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Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 28 #54

wants to merge 7 commits into from


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Update flake8 from 3.4.1 to 3.5.0.




You can view the `3.5.0 milestone`_ on GitLab for more details.

New Dependency Information

- Allow for PyFlakes 1.6.0 (See also `GitLab359`_)

- Start using new PyCodestyle checks for bare excepts and ambiguous identifier
(See also `GitLab361`_)


- Print out information about configuring VCS hooks (See also `GitLab335`_)

- Allow users to develop plugins "local" to a repository without using
setuptools. See our documentation on local plugins for more information.
(See also `GitLab357`_)

Bugs Fixed

- Catch and helpfully report ``UnicodeDecodeError``\ s when parsing
configuration files. (See also `GitLab358`_)

.. all links
.. _3.5.0 milestone:

.. issue links
.. _GitLab335:
.. _GitLab357:
.. _GitLab358:
.. _GitLab359:
.. _GitLab361:

.. merge request links

Update hypothesis from 3.24.2 to 3.66.1.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?


Update isort from 4.2.15 to 4.3.4.



- Fixed issue 671: isort is corrupting CRLF files


- Fixed issue 665: Tabs turned into single spaces


- Fixed issue 651: Add imports option is broken
- Fixed issue 662: An error generated by rewriting `.imports` to `. imoprts`


- Fixed errors
- Fixed issue 654: Trailing comma count error
- Fixed issue 650: Wrong error message displayed


- Fixed 557: `force_alphabetical_sort` and `force_sort_within_sections` can now be utilized together without extra new lines
- Fix case-sensitive path existence check in Mac OS X
- Added `--no-lines-before` for more granular control over section output
- Fixed 493: Unwanted conversion to Windows line endings
- Fixed 590: Import `as` mucks with alphabetical sorting
- Implemented `--version-number` to retrieve just the version number without the isort logo
- Breaking changes
 - Python 2.7+ only (dropped 2.6) allowing various code simplifications and improvements.

Update mypy from 0.521 to 0.620.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?


Update pytest from 3.2.2 to 3.6.3.




Bug Fixes

- Fix regression in ``Node.add_marker`` by extracting the mark object of a
``MarkDecorator``. (`3555

- Warnings without ``location`` were reported as ``None``. This is corrected to
now report ``<undetermined location>``. (`3563

- Continue to call finalizers in the stack when a finalizer in a former scope
raises an exception. (`3569

- Fix encoding error with `print` statements in doctests (`3583

Improved Documentation

- Add documentation for the ``--strict`` flag. (`3549

Trivial/Internal Changes

- Update old quotation style to parens in fixture.rst documentation. (`3525

- Improve display of hint about ``--fulltrace`` with ``KeyboardInterrupt``.
(`3545 <>`_)

- pytest's testsuite is no longer runnable through ``python test`` --
instead invoke ``pytest`` or ``tox`` directly. (`3552

- Fix typo in documentation (`3567



Bug Fixes

- Fixed a bug where stdout and stderr were logged twice by junitxml when a test
was marked xfail. (`3491

- Fix ``usefixtures`` mark applyed to unittest tests by correctly instantiating
``FixtureInfo``. (`3498

- Fix assertion rewriter compatibility with libraries that monkey patch
``file`` objects. (`3503

Improved Documentation

- Added a section on how to use fixtures as factories to the fixture
documentation. (`3461 <>`_)

Trivial/Internal Changes

- Enable caching for pip/pre-commit in order to reduce build time on
travis/appveyor. (`3502

- Switch pytest to the src/ layout as we already suggested it for good practice
- now we implement it as well. (`3513

- Fix if in tests to support 3.7.0b5, where a docstring handling in AST got
reverted. (`3530 <>`_)

- Remove some python2.5 compatibility code. (`3529




- Revamp the internals of the ``pytest.mark`` implementation with correct per
node handling which fixes a number of long standing bugs caused by the old
design. This introduces new ``Node.iter_markers(name)`` and
``Node.get_closest_mark(name)`` APIs. Users are **strongly encouraged** to
read the `reasons for the revamp in the docs
or jump over to details about `updating existing code to use the new APIs
<>`_. (`3317

- Now when ``pytest.fixture`` is applied more than once to the same function a
``ValueError`` is raised. This buggy behavior would cause surprising problems
and if was working for a test suite it was mostly by accident. (`2334

- Support for Python 3.7's builtin ``breakpoint()`` method, see `Using the
builtin breakpoint function
<>`_ for
details. (`3180 <>`_)

- ``monkeypatch`` now supports a ``context()`` function which acts as a context
manager which undoes all patching done within the ``with`` block. (`3290

- The ``--pdb`` option now causes KeyboardInterrupt to enter the debugger,
instead of stopping the test session. On python 2.7, hitting CTRL+C again
exits the debugger. On python 3.2 and higher, use CTRL+D. (`3299

- pytest not longer changes the log level of the root logger when the
``log-level`` parameter has greater numeric value than that of the level of
the root logger, which makes it play better with custom logging configuration
in user code. (`3307 <>`_)

Bug Fixes

- A rare race-condition which might result in corrupted ``.pyc`` files on
Windows has been hopefully solved. (`3008

