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Warzone Config

Jakl edited this page Jul 18, 2021 · 9 revisions

Warzone Config

Config Value Datatype Description Notes
autoassign Boolean If true, distributes players across teams none
blockheads Boolean If true, players are given a team-colored hat none
deathmessages Boolean If true, notify the zone when players are killed none
disabled Boolean If true, prevent players from joining the zone none
friendlyfire Boolean If true, players are allowed to injure teammates none
glasswalls Boolean If true, use magic glass walls to keep players in/out of zones none
entryallow Boolean If true, players can enter the warzone's area without joining a team. Glasswalls still work and lock you out - this IS a feature, you can still teleport players none
instabreak Boolean If true, players break blocks instantly. Useful for Spleef gamemodes none
minteams Integer Minimum number of active teams required to start the battle none
minplayers Integer Minimum number of players required per team to start the battle none
monumentheal Integer Number of hearts given to players jumping on the monument none
nocreatures Boolean If true, prevent mob spawning none
nodrops Boolean If true, prevent players from dropping items none
pvpinzone Boolean If true, PVP is enabled. Useful for Spleef gamemodes none
realdeaths Boolean If true, send players to the real Minecraft death screen none
resetonempty Boolean If true, reset the zone when all players leave none
resetonconfigchange Boolean If true, reset every time the zone config is modified none
resetonload Boolean If true, reset warzone when the server starts none
resetonunload Boolean If true, reset warzone when the server stops none
unbreakable Boolean If true, prevent block breaking none
gamemode String The gamemode that is played in none
joinmidbattle Boolean If true, players are allowed to join during a battle none
autojoin Boolean If true, bypass the zone lobby and auto-assign the player a team none
scoreboard ScoreboardType Type of scoreboard for this zone none
souphealing Boolean If true, allow players to heal by consuming soup none
allowender Boolean If true, ender chests are allowed. Ender chests are usually blocked to prevent item duplication none
resetblocks Boolean If true, reset warzone blocks each battle none
onlyresetchests Boolean If true, only chests will be reset none
enemynames Boolean If true, players can see enemy names none
cpradius Integer Defines the Capture-Point-Radius none
cpstyle CPStyle Defines the Capture-Point-Style none
capturepointtime Integer Time, in seconds, required to gain control of a capture point none
disablecooldown Boolean Disables the attack cooldown when swinging a weapon Combine it with swordblocking for 1.8-PvP - Should not be used in combination with rapiddamage
swordblocking Boolean If true, players can block with just a sword, like in 1.8 Combine it with disablecooldown for 1.8-PvP
rapiddamage Boolean Allows for rapid damage to the players (e.g. machine guns) Will also cause environmental damage to be rapid - Should not be used in combination with disablecooldown
preptime Integer Time, in seconds, before players are allowed to fight none
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