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An open source native web3 community, NFT smart contract updates, and Token structure rebalancing. A JMA_DAO Token Improvements Proposal. United State of America JMA VC NFT [V1] Improvements to [V2] Pro.Taho-OP NFT. IMPORTANT NOTICE: This is a pubic call for Application Submissions, to earn a creator spot on the Proposed Pro.Taho-OP NFT Contract.


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An open source native web3 community, NFT smart contract updates, and Token structure rebalancing. A JMA_DAO Token Improvements Proposal. Applications and Submissions to earn a creator contract account spot on the Proposed Professional Tahomies Optimism Non Fungible Improved Token Smart Contract. A web3 Token Interaction, native to open source web3 communities. A partnership initiative between Tally Ho web3 community and jma_dao web3 community.

Look out for Application Requirements and Submission Details.

USA JMA VC [V1] Improved to Pro.Tahomie Optimism NFT [V2]. Proposed Token Details:

Token Networks: Optimism, Ethereum, Polygon, Aurora, Near....

Token Native Network: Optimism

Token Contract Address: jma_dao OP {0x86........6A06B}

Token ID: Pro.Taho OP

Token Symbol: PTOP

Token Name: Professional Tahomies Optimism

Token Decimal: N/A

Token Website:

Pro.Taho OP Token Total Volume Supply.

Token Quantity:

    {(('20 Limited Pro. Categories')
       '20 no, of each Pro. Categories')
         = 400 Mint, Pro.Taho OP NFTs}
    Proposed Pro.Taho OP NFTs Total Supply Volume = 400 Pro.Taho OP NFTs.


Committee Reviewing Pro.Taho OP NFT, V2 Improvements Proposal.

An Open-Source native wen3 community council, contributors, and members, who's role is to discuss, review, contribute, and vote for the approval of the JIP. (JMA_DAO Token Improvements Proposal)

  1. JMA_DAO Community Council Members. A web3 community role, native to jma_dao.
  2. Shiba House Verified Tally Ho Members. A web3 community role, native to Tally Ho.
  3. JMA_DAO Verified Contributors. A web3 community role, native to jma_dao.


Verified Contributor Task and Bounty Links associated with Pro.Taho OP NFTs.

NOTE. This task is reserved for the contributors within the native community associated with Pro.Taho OP NFT.

    Task/Bounty Title,            Discription,              Links,          Asigned Contributor.   Contributor's community and Role.
*  2x Weighted Gov OP         An associetd and verified    Check here               N/A                         N/A
   Token Identifier bot.      general web3 weighted Gov   for link update. 
                              Token Identifier and
                              contrat implimenter bot.

*   Active Contributor        An associetd and verified    Check here               N/A                         N/A
    Role Tag. -ACRole.        general Active Contributor   for link update. 
                             Role Tag Identifier bot.

*  $PTOP Loan Collateral      An associetd and verified    Check here               N/A                         N/A
   Token Asset Class.         Token Loan Collateral Asset  for link update. 
                              Strategy Implimenter bot.

*  $PTOP Smart Staking        An associetd and verified    Check here               N/A                         N/A
   dependencies and           Smart staking contract       for link update. 
   capabilities.              Implimentation bot.


Pro.Taho OP NFTs Overview.

Pro.Taho OP NFT is the second version [V2] update of the United State Of America JMoss-Architecture-DAO Vintage Coin Non Fungible Token, [V1] ( proposed to be deployed on the optimism network, as a universal web3 native Token utility.

A limited Premium Collection of ProfesSional Tahomies, who are the beneficiaries of the USA JMA VC Private sale auction, reserved for the Tally Ho native web3 community multisig safe, managed natively by the community members and multisig signers. 20 Beneficiaries form the USA JMA VC V1, will participate and receive free Lams Product voucher airdrops, from the proposed percentage of the V1, Token sale. (

Each limited Pro.Taho OP NFT, has a unique Profession that is considered invaluable, within web3 communities. Professional Tahomies are strong and convicted open-source and decentralized native web3 community evangelists. Pro.Tahomies creates a gender bias-free professional service experience, that is native to Tally Ho, Jma_dao, and several other open source web3 communities.


