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Issung edited this page Feb 20, 2020 · 2 revisions

The sorter window allows you to manually sort each of your images one by one, by opening a directory with the button in the top left the program will load every file in that location. It then starts at index 1 and then you are free to sort every image in the directory through to the last one. In the bottom right you can see the index of the current file you are sorting, in the example image we are looking at file 1 out of 512, using the [<-] and [->] buttons you can increase or decrease the index by one, and by using the outer buttons [<<-] and [->>] you can jump to the first or last file, or you can enter an index manually in the enabled Textbox.

Across the top there is access to some basic controls such as the settings window, undoing the last move, and deleting the current file.

There are then two main columns.

At the top of the left column is 2 disabled Textboxes these display the file's current name and extension, below that is what the file will be renamed to if you click "Save" right now. As no tags are enabled currently the file's name would not change.

There is the notes Textbox, this allows you to add a note to the file name, so if you have any tags selected it will be appended to the filename in brackets, e.g if you have "cat" and "dog" tags enabled and the note is "Kuma" the resulting filename would be "cat dog (Kuma)" but if you have no tags enabled the resulting filename will be "Kuma" with no brackets, this can be useful if you want to just go an entire directory not using tags, just giving each file a unique name, you can do this using the Notes box, this will be faster than doing it by hand in a file explorer (opening a file to inspect it, closing it, renaming).

In the next column we have the header "Move to Subfolder" this allows you to not only rename the file, but also to move it, there is a divider between the buttons "Doge" and "Sorted", underneath the divider is all the immediate folders in the directory you opened, the directory we opened has 512 files and 1 folder called "Sorted", the buttons above the divider are custom added directories, added by using the "Add Directory" button, doing this allows you to give the button a display name e.g "Food" and specify a directory. Clicking one of these buttons will move the file to that directory, if any tags or a note is set the file will also be renamed in the process.

Below the file viewer is 2 buttons "Open File" and "Open File in Explorer". "Open File" will open the currently viewed file in your preferred program for that extension. "Open File in Explorer" will open the directory the file is stored in your file explorer with the file highlighted.

There are many keyboard shortcuts, you can sort extremely fast without even using the mouse once.

Hovering over any control with your mouse will display a tooltip, giving you information about what that control does and any available shortcuts, it is recommended you do this when beginning to use SorterExpress to familiarise yourself with the program and optimise your workflow and speed.

Main sorting window

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