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JPVenson edited this page Jun 15, 2022 · 4 revisions

With the use of the IMorestachioFormatterService you can inject services into your formatters or make objects available via the $services variable.

Service in Formatter

To prepare an object to be used as a service, you have to add it to the Services property of the IMorestachioFormatterService via the ParserOptionsBuilder.New().WithService(service) extension method or one of overloads.

You can ether add the service instance directly or use the factory methods. There are some build in services available provided by the framework such as:

  • ParserOptions - The ParserOptions object that is used to render the template
  • ScopeData - The current ScopeData, containing execution options
  • ILogger - When set the logger supplied by the ParserOptions object

Note: all objects listed above are only available for formatters not via the $service variable!.

Consume services in Formatters

To get a service within a formatter you simply add an parameter to your function, matching the type and annotated with the ExternalDataAttribute.
Example ToString formatter

[MorestachioFormatter("ToString", "Formats a value according to the structure set by the argument")]
public static string Formattable(IFormattable source, string argument, [ExternalData]ParserOptions options)
	return source.ToString(argument, options.CultureInfo);

this example shows the build-in ToString formatter. It is injected with the ParserOptions.

Consume services in template

Another use-case is the consumption of a service directly within your template. To access any explicitly added service, you can access the $services variable directly in your template and handle it the same as an object where all properties are named like the type the service has.

The example uses the optional Build-In FileSystemService. Example $service with FileSystemService

var template = @"{{$services.FileSystem.File.Create(FileName)}}";
var options = await ParserOptionsBuilder.New()
   .WithFileSystem(() => new FileSystemService(tempDirectory))

Adapting custom IServiceContainer

When adapting an existing IServiceContainer with morestachio via the ParserOptionsBuilder.WithServiceContainer(IServiceContainer) extension method, the services within that container are only available for Formatters as well. This is because for a Template based lookup there has to be an name relation with all services as it is only possible to write a string in the template and the .net IServiceCollection does not have such relation.