Proposed Pro.Taho OP Limited Professional Category List.

Professional Tahomies List.

  1. Architects
  2. Smart Contract Engineers
  3. Graphics Designers
  4. Smart Contract Auditors
  5. Accountants
  6. Forex Traders
  7. Blockchain Validators
  8. Full Stack Developers
  9. Front End Developers
  10. Back End Developers
  11. Community Managers
  12. Analytics Engineers
  13. Web3 Content Creators
  14. Policy Makers
  15. Cryptographers
  16. Cryptocurrency Traders
  17. Methodologists
  18. Lawyers
  19. Climate Change Activists
  20. Founder/CEOs of Native Web3 Open Source Communities.


Proposed Pro.Taho OP Utility and Token On-Chain web3 Value.

  1. Native Web3 Community Active Contributor Role Tag. This tag represents a highly interactve professional withing all associated web communities. This general Role Tag is not transferable. A Pro.Taho OP holding this Tag, jumps contributor queue, and is aoutomatically made a leader over fellow countributors. The Active Contributor Role is native within partnered community and only Pro.Tahomies can apply for the ACRole Tag.

  2. Native web3 Retrospevtive OP automated airdrops from V1 NFT sales to all Pro.Taho OP Owners. Automated 10% Royalty Airdrops from V1 Re-Sales.

    V1 Royalty % native airdrops Distribution:

     *   2.5% Royalty Airdrops to verified Tally Ho community Pledge Signers.
     *   2.5% Royalty Airdrops to Verified jma_dao community members.
     *   2.5% Royalty Airdrops to Pro.Tahomies Creator Addresses.
     *   2.5% Royalty Airdrop to jma_dao Contract Initiator Address.
  3. Pro.Taho OP, A Lending Colateral Token Asset Class on Optimism and Associated Networks.

  4. Pro.Tahomies OP has a web3 native, general Active Contributor Role Access Tag. ACRole is a proposed community general contributor role that gives automatic access to native web3 community roles and channesls. Holders of ACRole are considerd first, for a leadership position within associated web3 communities. This role tag ia not transferable and is not automatically given to Pro.Taho OP owners. The #ACRole must be applied for.

  5. Pro.Taho OP Smart Staking abilities and Properties on Optimism Network. $PTOP Proposed Smart Staking allows owners and holders to select a preconfigured automatic staking strategies on listed DeFi and CeFi on the optimism network and associated native web3 community Networks.

  6. Pro.Tahomies OP Governance Token Value. The Gov related Token Value of $PTOP is discribed below.

    V2 Pro.Taho OP NFT = 2x (OP) Governance Token.

    $PTOP = 1000 wraped OP Token at any given timestamp, post deployment on mainnet.

Proposed as an improvement/addition to the Optimism Gov Tokens, and also proposed on associated web3 community's Gov Tokens.


Pro.Taho OP NFT Creator Contract Application Requirements.

1.===== Pro.Taho OP NFT Metadata Requirements.

   * Dog Breed Name =
   * Dog Name       =
   * Profession     =
   * 4k HD Media Quality Dog Photo
   * 1200 : 1200 mm photo diameter
   * Pro.Tahomies must be dressed up in appropriate Professional Costume that best represents you as a Professional Tahomie.
   * Photo footage must be a close shot and one of the three listed background colour theme below.
   - Orange { same colour theme used on Tally Ho official logo}
   - Green  { same colour theme used on jma_dao, and Aurora Official logo
   - Red    { same colour theme used on Optimism official logo}

2.===== Pro.Taho Associated Smart Contract Address Requiremens.

   * Optimism Network Mainnet RPC = 
   * Ethereum Network Mainnet RPC = 
   * Aurora Network Mainnet RPC   =
   * Polygon Network Mainnet RPC  = 
   * NEAR Network Mainnet RPC     = 
  1. ===== Pro.Tahomies Associated Native Web3 Community Membership Role Requierments.

