --ignore-hidden --ignore-locked

Inkscape Changes

  • Updated User Interface
    • Organised similar options into groups
    • Uses Color selector button for Extract only one color from drawing option
  • You can now export GCode using the File > Export menu in addition to File > Save.
    • This makes it easier to keep editing your SVG file and export the GCode separately.