- Also use iter_marker for discovering the marks applying for marker
expressions from the cli to avoid the bad data from the legacy mark storage.
(`3441 <>`_)

- When showing diffs of failed assertions where the contents contain only
whitespace, escape them using ``repr()`` first to make it easy to spot the
differences. (`3443 <>`_)

Improved Documentation

- Change documentation copyright year to a range which auto-updates itself each
time it is published. (`3303

Trivial/Internal Changes

- ``pytest`` now depends on the `python-atomicwrites
<>`_ library. (`3008

- Update all URLs to (`3431

- Detect `pytest_` prefixed hooks using the internal plugin manager since
``pluggy`` is deprecating the ``implprefix`` argument to ``PluginManager``.
(`3487 <>`_)

- Import ``Mapping`` and ``Sequence`` from ``_pytest.compat`` instead of
directly from ``collections`` in ````. Add ``Mapping``
to ``_pytest.compat``, import it from ``collections`` on python 2, but from
```` on Python 3 to avoid a ``DeprecationWarning`` on Python
3.7 or newer. (`3497 <>`_)



Bug Fixes

- Reset ``sys.last_type``, ``sys.last_value`` and ``sys.last_traceback`` before
each test executes. Those attributes are added by pytest during the test run
to aid debugging, but were never reset so they would create a leaking
reference to the last failing test's frame which in turn could never be
reclaimed by the garbage collector. (`2798

- ``pytest.raises`` now raises ``TypeError`` when receiving an unknown keyword
argument. (`3348 <>`_)

- ``pytest.raises`` now works with exception classes that look like iterables.
(`3372 <>`_)

Improved Documentation

- Fix typo in ``caplog`` fixture documentation, which incorrectly identified
certain attributes as methods. (`3406

Trivial/Internal Changes

- Added a more indicative error message when parametrizing a function whose
argument takes a default value. (`3221

- Remove internal ``_pytest.terminal.flatten`` function in favor of
``more_itertools.collapse``. (`3330

- Import some modules from ```` instead of ``collections`` as
the former modules trigger ``DeprecationWarning`` in Python 3.7. (`3339

- record_property is no longer experimental, removing the warnings was
forgotten. (`3360 <>`_)

- Mention in documentation and CLI help that fixtures with leading ``_`` are
printed by ``pytest --fixtures`` only if the ``-v`` option is added. (`3398



Deprecations and Removals

- ``record_xml_property`` fixture is now deprecated in favor of the more
generic ``record_property``. (`2770

- Defining ``pytest_plugins`` is now deprecated in non-top-level
files, because they "leak" to the entire directory tree. (`3084


- New ``--show-capture`` command-line option that allows to specify how to
display captured output when tests fail: ``no``, ``stdout``, ``stderr``,
``log`` or ``all`` (the default). (`1478

- New ``--rootdir`` command-line option to override the rules for discovering
the root directory. See `customize
<>`_ in the documentation for
details. (`1642 <>`_)

- Fixtures are now instantiated based on their scopes, with higher-scoped
fixtures (such as ``session``) being instantiated first than lower-scoped
fixtures (such as ``function``). The relative order of fixtures of the same
scope is kept unchanged, based in their declaration order and their
dependencies. (`2405 <>`_)

- ``record_xml_property`` renamed to ``record_property`` and is now compatible
with xdist, markers and any reporter. ``record_xml_property`` name is now
deprecated. (`2770 <>`_)

- New ``--nf``, ``--new-first`` options: run new tests first followed by the
rest of the tests, in both cases tests are also sorted by the file modified
time, with more recent files coming first. (`3034

- New ``--last-failed-no-failures`` command-line option that allows to specify
the behavior of the cache plugin's --last-failed`` feature when no tests
failed in the last run (or no cache was found): ``none`` or ``all`` (the
default). (`3139 <>`_)

- New ``--doctest-continue-on-failure`` command-line option to enable doctests
to show multiple failures for each snippet, instead of stopping at the first
failure. (`3149 <>`_)

- Captured log messages are added to the ``<system-out>`` tag in the generated
junit xml file if the ``junit_logging`` ini option is set to ``system-out``.
If the value of this ini option is ``system-err``, the logs are written to
``<system-err>``. The default value for ``junit_logging`` is ``no``, meaning
captured logs are not written to the output file. (`3156

- Allow the logging plugin to handle ``pytest_runtest_logstart`` and
``pytest_runtest_logfinish`` hooks when live logs are enabled. (`3189

- Passing `--log-cli-level` in the command-line now automatically activates
live logging. (`3190 <>`_)

- Add command line option ``--deselect`` to allow deselection of individual
tests at collection time. (`3198

- Captured logs are printed before entering pdb. (`3204

- Deselected item count is now shown before tests are run, e.g. ``collected X
items / Y deselected``. (`3213

- The builtin module ``platform`` is now available for use in expressions in
``pytest.mark``. (`3236

- The *short test summary info* section now is displayed after tracebacks and
warnings in the terminal. (`3255

- New ``--verbosity`` flag to set verbosity level explicitly. (`3296

