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Issung edited this page Feb 20, 2020 · 8 revisions

SorterExpress is a program designed to make manual sorting of image collections less of a pain, by use of forms laid out in a logical way, optimising your workflow and speed.

If you are lost in the program and are coming to the wiki for help, you should also try hovering your mouse above any control in the program, this will display useful tips about what that control does and any keyboard shortcuts related to it that you can use. Using the keyboard shortcuts can greatly increase your speed so it is recommended you try to learn them.

If you have any issues or suggestions for SorterExpress, please use the built-in Issues feature of GitHub on the repository.

There is a page for each window of SorterExpress, each window serves a different purpose. The links to them are here or on the sidebar.


Mass Tag

Rename Tag


Duplicate Searcher

Command Line Arguments

You can start SorterExpress in a certain window with a specific path selected, used by windows context menu when right clicking a folder.

Just run SorterExpress with any of the 5 functions (sort, view, duplicates, masstag, renametag) and the path to open at the end.

SorterExpress.exe [sort|view|duplicates|masstag|renametag] directory


This project uses VLC for video support. This project also uses FFMPEG to obtain video thumbnails and duration.


Built With

  • .NET 4.7
  • Winforms


The license of this project is currently undecided.

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