Author : Jose Javier Gonzalez Ortiz Copyright ©2013-2014, Jose Javier Gonzalez Ortiz. All rights reserved.
Code for controlling a 8x8x8 LED Cube via SPI.
The code is designed for a Microchip dSPIC33FJ32MC202 microcontroller.
The libraries work together to enable the LED cube to play effects and games interacting with the user via serial communication.
- cubo - General library has the main initialization and the SPI configuration.
It also is the responsible for loading the cube configuration periodically in the SPI module
- function - Library designed as a general purpose interface to configure the different parts of the cube.
Supports the treatment with integer and voxel structures.
- effect - A completely functional effect launcher with the capability of secondary effect and variable period.
A set of effect launcher related functions are defined.
A huge amount of effects are also included divided in different types and categories.
- font - Library used to define a 8x8 bitmap font to be used by the cube.
Ascii, greek, hiragana and other fonts are included.
Font effects are also defined as well as a few helper functions to interact with the constants.
- snake - Library used to define a Snake-like game in three dimensions which is executed by the cube.
- life - Library to display a variable-ruled three dimensional Conway's Game of Life in the cube.
A few glider based effect are predefined for convinience.
- serial - Library to interact with the uart module and parse the commands and parameters received by it.
Echo is managed.
External libraries (other people's work):
- config - General library for configuring the PLL oscillator and uart mapping.
- uart - Library which include functions to easily interact with the uart module.