- ``pytest.approx`` now accepts comparing a numpy array with a scalar. (`3312

Bug Fixes

- Suppress ``IOError`` when closing the temporary file used for capturing
streams in Python 2.7. (`2370

- Fixed ``clear()`` method on ``caplog`` fixture which cleared ``records``, but
not the ``text`` property. (`3297

- During test collection, when stdin is not allowed to be read, the
``DontReadFromStdin`` object still allow itself to be iterable and resolved
to an iterator without crashing. (`3314

Improved Documentation

- Added a `reference <>`_ page
to the docs. (`1713 <>`_)

Trivial/Internal Changes

- Change minimum requirement of ``attrs`` to ``17.4.0``. (`3228

- Renamed example directories so all tests pass when ran from the base
directory. (`3245 <>`_)

- Internal ```` module has been turned into a package. (`3250

- ``pytest`` now depends on the `more-itertools
<>`_ package. (`3265

- Added warning when ``[pytest]`` section is used in a ``.cfg`` file passed
with ``-c`` (`3268 <>`_)

- ``nodeids`` can now be passed explicitly to ``FSCollector`` and ``Node``
constructors. (`3291 <>`_)

- Internal refactoring of ``FormattedExcinfo`` to use ``attrs`` facilities and
remove old support code for legacy Python versions. (`3292

- Refactoring to unify how verbosity is handled internally. (`3296

- Internal refactoring to better integrate with argparse. (`3304

- Fix a python example when calling a fixture in doc/en/usage.rst (`3308



Bug Fixes

- Removed progress information when capture option is ``no``. (`3203

- Refactor check of bindir from ``exists`` to ``isdir``. (`3241

- Fix ``TypeError`` issue when using ``approx`` with a ``Decimal`` value.
(`3247 <>`_)

- Fix reference cycle generated when using the ``request`` fixture. (`3249

- ``[tool:pytest]`` sections in ``*.cfg`` files passed by the ``-c`` option are
now properly recognized. (`3260

Improved Documentation

- Add logging plugin to plugins list. (`3209

Trivial/Internal Changes

- Fix minor typo in fixture.rst (`3259



Bug Fixes

- Move import of ``doctest.UnexpectedException`` to top-level to avoid possible
errors when using ``--pdb``. (`1810

- Added printing of captured stdout/stderr before entering pdb, and improved a
test which was giving false negatives about output capturing. (`3052

- Fix ordering of tests using parametrized fixtures which can lead to fixtures
being created more than necessary. (`3161

- Fix bug where logging happening at hooks outside of "test run" hooks would
cause an internal error. (`3184

- Detect arguments injected by ``unittest.mock.patch`` decorator correctly when
pypi ``mock.patch`` is installed and imported. (`3206

- Errors shown when a ``pytest.raises()`` with ``match=`` fails are now cleaner
on what happened: When no exception was raised, the "matching '...'" part got
removed as it falsely implies that an exception was raised but it didn't
match. When a wrong exception was raised, it's now thrown (like
``pytest.raised()`` without ``match=`` would) instead of complaining about
the unmatched text. (`3222

- Fixed output capture handling in doctests on macOS. (`985

Improved Documentation

- Add Sphinx parameter docs for ``match`` and ``message`` args to
``pytest.raises``. (`3202

Trivial/Internal Changes

- pytest has changed the publication procedure and is now being published to
PyPI directly from Travis. (`3060

- Rename ``ParameterSet._for_parameterize()`` to ``_for_parametrize()`` in
order to comply with the naming convention. (`3166

- Skip failing pdb/doctest test on mac. (`985



Deprecations and Removals

- All pytest classes now subclass ``object`` for better Python 2/3 compatibility.
This should not affect user code except in very rare edge cases. (`2147


- Introduce ``empty_parameter_set_mark`` ini option to select which mark to
apply when ``pytest.mark.parametrize`` is given an empty set of parameters.
Valid options are ``skip`` (default) and ``xfail``. Note that it is planned
to change the default to ``xfail`` in future releases as this is considered
less error prone. (`2527

- **Incompatible change**: after community feedback the `logging
<>`_ functionality has
undergone some changes. Please consult the `logging documentation
for details. (`3013 <>`_)

- Console output falls back to "classic" mode when capturing is disabled (``-s``),
otherwise the output gets garbled to the point of being useless. (`3038

- New `pytest_runtest_logfinish
hook which is called when a test item has finished executing, analogous to
(`3101 <>`_)

- Improve performance when collecting tests using many fixtures. (`3107

- New ``caplog.get_records(when)`` method which provides access to the captured
records for the ``"setup"``, ``"call"`` and ``"teardown"``
testing stages. (`3117 <>`_)

- New fixture ``record_xml_attribute`` that allows modifying and inserting
attributes on the ``<testcase>`` xml node in JUnit reports. (`3130

- The default cache directory has been renamed from ``.cache`` to
``.pytest_cache`` after community feedback that the name ``.cache`` did not
make it clear that it was used by pytest. (`3138

- Colorize the levelname column in the live-log output. (`3142

Bug Fixes

- Fix hanging pexpect test on MacOS by using flush() instead of wait().
(`2022 <>`_)

- Fix restoring Python state after in-process pytest runs with the
``pytester`` plugin; this may break tests using multiple inprocess