         Community.                  Role.                 Required Action.                Connection Links.
    *  jma_dao we3 community      Membership       Connect Discord, and web3 Wallet 
    *  Tally Ho web3 community    Membership       Connect Wallet, Sign Pledge. 
    *  Optimism Community         Membership       Join Community, Hold OP Token 
  2. ===== Pro.Taho Curriculum Vitea Requierments.

    * Upload an on-chain web3 curriculum vitae.
    * Details on Curriculum vitae must correspond with Pro.Taho OP dedails, in requirement 1, above.
    * Avoid by all means possible, revealing Pro.Tahomie's Gender. 
    * Curriculum Vitae must only contain discriptions and links to all web3 interactions with smart contracts, contribution details of all on-chain related web3 
      contributions, and make sure to completely leave out all previous off-chain work experience.     

NOTE. Pro.Taho OP NFT is a 100% Pro Equality Token.

  1. ===== Pro.Tahomies Lams Product Coupons Airdrops, to 20 Successful Applications. Proof Requirement.

    After a successful application submission, 20 selected applications by the committee council, will receive the proposed airdrops, and are required to give proof of recieving and purchasing, as required.

      *  Pro.Tahomies are required to to send a screenshot of purchase receipt and send screenshot proof via jma_dao #Proof Channel
      *  Pro.Tahomies are required to take a photo of the delivered Lams Products, arranged next to Your Dog. Having both Lams Products and Your in a single
         shot is a must requirement, and photo sent to jma_dao proof channel. 

NOTE: Failure to meet the Proof Requirement, Will result to Immidiate Termination of Application, and spot given to the next qualified submission.

  1. ===== Added Advantage Requirements For Applicants. *Optinal

    Retweet, Share, Post, Interact, or Publish an Article about the Following:

     *  JMA Vintage Coin Collection V1 on Open Sea
     *  Pro.Taho OP NFT V2 on Quix
     *  Pro.Taho OP V2 Open Source Repo. This repo, when it resets to Public 
     *  Follow Tally Ho on Twitter 
     * Interact with Pro.Taho OP Contract Address using the options liated bellow. 
       Successfully Transfer: 
        *  2 OP       =  0x8604CB8ed74a9AcC91581d9785467ae04256A06B
        *  2 Aurora   =  0x8604CB8ed74a9AcC91581d9785467ae04256A06B
        *  2 MATIC    =  0x8604CB8ed74a9AcC91581d9785467ae04256A06B
        *  2 NEAR    =   0x8604CB8ed74a9AcC91581d9785467ae04256A06B
        *  $2 ETH    =   0x8604CB8ed74a9AcC91581d9785467ae04256A06B 


Apllication Submission Guidelines 1. SUBMISSION CHANNEL SETUP.

1. ===== Fork This Public Pro.Taho OP NFT V2 Repository.

2. ===== Watch and set this Master's repository notification to receive all updates and improvements.

3. ===== Copy your new Fork Pro.Taho OP V2 repo, Rename copied repo to your Proposed Pro.Taho OP name."Dog Name" must tally with details you already provided.

4. ===== Make the copied and renamed Repo, Private. 

5. ===== Send an Admin invitation and access of your private repo to jma_dao dev team and council committee members via

6. ===== Send an invite notification message to jma_dao proof channel taging @admin followed by Private Repo link. 


Application Submission Guidelines 2. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS PROOF LINKS.

Applicants are required to Provide the neccessary links to requested requirements. On Copied Fork Repo.

1. =====                                                                   PROVIDE REQUIRED LINK PROOF.                            
        * Dog Breed Name =

        * Dog Name       =

        * Profession     =

        * 4k HD Media Quality Dog Photo

        * 1200 : 1200 mm photo diameter

        * Pro.Tahomies must be dressed up in appropriate Professional Costume that best represents you as a Professional Tahomie.
  • Photo fotage must be a close shot and one of the three listed background colour theme below.
  • Orange { same colour theme used on Tally Ho official logo}
  • Green { same colour theme used on jma_dao, and Aurora Official logo
  • Red { same colour theme used on Optimism official logo}


                   Discription.                         Contract Address. 

