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This application is the initial prototype for the Memrizr Tutorial that is currently a work in progress.

This application does no implement unit testing as you'll find in the tutorial, and some application features are behing improved in the tutorial.

Get Started

To run this code, you will need docker and docker-compose installed on your machine. In the project root, run docker-compose up.

Furthermore, Traefik will handle HTTP routes with HOST wordmem.test. So you will need to add the following to your hosts file. wordmem.test

The hosts file can be found (to the best of my knowledge) at ~/etc/hosts on Mac/Linux or C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc on Windows.

Overview Of Application Services

An overview of the application can be viewed below. It is made up of 4 distinct services running inside of docker containers. These applications are routed behind a reverse proxy

We create distinct services for the various features of the application.

  • Account Management is handled via a Go Application using the gin Framework. It uses Redis and Postgres for data persistence and Google Cloud Pubsub for Publishing events about users updates.
  • A client for account management is built with Vue
  • The API for adding items to memorize is built with a Node/Typescript application.
  • The client for memorization is built with React/Typescript.

Application Overview

I hope you find this app helpful!


App for storing a word memorizer's favorite words






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