pytest runs if later ones depend on earlier ones leaking global interpreter
changes. (`3016 <>`_)

- Fix skipping plugin reporting hook when test aborted before plugin setup
hook. (`3074 <>`_)

- Fix progress percentage reported when tests fail during teardown. (`3088

- **Incompatible change**: ``-o/--override`` option no longer eats all the
remaining options, which can lead to surprising behavior: for example,
``pytest -o foo=1 /path/to/`` would fail because ``/path/to/``
would be considered as part of the ``-o`` command-line argument. One
consequence of this is that now multiple configuration overrides need
multiple ``-o`` flags: ``pytest -o foo=1 -o bar=2``. (`3103

Improved Documentation

- Document hooks (defined with ``historic=True``) which cannot be used with
``hookwrapper=True``. (`2423

- Clarify that warning capturing doesn't change the warning filter by default.
(`2457 <>`_)

- Clarify a possible confusion when using pytest_fixture_setup with fixture
functions that return None. (`2698

- Fix the wording of a sentence on doctest flags used in pytest. (`3076

- Prefer ``https://*`` over ``http://*`` for links in
the documentation. (`3092

- Improve readability (wording, grammar) of Getting Started guide (`3131

- Added note that calling pytest.main multiple times from the same process is
not recommended because of import caching. (`3143

Trivial/Internal Changes

- Show a simple and easy error when keyword expressions trigger a syntax error
(for example, ``"-k foo and import"`` will show an error that you can not use
the ``import`` keyword in expressions). (`2953

- Change parametrized automatic test id generation to use the ``__name__``
attribute of functions instead of the fallback argument name plus counter.
(`2976 <>`_)

- Replace py.std with stdlib imports. (`3067

- Corrected 'you' to 'your' in logging docs. (`3129



Bug Fixes

- pytester: ignore files used to obtain current user metadata in the fd leak
detector. (`2784 <>`_)

- Fix **memory leak** where objects returned by fixtures were never destructed
by the garbage collector. (`2981

- Fix conversion of pyargs to filename to not convert symlinks on Python 2. (`2985

- ``PYTEST_DONT_REWRITE`` is now checked for plugins too rather than only for
test modules. (`2995 <>`_)

Improved Documentation

- Add clarifying note about behavior of multiple parametrized arguments (`3001

Trivial/Internal Changes

- Code cleanup. (`3015 <>`_,
`3021 <>`_)

- Clean up code by replacing imports and references of `_ast` to `ast`. (`3018



Bug Fixes

- Fix issue about ``-p no:<plugin>`` having no effect. (`2920

- Fix regression with warnings that contained non-strings in their arguments in
Python 2. (`2956 <>`_)

- Always escape null bytes when setting ``PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST``. (`2957

- Fix ``ZeroDivisionError`` when using the ``testmon`` plugin when no tests
were actually collected. (`2971

- Bring back ``TerminalReporter.writer`` as an alias to
``TerminalReporter._tw``. This alias was removed by accident in the ``3.3.0``
release. (`2984 <>`_)

- The ``pytest-capturelog`` plugin is now also blacklisted, avoiding errors when
running pytest with it still installed. (`3004

Improved Documentation

- Fix broken link to plugin ``pytest-localserver``. (`2963

Trivial/Internal Changes

- Update github "bugs" link in ``CONTRIBUTING.rst`` (`2949



Deprecations and Removals

- Pytest no longer supports Python **2.6** and **3.3**. Those Python versions
are EOL for some time now and incur maintenance and compatibility costs on
the pytest core team, and following up with the rest of the community we
decided that they will no longer be supported starting on this version. Users
which still require those versions should pin pytest to ``<3.3``. (`2812

- Remove internal ``_preloadplugins()`` function. This removal is part of the
``pytest_namespace()`` hook deprecation. (`2636

- Internally change ``CallSpec2`` to have a list of marks instead of a broken
mapping of keywords. This removes the keywords attribute of the internal
``CallSpec2`` class. (`2672

- Remove ParameterSet.deprecated_arg_dict - its not a public api and the lack
of the underscore was a naming error. (`2675

- Remove the internal multi-typed attribute ``Node._evalskip`` and replace it
with the boolean ``Node._skipped_by_mark``. (`2767

- The ``params`` list passed to ``pytest.fixture`` is now for
all effects considered immutable and frozen at the moment of the ``pytest.fixture``
call. Previously the list could be changed before the first invocation of the fixture
allowing for a form of dynamic parametrization (for example, updated from command-line options),
but this was an unwanted implementation detail which complicated the internals and prevented
some internal cleanup. See issue `2959 <>`_
for details and a recommended workaround.


- ``pytest_fixture_post_finalizer`` hook can now receive a ``request``
argument. (`2124 <>`_)

- Replace the old introspection code in that determines the available
arguments of fixtures with inspect.signature on Python 3 and
funcsigs.signature on Python 2. This should respect ``__signature__``
declarations on functions. (`2267

- Report tests with global ``pytestmark`` variable only once. (`2549

- Now pytest displays the total progress percentage while running tests. The