          * Optimism Network Mainnet RPC =   

          * Ethereum Network Mainnet RPC =   

          * Aurora Network Mainnet RPC   =  

          * Polygon Network Mainnet RPC  =  

          * NEAR Network Mainnet RPC     =  

           Community.                  Role.                 Required Action.                Connection Links.
       *  jma_dao we3 community      Membership       Connect Discord, and web3 Wallet     
       *  Tally Ho web3 community    Membership       Connect Wallet, Sign Pledge.        
       *  Optimism Community         Membership       Join Community, Hold OP Token    

      * Upload an on-chain web3 curriculum vitae.


        * Details on Curriculum vitae must correspond with Pro.Taho OP dedails, in requirement 1, above.

        * Avoid by all means possible, revealing Pro.Tahomie's Gender. 

        * Curriculum Vitae must only contain discriptions and links to all web3 interactions with smart contracts, contribution details of all on-chain related
          web3 contributions, and make sure to completely leave out all previous off-chain work experience.     

             Discription.                  Link to Proof on jma_dao #proof channel.
       * Lams Purchase Screenshot     
       * Photo of Dog and Lams Product     
  2. =====

    Tweet, Post, Share, Publish Article and Interact with Smart Contract. Optional.

                                                                         PROVIDE REQUIRED LINK PROOF.
                 Discription                                                        Links.
       *  JMA Vintage Coin Collection V1 on Open Sea.
       *  Pro.Taho OP NFT V2 on Quix.
       *  Pro.Taho OP V2 Open Source Repo. 
       *  Follow Tally Ho on Twitter.
       *  Interact with Pro.Taho OP Contract Address using the options liated bellow. 
               Successfully Transfer.                  Smart Contract Transaction Details.     
                  *  2 OP                  = 
                  *  2 Aurora              = 
                  *  2 MATIC               = 
                  *  2 NEAR                =  
                  *  $2 ETH                =   


Selection Criteria Percentage Allocation.

  1. ===== Well Articulated and Completed Application and Submission Process.

              30% [PERCENT GRADE ALLOCATION]
  2. ===== Proposed Professional Tahomies choice of Costume Interpretation, and Photo Media Quality.

              40% [PERCENT GRADE ALLOCATION]
  3. ===== First 25 Application to be Completed and Submitted.

  4. ===== Observed Community Interactions within Partnered Web3 Community Platforms and Smart Contract Interactions.

  5. ===== Added Advantage Requirement 6. Optional.



Application Submission Deadlines and Approval Notification.

  1. ===== USA JMA VC V1 Private Sale Auction Smart Contract Interaction, with a Tally Ho MultiSig Account on Open Sea. Listing Expires on 28th, May 2023.

  2. ===== Submissiom Deadline for Pro.Taho OP NFT Creator.

         Date:    28th, of April 2023.  
         Time:    00:00 UTC
  3. ===== Selected and Approved Submisions would Announced Via This Repo.

         Date:    30th, of April 2023
         Time:    00:00 UTC
  4. ===== Submissions will be Maxed at 40. 20 would be selected and approved by the committee, the remaining submissions that is complete and meets the requirements listed will have automatic access to Whitelist, at Floor Price Mint Event. Plus all associsted Proposed Token Utility and on-chain Value.



An open source native web3 community, NFT smart contract updates, and Token structure rebalancing. A JMA_DAO Token Improvements Proposal. United State of America JMA VC NFT [V1] Improvements to [V2] Pro.Taho-OP NFT. IMPORTANT NOTICE: This is a pubic call for Application Submissions, to earn a creator spot on the Proposed Pro.Taho-OP NFT Contract.







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