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Installer + DotFiles + Manager - V2.1

Main idea

Firo allows easy and quick installation, configuration, and management of Hyprland. It does not aim to replace other tools, only to quickly setup a pleasant environment.

Interesting features

  • One-step installer.
  • Configuration in a single place.
  • Script-manager with the firo command.
  • Firefox, VS Code, Rofi, Kitty, and more colors based on the desktop background with its own color-extractor: Fyu.
  • A pleasant and customizable environment.
  • Possibility to install with Nvidia optimizations using --nvidia in the installer.


  • Firefox browser.
  • Thunar file manager.
  • Kitty terminal.
  • Gnome Calculator.
  • Fish shell.
  • Notifications with SwayNC.
  • Locking with SwayLock.
  • Power management with SwayIdle.
  • Text editor VS Code.
  • Top bar with Waybar.
  • Menus with Rofi.
  • Fonts SF Mono and JetBrains Mono.


  1. Have git, python, and paru installed. An installer for paru is included for ArchLinux-based distros in installer/scripts/
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. Run the install file, do not install as Root, execute with --help to see different installation options.
  4. Install the recommended extras.

Recommended extras

  • Pywalfox for Firefox.
  • Wal Theme for VS Code.
  • where is my sddm theme for SDDM.

Future plans

  • Generated colors for GTK and QT.
  • Improve the installer (again).
  • Improve Fyu (again).


  • QT themes are managed by Kvantum, requiring a restart of applications for the new theme to take effect.
  • Pywalfox requires adjustment for the light theme (bc by default the text has the same color as the background).


preview preview preview preview preview Some of Fyu work... preview preview preview preview preview preview preview preview preview preview

Firo command

  • Set your wallpaper with firo wallpaper [image] command, add -l if you want light schema (is dark by default), for example firo wallpaper /home/quetzal/wallpaper.png -l.
  • Launch the menu firo launcher [menu], for example firo launcher power to launch power-menu.
  • Control the audio with firo audio [device] [action], device can be mic or speaker, action inc, dec or mute, for example, to mute the mic use firo audio mic mute.
  • Control the monitor brightness with firo brightness [action], action can be inc or dec, for example, increase the brightness with firo brightness inc.
  • Take an screenshot with firo screenshot [type], type can be window, screen or region, for example, the Ctrl+shift+s uses firo screenshot region.
  • Control the power with firo power [action], action can be lock, suspend, reboot, shutdown or logout; this command is used by the power-menu, for example, use firo power reboot if you want to reboot.

The end

Version 2.1 has arrived, featuring a significant improvement to Fyu (the system that retrieves desktop background colors). In this new version, you won't encounter unreadable colors anymore.

Once again, thank you for considering using Firo. Our aim is not to reach large audiences; it's simply a personal project to create a pleasant and fast environment in Hyprland.

It's worth mentioning that the wallpaper included in this new release is brought to you thanks to stable diffusion, so credit goes to the rightful owner.

There are still quite interesting things to come, such as Fiyu II (a significant enhancement to Fyu), menu for screenshots, optimizations (and improvements) to existing menus and more, but all in due time...

README 2.1.1