previous output style can be set by configuring the ``console_output_style``
setting to ``classic``. (`2657 <>`_)

- Match ``warns`` signature to ``raises`` by adding ``match`` keyword. (`2708

- Pytest now captures and displays output from the standard ``logging`` module.
The user can control the logging level to be captured by specifying options
in ``pytest.ini``, the command line and also during individual tests using
markers. Also, a ``caplog`` fixture is available that enables users to test
the captured log during specific tests (similar to ``capsys`` for example).
For more information, please see the `logging docs
<>`_. This feature was
introduced by merging the popular `pytest-catchlog
<>`_ plugin, thanks to `Thomas Hisch
<>`_. Be advised that during the merging the
backward compatibility interface with the defunct ``pytest-capturelog`` has
been dropped. (`2794 <>`_)

- Add ``allow_module_level`` kwarg to ``pytest.skip()``, enabling to skip the
whole module. (`2808 <>`_)

- Allow setting ``file_or_dir``, ``-c``, and ``-o`` in PYTEST_ADDOPTS. (`2824

- Return stdout/stderr capture results as a ``namedtuple``, so ``out`` and
``err`` can be accessed by attribute. (`2879

- Add ``capfdbinary``, a version of ``capfd`` which returns bytes from
``readouterr()``. (`2923

- Add ``capsysbinary`` a version of ``capsys`` which returns bytes from
``readouterr()``. (`2934

- Implement feature to skip ```` files when run with
``--doctest-modules``. (`502

Bug Fixes

- Resume output capturing after ``capsys/capfd.disabled()`` context manager.
(`1993 <>`_)

- ``pytest_fixture_setup`` and ``pytest_fixture_post_finalizer`` hooks are now
called for all ```` files. (`2124

- If an exception happens while loading a plugin, pytest no longer hides the
original traceback. In Python 2 it will show the original traceback with a new
message that explains in which plugin. In Python 3 it will show 2 canonized
exceptions, the original exception while loading the plugin in addition to an
exception that pytest throws about loading a plugin. (`2491

- ``capsys`` and ``capfd`` can now be used by other fixtures. (`2709

- Internal ``pytester`` plugin properly encodes ``bytes`` arguments to
``utf-8``. (`2738 <>`_)

- ``testdir`` now uses use the same method used by ``tmpdir`` to create its
temporary directory. This changes the final structure of the ``testdir``
directory slightly, but should not affect usage in normal scenarios and
avoids a number of potential problems. (`2751

- Pytest no longer complains about warnings with unicode messages being
non-ascii compatible even for ascii-compatible messages. As a result of this,
warnings with unicode messages are converted first to an ascii representation
for safety. (`2809 <>`_)

- Change return value of pytest command when ``--maxfail`` is reached from
``2`` (interrupted) to ``1`` (failed). (`2845

- Fix issue in assertion rewriting which could lead it to rewrite modules which
should not be rewritten. (`2939

- Handle marks without description in ``pytest.ini``. (`2942

Trivial/Internal Changes

- pytest now depends on `attrs <>`_ for internal
structures to ease code maintainability. (`2641

- Refactored internal Python 2/3 compatibility code to use ``six``. (`2642

- Stop vendoring ``pluggy`` - we're missing out on its latest changes for not
much benefit (`2719 <>`_)

- Internal refactor: simplify ascii string escaping by using the
backslashreplace error handler in newer Python 3 versions. (`2734

- Remove unnecessary mark evaluator in unittest plugin (`2767

- Calls to ``Metafunc.addcall`` now emit a deprecation warning. This function
is scheduled to be removed in ``pytest-4.0``. (`2876

- Internal move of the parameterset extraction to a more maintainable place.
(`2877 <>`_)

- Internal refactoring to simplify scope node lookup. (`2910

- Configure ``pytest`` to prevent pip from installing pytest in unsupported
Python versions. (`2922



Bug Fixes

- Remove ``py<1.5`` restriction from ``pytest`` as this can cause version
conflicts in some installations. (`2926



Bug Fixes

- Fix the bug where running with ``--pyargs`` will result in items with
empty ``parent.nodeid`` if run from a different root directory. (`2775

- Fix issue with ``pytest.parametrize`` if argnames was specified as keyword arguments.
(`2819 <>`_)

- Strip whitespace from marker names when reading them from INI config. (`2856

- Show full context of doctest source in the pytest output, if the line number of
failed example in the docstring is < 9. (`2882

- Match fixture paths against actual path segments in order to avoid matching folders which share a prefix.
(`2836 <>`_)

Improved Documentation

- Introduce a dedicated section about (`1505

- Explicitly mention ``xpass`` in the documentation of ``xfail``. (`1997

- Append example for pytest.param in the example/parametrize document. (`2658

- Clarify language of proposal for fixtures parameters (`2893

- List python 3.6 in the documented supported versions in the getting started
document. (`2903 <>`_)

- Clarify the documentation of available fixture scopes. (`538

- Add documentation about the ``python -m pytest`` invocation adding the
current directory to sys.path. (`911



Bug Fixes

- Fix crash in tab completion when no prefix is given. (`2748

- The equality checking function (``__eq__``) of ``MarkDecorator`` returns
