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enlochner edited this page Jul 30, 2021 · 2 revisions

To debug by running a gcamdata chunk line by line, you can run driver or driver_drake and save the inputs of a chunk to all_data, and then begin running your chunk from loading the inputs. If stop_before is specified, by default that chunk's inputs are returned. If stop_after is specified, that chunk's outputs are returned.

For example, if you run

all_data <- driver(stop_before = "module_emissions_L121.nonco2_awb_R_S_T_Y")

All inputs of module_emissions_L121.nonco2_awb_R_S_T_Y will be saved to all_data. From there, you can run get_data(all_data, <input-name>) or alternatively begin running your chunk line by line, starting with loading required inputs.

Similarly, if you are using driver_drake you can do

all_data <- driver_drake(stop_before = "module_emissions_L121.nonco2_awb_R_S_T_Y")

which also saves the inputs to all_data.

We have also provided a utility method load_from_cache() for returning input or output data in the same format as data returned from driver(stop_before = "module_emissions_L121.nonco2_awb_R_S_T_Y"), which looks like

all_data <- load_from_cache(inputs_of("module_emissions_L121.nonco2_awb_R_S_T_Y"))

We recommend using this utility rather than using drake::readd directly.

Additionally, you likely will need to load the package with devtools::load_all() so that all necessary functions are available at the command line. Remember to reload after making changes.