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Crosswinds Blocks gives you the power to create the website you want to build. From powerful blocks (like a basic grid block, accordions, tabs, post navigation, related posts and more) to custom post types to custom taxonomies and more, you can create the website of your dreams with Crosswinds Blocks.

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Crosswinds Blocks

Contributors: ArenaPigskin
Tags: blocks
Requires at least: 6.0
Tested up to: 6.4
Stable tag: 1.0 Requires PHP: 7.0
License: GPL-2.0-or-later
License URI:

Take your website to the next level with the Crosswinds Blocks plugin!

The Crosswinds Blocks plugin adds in even more functionality to help you take your website to the next level.

The core of the plugin is the block library that adds in simple but powerful blocks that you can use in your posts and pages. There are blocks that add in post navigation and related posts sections for your blog pages. You can also add in social sharing sections so people can share your content with their friends and followers.

There are also accordion and tab sections that allow you to present a lot of information in a contained space. And there are very simple blocks that make tricky things, like breadcrumbs and the copyright date for your footer, super easy.

And for those who want to scratch their design, it comes with a grid block to help you create complex designs as well as tools for using flex box on all group and column blocks. Oh, and it helps you a lot with the responsiveness for all of your designs, so your website will look great no matter what device it’s viewed on.

As you’ll see, it’s a very simple plugin but it can add a whole lot to your website, even if you don’t use one of the Crosswinds Framework themes.


Currently there are over 15 blocks you can add to your templates, template parts, posts and pages. These blocks range from a simple marquee to post navigation to more complex sections like accordions and tabs.


The accordions block allows you to add an accordion section to your content. This can be really useful for frequently asked questions or any other section of content where you have a lot of information to share but don’t want to take up too much space on the page.

Basic Grid

The basic grid block allows you to create a simple grid of items. This can be really helpful in showing off a list of features for a product or service or a list of services that you offer. And you can control how many columns are shown at mobile, tablet and desktop screen sizes.


The copyright block allows you to display a copyright date and text on your page (most likely in the footer). And you won’t have to worry about updating the date every year.


The marquee block allows you to show a section of horizontally scrolling text in your content. This can help call attention to something you want — like a sale. It’s not recommended that you use this block a whole lot on your site, but it can be helpful when used right.

Post Navigation

The Next Post and Previous Post blocks allow you to customize how your post navigation looks beyond the default WordPress blocks. The Next Post block will show the next chronological post so that a reader can read another post. The Previous Post block will show the previous chronological post. And you’ll be able to customize how those posts will look, just like you can inside a query block.

Related Posts

The Related Posts Block allows you to display a number of related posts so that a reader can continue to read more of your block posts. It’s a great way to increase the amount of time someone spends on your website.

Single Content

The Single Content block allows you to display a specific post, page or other post type on the page. You can customize how it looks similar to how you can customize the posts in the query loop block.

Skills Slider

The Skills Slider block allows you to display a visual representation of how well you know certain skills, such as web development, editing, shooting video, etc.

Social Share Content

The Social Share Content block allows you to show an area on a post, page or other custom post type so that a user can share that content to a social network with a click of the button.


The Tabs block allows you to create a tabbed section in your content. You can align the tabs either horizontally across the top or vertically along the left side. This can be another great way to present a lot of information but not take up too much space on the page.

Custom Post Types

Currently Crosswinds Blocks comes with one custom post type that you can enable or disable.


Makes it easy for a user to create portfolio projects to showcase their amazing work.

Custom Taxonomies

Currently Crosswinds Blocks comes with custom taxonomies that you can enable or disable.

Portfolio Category

Creates categories for portfolio projects, similar to posts.

Portfolio Tag

Creates tags for portfolio projects, similar to posts.


The Google Maps block uses the Google Maps API when it generates the map on page load. You can find out more about the Maps API service here. You can view Google Maps' Terms of Service here.

Use the Crosswinds Framework

Want to get the most out of Crosswinds Blocks? Checkout the Crosswinds Framework theme! From a portfolio to an online store to a newspaper website and even a blank canvas to create anything you want, the Crosswinds Framework will help you create a great website.

Getting Started

Getting started with Crosswinds Blocks is pretty simple. You’ll be up and running with it on your website in just a few minutes after following these instructions.

  • Download the plugin ZIP file from the releases page on GitHub.
  • Upload the plugin to your WordPress website through Plugins -> Add New -> Upload Plugin.
  • Activate Crosswinds Blocks.
  • Go to the Crosswinds Blocks settings page (Crosswinds -> Blocks) and enable the blocks you want to use on your website.

The plugin is now active on your website and you can start adding cool blocks to your website.


Want to learn how to get started using the Crosswinds Blocks today? Check out the wiki to see all of the documentation for the plugin.


See what has changed with the Crosswinds Blocks over time in the changelog.
View Changelog


Want to help build the Crosswinds Blocks theme? Check out the contributing guide to learn how to get started.
Learn how to contribute


Crosswinds Blocks gives you the power to create the website you want to build. From powerful blocks (like a basic grid block, accordions, tabs, post navigation, related posts and more) to custom post types to custom taxonomies and more, you can create the website of your dreams with Crosswinds Blocks.






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