``False`` if one object is not an instance of ``MarkDecorator``. (`2758

- When running ``pytest --fixtures-per-test``: don't crash if an item has no
_fixtureinfo attribute (e.g. doctests) (`2788

Improved Documentation

- In help text of ``-k`` option, add example of using ``not`` to not select
certain tests whose names match the provided expression. (`1442

- Add note in ``parametrize.rst`` about calling ``metafunc.parametrize``
multiple times. (`1548 <>`_)

Trivial/Internal Changes

- Set ``xfail_strict=True`` in pytest's own test suite to catch expected
failures as soon as they start to pass. (`2722

- Fix typo in example of passing a callable to markers (in example/markers.rst)
(`2765 <>`_)

Update sphinx from 1.6.3 to 1.7.6.





Incompatible changes


Features added

Bugs fixed

* 5037: LaTeX ``\sphinxupquote{}`` breaks in Russian
* sphinx.testing uses deprecated pytest API; ``Node.get_marker(name)``
* 5016: crashed when recommonmark.AutoStrictify is enabled
* 5022: latex: crashed with docutils package provided by Debian/Ubuntu
* 5009: latex: a label for table is vanished if table does not have a caption
* 5048: crashed with numbered toctree
* 2410: C, render empty argument lists for macros.
* C++, fix lookup of full template specializations with no template arguments.
* 4667: C++, fix assertion on missing references in global scope when using
intersphinx. Thanks to Alan M. Carroll.
* 5019: autodoc: crashed by Form Feed Character
* 5032: autodoc: loses the first staticmethod parameter for old styled classes
* 5036: quickstart: Typing Ctrl-U clears the whole of line
* 5066: html: "relations" sidebar is not shown by default
* 5091: latex: curly braces in index entries are not handled correctly
* 5070: epub: Wrong internal href fragment links
* 5104: apidoc: Interface of ``sphinx.apidoc:main()`` has changed
* 5076: napoleon raises RuntimeError with python 3.7
* 5125: sphinx-build: Interface of ``sphinx:main()`` has changed
* sphinx-build: ```` refers ``sys.argv`` instead of given
* 5146: autosummary: warning is emitted when the first line of docstring ends
with literal notation
* autosummary: warnings of autosummary indicates wrong location (refs: 5146)
* 5143: autodoc: crashed on inspecting dict like object which does not support




Bugs fixed

* 4924: html search: Upper characters problem in any other languages
* 4932: apidoc: some subpackage is ignored if sibling subpackage contains a
module starting with underscore
* 4863, 4938, 4939: i18n doesn't handle node.title correctly tat used for
contents, topic, admonition, table and section.
* 4913: i18n: literal blocks in bullet list are not translated
* 4962: C++, raised TypeError on duplicate declaration.
* 4825: C++, properly parse expr roles and give better error messages when
(escaped) line breaks are present.
* C++, properly use ``desc_addname`` nodes for prefixes of names.
* C++, parse pack expansions in function calls.
* 4915, 4916: links on search page are broken when using dirhtml builder
* 4969: autodoc: constructor method should not have return annotation
* latex: deeply nested enumerated list which is beginning with non-1 causes
LaTeX engine crashed
* 4978: latex: shorthandoff is not set up for Brazil locale
* 4928: i18n: Ignore dot-directories like .git/ in LC_MESSAGES/
* 4946: py domain: type field could not handle "None" as a type
* 4979: latex: Incorrect escaping of curly braces in index entries
* 4956: autodoc: Failed to extract document from a subclass of the class on
mocked module
* 4973: latex: glossary directive adds whitespace to each item
* 4980: latex: Explicit labels on code blocks are duplicated
* 4919: node.asdom() crashes if toctree has :numbered: option
* 4914: autodoc: Parsing error when using dataclasses without default values
* 4931: autodoc: crashed when handler for autodoc-skip-member raises an error
* 4931: autodoc: crashed when subclass of mocked class are processed by
napoleon module
* 5007: sphinx-build crashes when error log contains a "%" character



Bugs fixed

* 4885, 4887: domains: Crashed with duplicated objects
* 4889: latex: sphinx.writers.latex causes recusrive import



Bugs fixed

* 4769: autodoc loses the first staticmethod parameter
* 4790: autosummary: too wide two column tables in PDF builds
* 4795: Latex customization via ``_templates/longtable.tex_t`` is broken
* 4789: imgconverter: confused by convert.exe of Windows
* 4783: On windows, Sphinx crashed when drives of srcdir and outdir are
* 4812: autodoc ignores type annotated variables
* 4817: wrong URLs on warning messages
* 4784: latex: :confval:`latex_show_urls` assigns incorrect footnote numbers if
hyperlinks exists inside substitutions
* 4837: latex with class memoir Error: Font command ``\sf`` is not supported
* 4803: latex: too slow in proportion to number of auto numbered footnotes
* 4838: htmlhelp: The entries in .hhp file is not ordered
* toctree directive tries to glob for URL having query_string
* 4871: html search: Upper characters problem in German
* 4717: latex: Compilation for German docs failed with LuaLaTeX and XeLaTeX
* 4459: duplicated labels detector does not work well in parallel build
* 4878: Crashed with extension which returns invalid metadata



Incompatible changes
* 4520: apidoc: folders with an empty are no longer excluded from

Bugs fixed

