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AISstreamer Test and generate docs

Client for AISstream socket API. It uses AISstream free (and experimental) API to track specific, single, ships (in the first version).


It should be as easy as npm install aisstreamer.


Documentation is hosted at GitHub pages; regenerate it locally after changes with npm run doc. If you fork this repository and give the fork the necessary permissions, the included workflow will do that for you.


Two exported functions, AISTrackAll and AISTrack, as well as a constant, defaultBoundingBox

import { AIStrack, AISTrackAll, defaultBoundingBox } from "aisstreamer";

// API_KEY can be defined as an environment variable
const API_KEY = process.env.AISSTREAM_API_KEY;

// Execute the callback for every message related to vessels in the box
            (msg) => console.log( msg["MessageType"]));

// The exact ship name needs to be used; this might include the company name
const SHIP_NAME = process.env.SHIP_NAME.toUpperCase();


This will use the default callback, which simply prints the message in JSON format, every time it finds the ship. Please read the documentation if you want to change the tracked zone, as well as have a different callback called when the ship is found. Please check out the reference for a more extensive explanation, and the examples directory for a few scripts that use this.

AISstream messages

Every message received from AISstream will have a form similar to this one

  Message: {
    ShipStaticData: {
      AisVersion: 2,
      CallSign: 'ZGIJ3',
      Destination: 'ANTIBES',
      Dimension: [Object],
      Dte: false,
      Eta: [Object],
      FixType: 3,
      ImoNumber: 9794549,
      MaximumStaticDraught: 3.3,
      MessageID: 5,
      Name: 'PAPA',
      RepeatIndicator: 0,
      Spare: false,
      Type: 37,
      UserID: 319156300,
      Valid: true
  MessageType: 'ShipStaticData',
  MetaData: {
    MMSI: 319156300,
    ShipName: 'PAPA',
    latitude: 43.587181666666666,
    longitude: 7.130946666666667,
    time_utc: '2023-05-10 11:46:52.509865357 +0000 UTC'

That is, there are three keys: Message, MessageType, Metadata. The value of MessageType will be also the single key in Message. The content of this message will vary with the type of data; however, the Metadata part will remain invariable, and it contains the name of the ship as well as the MMSI for the ship we're tracking


  • 0.0.1 Initial version.
  • 0.0.2 Refactoring with several functions, mainly a general AISTrackAll that does not focus on a single ship. Bugs eliminated.


(c) JJ Merelo, 2023

This is released under the GPL-3.0 license. See LICENSE for more information.