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Experiment 2

JRowanJordan edited this page May 23, 2024 · 18 revisions


Experiment 2 is intended to act as a validation test where models can demonstrate their ability to both retreat and advance a circular calving front a given rate in a controlled, spatially symetrical fashion. We use the steady state solution obtained from Experiment 1 in the circular domain as the initial condition for this experiment, with the initial calving front position located a distance of 750 km from the centre of the domain. For the first half of the experiment the calving front will be made to retreat, before advancing during the second half of the experiment and reaching a final position that is the same as its initial position by the end of the simulation.

To achieve a particular rate of position change in the calving front we impose a calving rate suche that the difference between this imposed calving rate and the ice velocity at the calving front is equal to the desired rate of change in calving front position. For this experiment we seek to simulate a calving front thats rate of change of position varies in a sinusoidal fashion for the 1000 years of the simulation. For the first 500 years the calving front position retreats before advancing in the second 500 years of the simulation. The retreat rate reaches a maximum of 300 m/a after 250 years, is zero at 500 years and then reachs a maximum advance rate of 300 m/a after 750 years. The rate of calving position change (Wv) at a given year (t) is given by;

Wv = -300*sin(2 $\times$ $\pi$ $\times$ t/1000)

with Wv positive for an advancing calving front, negative for a retreating. The calving rate (Cr) required to achieve this value of Wv can be deterimed from the ice velocity at the calving front (Iv) such that

Cr = Iv-Wv

with the calving rate definied as positive in the direction towards the ground line (Cr = +100 m/a would imply that 100 horizontal metres of ice are calved per year)

This experiment has been deliberately chosen to test a number of aspects of implementing a calving front within one experiment where the simulated results can be easily compared to the expected result. This experiment will test models capabilities to not only retreat a calving front but also alow it to advance again. The calving rate has also been deliberately chosen to vary in time and thus not be a neat multiple of model grid resolution. This will require participating models to consider a method for tracking the position of the calving front at the sub grid scale to accurately track its position over time. The rate of advance has also been chosen to be less than the ice velocity at the calving front, as having the calving front advancing quicker than the ice at the calving front would be unphysical. By specifying a perfect circle that contracts and expands in time as the calving front boundary we also test model symetry when utilising discrete grids or meshes.

Required Results

A snapshot of ice thickness, velocities and mask on the common results grid should be provided every 100 years of simulation time. The common results grid is a regular, uniform grid of 800 km by 800 km with a resolution of 5 km centered on the middle of the domain (0,0). This gives dimensions of 321 by 321, with X and Y values ranging from -800 km to 800 km. We also ask that participants provide a profile of results, sampled on the same order of resolution as the native model grid (albeit with some interpolation), on the eight experimental profiles originating from the domain center located at (0,0) every year of simulation time.

  • Profile A (along the line x=0 in the positive y direction)
  • Profile B (along the line y=x in the positive x and y direction)
  • Profile C (along the line y=0 in the positive x direction)
  • Profile D (along the line y=-x in the positive x and negative y direction)
  • Profile E (along the line x=0 in the negative y direction)
  • Profile F (along the line y=x in the negative x and y direction)
  • Profile G (along the line y=0 in the negative x direction)
  • Profile H (along the line y=-x in the negative x and positive y direction)

For example, the results from Kori uses the following points Circle_Profiles.csv

Ice thickness should be given in units of meters, whilst velocity should be seperated into an X and Y component alligend with the results grid in units of m/a. All results should be interpolated onto the results grid in a linear fashion. Ice mask should be equal to 1 for grounded ice, 2 for floating ice, and 3 for open ocean with no ice. Results should be interpolated onto the results grid using a nearest neighbour method, such that its values are whole integers. Values of ice velocity and thickness that are in the open ocean should be set to NaN values, regardless of whether individual models utilising some manner of minimum ice thickness to represent open ocean or similar.

Results should be submitted as a NETcdf file, with naming convention of "CalvingMIP_EXPNUMBER_MODELNAME_INSTITUTION". For example, the results for Experiment 1 made using the Kori model by the group from Université libre de Bruxelles would be named "". A list of the required data fields is below. To aid analysis of results, please make sure that variable names are an exact match A matlab script that correctly formats results into this format is available in the code section. An example of correctly formatted results are available from the PROTECT data servers, access available upon request.

Naming conventions have been chosen to, as far as possible, be compatible with the ISMIP6 naming conventions to allow for later comparison between projects.

Of particular note for CalvingMIP is the variable 'tendlicalvf', tendency of land ice mass due to calving. To avoid confusion, we define this variable to be the total, domain wide mass flux of ice at the calving front (Calving front ice velocity times calving front ice thickness times ice density) irrespective of whether the calving front is advancing, retreating or stationary.