* 4669: sphinx.build_main and sphinx.make_main throw NameError
* 4685: autosummary emits meaningless warnings
* autodoc: crashed when invalid options given
* pydomain: always strip parenthesis if empty (refs: 1042)
* 4689: autosummary: unexpectedly strips docstrings containing "i.e."
* 4701: viewcode: Misplaced ``<div>`` in viewcode html output
* 4444: Don't require numfig to use :numref: on sections
* 4727: Option clash for package textcomp
* 4725: Sphinx does not work with python 3.5.0 and 3.5.1
* 4716: Generation PDF file with TexLive on Windows, file not found error
* 4574: vertical space before equation in latex
* 4720: message when an image is mismatched for builder is not clear
* 4655, 4684: Incomplete localization strings in Polish and Chinese
* 2286: Sphinx crashes when error is happens in rendering HTML pages
* 4688: Error to download remote images having long URL
* 4754: sphinx/pycode/ raises AttributeError
* 1435: qthelp builder should htmlescape keywords
* epub: Fix docTitle elements of toc.ncx is not escaped
* 4520: apidoc: Subpackage not in toc (introduced in 1.6.6) now fixed
* 4767: html: search highlighting breaks mathjax equations




* 4623: ``sphinx.build_main()`` is deprecated.
* autosummary: The interface of ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.get_documenter()`` has
been changed (Since 1.7.0)
* 4664: ``sphinx.ext.intersphinx.debug()`` is deprecated.

For more details, see `deprecation APIs list

Bugs fixed

* 4608: epub: Invalid meta tag is generated
* 4260: autodoc: keyword only argument separator is not disappeared if it is
appeared at top of the argument list
* 4622: epub: :confval:`epub_scheme` does not effect to content.opf
* 4627: graphviz: Fit graphviz images to page
* 4617: quickstart: PROJECT_DIR argument is required
* 4623: sphinx.build_main no longer exists in 1.7.0
* 4615: The argument of ```` has been changed in 1.7.0
* autosummary: The interface of ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.get_documenter()`` has
been changed
* 4630: Have order on msgids in sphinx.pot deterministic
* 4563: autosummary: Incorrect end of line punctuation detection
* 4577: Enumerated sublists with explicit start with wrong number
* 4641: A external link in TOC cannot contain "?" with ``:glob:`` option
* C++, add missing parsing of explicit casts and typeid in expression parsing.
* C++, add missing parsing of ``this`` in expression parsing.
* 4655: Fix incomplete localization strings in Polish
* 4653: Fix error reporting for parameterless ImportErrors
* 4664: Reading objects.inv fails again
* 4662: ``any`` refs with ``term`` targets crash when an ambiguity is





* 4019: inheritance_diagram AttributeError stoping make process
* 4531: autosummary: methods are not treated as attributes
* 4538: autodoc: ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.Options`` has been moved
* 4539: autodoc emits warnings for partialmethods
* 4223: doctest: failing tests reported in wrong file, at wrong line
* i18n: message catalogs are not compiled if specific filenames are given for
``sphinx-build`` as arguments (refs: 4560)
* 4027: sphinx.ext.autosectionlabel now expects labels to be the same as they
are in the raw source; no smart quotes, nothig fancy.
* 4581: apidoc: Excluded modules still included



* 4415: autodoc classifies inherited classmethods as regular methods
* 4415: autodoc classifies inherited staticmethods as regular methods
* 4472: DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS is not defined
* 4491: autodoc: prefer _MockImporter over other importers in sys.meta_path
* 4490: autodoc: type annotation is broken with python 3.7.0a4+
* utils package is no longer installed
* 3952: apidoc: module header is too escaped
* 4275: Formats accepted by sphinx.util.i18n.format_date are limited
* 4493: recommonmark raises AttributeError if AutoStructify enabled
* 4209: intersphinx: In link title, "v" should be optional if target has no
* 4230: slowdown in writing pages with sphinx 1.6
* 4522: epub: document is not rebuilt even if config changed


* Add support for docutils 0.14
* Add tests for the ``sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram`` extension.



Bugs fixed

* 1922: html search: Upper characters problem in French
* 4412: Updated jQuery version from 3.1.0 to 3.2.1
* 4438: math: math with labels with whitespace cause html error
* 2437: make full reference for classes, aliased with "alias of"
* 4434: pure numbers as link targets produce warning
* 4477: Build fails after building specific files
* 4449: apidoc: include "empty" packages that contain modules
* 3917: citation labels are tranformed to ellipsis
* 4501: graphviz: epub3 validation error caused if graph is not clickable
* 4514: graphviz: workaround for wrong map ID which graphviz generates
* 4525: autosectionlabel does not support parallel build
* 3953: Do not raise warning when there is a working intersphinx inventory
* 4487: math: ValueError is raised on parallel build. Thanks to jschueller.
* 2372: autosummary: invalid signatures are shown for type annotated functions
* 3942: html: table is not aligned to center even if ``:align: center``



Features added

* 4181: autodoc: Sort dictionary keys when possible
* ``VerbatimHighlightColor`` is a new
:ref:`LaTeX 'sphinxsetup' <latexsphinxsetup>` key (refs: 4285)