NetCDF Variable name NetCDF Standard name Description Units
X X coordinates of results grid m
Y X coordinates of results grid m
Time1 Simulation time of yearly line profiles and calving front results a
Time100 Simulation time of 100 yearly 2d snapshot results a
xvelmean land_ice_vertical_mean_x_velocity X velocity m a-1
yvelmean land_ice_vertical_mean_y_velocity Y velocity m a-1
lithk land_ice_thickness Ice thickness m
mask Ice mask grounded=1, floating=2, open ocean=3
topg bedrock_altimetry Bedrock height m
iareafl grounded_ice_sheet_area Total area of grounded ice m2
iareagr bedrock_altimetry Total area of floating ice m2
lim land_ice_mass Total mass of ice in the domain kg
limnsw land_ice_mass_not_displacing_sea_water Total mass of ice in the domain that does not disoalce seawater (grounded) kg
tendlicalvf tendency_of_land_ice_mass_due_to_calving Total mass flux across the calving front kg a-1
tendligroundf tendency_of_grounded_ice_mass Total mass flux across the grounding line kg a-1
iareatotalNW total_ice_area_NorthWest Total area of grounded and floating ice in positive Y, negative X quadrant m2
iareatotalNE total_ice_area_NorthEast Total area of grounded and floating ice in positive Y, positive X quadrant m2
iareatotalSW total_ice_area_SouthWest Total area of grounded and floating ice in negative Y, negative X quadrant m2
iareatotalSE total_ice_area_SouthEast Total area of grounded and floating ice in negative Y, positive X quadrant m2
lithkA land_ice_thickness_along_profile_A Profile A ice thickness m
sA distance_along_profile_A Distance from start of profile A m
xvelmeanA land_ice_vertical_mean_x_velocity_along_profile_A Profile A X velocity m a-1
yvelmeanA land_ice_vertical_mean_y_velocity_along_profile_A Profile A Y velocity m a-1
maskA Ice mask along profile A grounded=1, floating=2, open ocean=3
xcfA x_calving_front_on_profile_A Profile A calving front X position m
ycfA y_calving_front_on_profile_A Profile A calving front Y position m
xvelmeancfA land_ice_vertical_mean_x_velocity_at_calving_front_on_profile_A Profile A Calving Front X velocity m a-1
yvelmeancfA land_ice_vertical_mean_y_velocity_at_calving_front_on_profile_A Profile A Calving Front Y velocity m a-1
lithkcfA land_ice_thickness_at_calving_front_on_profile_A Profile A Calving Front ice thickness m
lithkB land_ice_thickness_along_profile_B Profile B ice thickness m
sB distance_along_profile_B Distance from start of profile B m
xvelmeanB land_ice_vertical_mean_x_velocity_along_profile_B Profile B X velocity m a-1
yvelmeanb land_ice_vertical_mean_y_velocity_along_profile_B Profile B Y velocity m a-1
maskB Ice mask along profile B grounded=1, floating=2, open ocean=3
xcfB x_calving_front_on_profile_B Profile B calving front X position m
ycfB y_calving_front_on_profile_B Profile B calving front Y position m
xvelmeancfB land_ice_vertical_mean_x_velocity_at_calving_front_on_profile_B Profile B Calving Front X velocity m a-1
yvelmeancfB land_ice_vertical_mean_y_velocity_at_calving_front_on_profile_B Profile B Calving Front Y velocity m a-1
lithkcfB land_ice_thickness_at_calving_front_on_profile_B Profile B Calving Front ice thickness m
lithkC land_ice_thickness_along_profile_C Profile C ice thickness m
sC distance_along_profile_C Distance from start of profile C m
xvelmeanC land_ice_vertical_mean_x_velocity_along_profile_C Profile C X velocity m a-1
yvelmeanC land_ice_vertical_mean_y_velocity_along_profile_C Profile C Y velocity m a-1
maskC Ice mask along profile C grounded=1, floating=2, open ocean=3
xcfC x_calving_front_on_profile_C Profile C calving front X position m
ycfC y_calving_front_on_profile_C Profile C calving front Y position m
xvelmeancfC land_ice_vertical_mean_x_velocity_at_calving_front_on_profile_C Profile C Calving Front X velocity m a-1
yvelmeancfC land_ice_vertical_mean_y_velocity_at_calving_front_on_profile_C Profile C Calving Front Y velocity m a-1
lithkcfC land_ice_thickness_at_calving_front_on_profile_C Profile C Calving Front ice thickness m
lithkD land_ice_thickness_along_profile_D Profile D ice thickness m
sD distance_along_profile_D Distance from start of profile D m
xvelmeanD land_ice_vertical_mean_x_velocity_along_profile_D Profile D X velocity m a-1
yvelmeanD land_ice_vertical_mean_y_velocity_along_profile_D Profile D Y velocity m a-1