* Easier customizability of LaTeX macros involved in rendering of code-blocks
* Show traceback if raises an exception (refs: 4369)
* Add :confval:`smartquotes` to disable smart quotes through ````
(refs: 3967)
* Add :confval:`smartquotes_action` and :confval:`smartquotes_excludes`
(refs: 4142, 4357)

Bugs fixed

* 4334: sphinx-apidoc: Don't generate references to non-existing files in TOC
* 4206: latex: reST label between paragraphs loses paragraph break
* 4231: html: Apply fixFirefoxAnchorBug only under Firefox
* 4221: napoleon depends on autodoc, but users need to load it manually
* 2298: automodule fails to document a class attribute
* 4099: C++: properly link class reference to class from inside constructor
* 4267: PDF build broken by Unicode U+2116 NUMERO SIGN character
* 4249: PDF output: Pygments error highlighting increases line spacing in
code blocks
* 1238: Support ``:emphasize-lines:`` in PDF output
* 4279: Sphinx crashes with pickling error when run with multiple processes and
remote image
* 1421: Respect the quiet flag in sphinx-quickstart
* 4281: Race conditions when creating output directory
* 4315: For PDF 'howto' documents, ``latex_toplevel_sectioning='part'`` generates
``\chapter`` commands
* 4214: Two todolist directives break sphinx-1.6.5
* Fix links to external option docs with intersphinx (refs: 3769)
* 4091: Private members not documented without :undoc-members:



Features added

* 4107: Make searchtools.js compatible with pre-Sphinx1.5 templates
* 4112: Don't override the smart_quotes setting if it was already set
* 4125: Display reference texts of original and translated passages on
i18n warning message
* 4147: Include the exception when logging PO/MO file read/write

Bugs fixed

* 4085: Failed PDF build from image in parsed-literal using ``:align:`` option
* 4100: Remove debug print from autodoc extension
* 3987: Changing theme from alabaster causes HTML build to fail
* 4096: C++, don't crash when using the wrong role type. Thanks to mitya57.
* 4070, 4111: crashes when the warning message contains format strings (again)
* 4108: Search word highlighting breaks SVG images
* 3692: Unable to build HTML if writing .buildinfo failed
* 4152: HTML writer crashes if a field list is placed on top of the document
* 4063: Sphinx crashes when labeling directive ``.. todolist::``
* 4134: [doc] :file:`docutils.conf` is not documented explicitly
* 4169: Chinese language doesn't trigger Chinese search automatically
* 1020: ext.todo todolist not linking to the page in pdflatex
* 3965: New quickstart generates wrong SPHINXBUILD in Makefile
* 3739: ``:module:`` option is ignored at content of pyobjects
* 4149: Documentation: Help choosing :confval:`latex_engine`
* 4090: [doc] :confval:`latex_additional_files` with extra LaTeX macros should
not use ``.tex`` extension
* Failed to convert reST parser error to warning (refs: 4132)



Features added

* 3926: Add ``autodoc_warningiserror`` to suppress the behavior of ``-W``
option during importing target modules on autodoc

Bugs fixed

* 3924: docname lost after dynamically parsing RST in extension
* 3946: Typo in sphinx.sty (this was a bug with no effect in default context)
* :pep: and :rfc: does not supports ``default-role`` directive (refs: 3960)
* 3960: default_role = 'guilabel' not functioning
* Missing ``texinputs_win/Makefile`` to be used in latexpdf builder on windows.
* 4026: nature: Fix macOS Safari scrollbar color
* 3877: Fix for C++ multiline signatures.
* 4006: Fix crash on parallel build
* 3969: private instance attributes causes AttributeError
* 4041: C++, remove extra name linking in function pointers.
* 4038: C, add missing documentation of ``member`` role.
* 4044: An empty multicolumn cell causes extra row height in PDF output
* 4049: Fix typo in output of sphinx-build -h
* 4062: hashlib.sha1() must take bytes, not unicode on Python 3
* Avoid indent after index entries in latex (refs: 4066)
* 4070: crashes when the warning message contains format strings
* 4067: Return non-zero exit status when make subprocess fails
* 4055: graphviz: the :align: option does not work for SVG output
* 4055: graphviz: the :align: center option does not work for latex output
* 4051: ``warn()`` function for HTML theme outputs 'None' string

Update sphinx-autodoc-typehints from 1.2.3 to 1.3.0.




* Fixed crash when processing docstrings from nested classes (thanks to dilyanpalauzov for the fix)
* Added support for Python 3.7
* Dropped support for Python 3.5.0 and 3.5.1



* Ensured that ``:rtype:`` doesn't get joined with a paragraph of text
(thanks to Bruce Merry for the PR)



* Removed support for ``backports.typing`` as it has been removed from the PyPI
* Fixed first parameter being cut out from class methods and static methods
(thanks to Josiah Wolf Oberholtzer for the PR)

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coveralls commented Jul 16, 2018

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Coverage remained the same at 100.0% when pulling 1a3fa6f on pyup-scheduled-update-2018-07-16 into 5dc6917 on master.

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Closing this in favor of #55

@pyup-bot pyup-bot closed this Jul 23, 2018
@Jackevansevo Jackevansevo deleted the pyup-scheduled-update-2018-07-16 branch July 23, 2018 15:32
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