maskD Ice mask along profile D grounded=1, floating=2, open ocean=3
xcfD x_calving_front_on_profile_D Profile D calving front X position m
ycfD y_calving_front_on_profile_D Profile D calving front Y position m
xvelmeancfD land_ice_vertical_mean_x_velocity_at_calving_front_on_profile_D Profile D Calving Front X velocity m a-1
yvelmeancfD land_ice_vertical_mean_y_velocity_at_calving_front_on_profile_D Profile D Calving Front Y velocity m a-1
lithkcfD land_ice_thickness_at_calving_front_on_profile_D Profile D Calving Front ice thickness m
lithkE land_ice_thickness_along_profile_E Profile E ice thickness m
sE distance_along_profile_E Distance from start of profile E m
xvelmeanE land_ice_vertical_mean_x_velocity_along_profile_E Profile E X velocity m a-1
yvelmeanE land_ice_vertical_mean_y_velocity_along_profile_E Profile E Y velocity m a-1
maskE Ice mask along profile E grounded=1, floating=2, open ocean=3
xcfE x_calving_front_on_profile_E Profile E calving front X position m
ycfE y_calving_front_on_profile_E Profile E calving front Y position m
xvelmeancfE land_ice_vertical_mean_x_velocity_at_calving_front_on_profile_E Profile E Calving Front X velocity m a-1
yvelmeancfE land_ice_vertical_mean_y_velocity_at_calving_front_on_profile_E Profile E Calving Front Y velocity m a-1
lithkcfE land_ice_thickness_at_calving_front_on_profile_E Profile E Calving Front ice thickness m
lithkF land_ice_thickness_along_profile_F Profile F ice thickness m
sF distance_along_profile_F Distance from start of profile F m
xvelmeanF land_ice_vertical_mean_x_velocity_along_profile_F Profile F X velocity m a-1
yvelmeanF land_ice_vertical_mean_y_velocity_along_profile_F Profile F Y velocity m a-1
maskF Ice mask along profile F grounded=1, floating=2, open ocean=3
xcfF x_calving_front_on_profile_F Profile F calving front X position m
ycfF y_calving_front_on_profile_F Profile F calving front Y position m
xvelmeancfF land_ice_vertical_mean_x_velocity_at_calving_front_on_profile_F Profile F Calving Front X velocity m a-1
yvelmeancfF land_ice_vertical_mean_y_velocity_at_calving_front_on_profile_F Profile F Calving Front Y velocity m a-1
lithkcfF land_ice_thickness_at_calving_front_on_profile_F Profile F Calving Front ice thickness m
lithkG land_ice_thickness_along_profile_G Profile G ice thickness m
sG distance_along_profile_G Distance from start of profile G m
xvelmeanG land_ice_vertical_mean_x_velocity_along_profile_G Profile G X velocity m a-1
yvelmeanG land_ice_vertical_mean_y_velocity_along_profile_G Profile G Y velocity m a-1
maskG Ice mask along profile G grounded=1, floating=2, open ocean=3
xcfG x_calving_front_on_profile_G Profile G calving front X position m
ycfG y_calving_front_on_profile_G Profile G calving front Y position m
xvelmeancfG land_ice_vertical_mean_x_velocity_at_calving_front_on_profile_G Profile G Calving Front X velocity m a-1
yvelmeancfG land_ice_vertical_mean_y_velocity_at_calving_front_on_profile_G Profile G Calving Front Y velocity m a-1
lithkcfG land_ice_thickness_at_calving_front_on_profile_G Profile G Calving Front ice thickness m
lithkH land_ice_thickness_along_profile_H Profile H ice thickness m
sH distance_along_profile_H Distance from start of profile H m
xvelmeanH land_ice_vertical_mean_x_velocity_along_profile_H Profile H X velocity m a-1
yvelmeanH land_ice_vertical_mean_y_velocity_along_profile_H Profile H Y velocity m a-1
maskH Ice mask along profile H grounded=1, floating=2, open ocean=3
xcfH x_calving_front_on_profile_H Profile H calving front X position m
ycfH y_calving_front_on_profile_H Profile H calving front Y position m
xvelmeancfH land_ice_vertical_mean_x_velocity_at_calving_front_on_profile_H Profile H Calving Front X velocity m a-1
yvelmeancfH land_ice_vertical_mean_y_velocity_at_calving_front_on_profile_H Profile H Calving Front Y velocity m a-1
lithkcfH land_ice_thickness_at_calving_front_on_profile_H Profile H Calving Front ice thickness m

Example Results

Example results for this experiment using the Kori model are shown below.


Fig.1 - Experiment 2 - Ice thickness and velocities


Fig.2 - Experiment 2 - Ice thickness along the profile lines in the circular domain.


Fig.2 - Experiment 2 - Ice thickness along the half-profile lines in the circular domain.