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Data Specification

João Cardoso edited this page Oct 16, 2017 · 12 revisions

LibItemCache establishes a few data types that are central to the library's functionality - identifiers for entities and containers, and data structures for function returns. This page describes all of them.



When designing LibItemCache, a major goal was to make owners easily identifiable with a single variable, while making sure that variable is human readable.

As such, owners are identified with ID strings, which are composed by the conjugation of their name and the realm they reside on. For example, the character Lazypants from Shattered Halls would be identified as 'Lazypants - Shattered Halls'. Yet, nothing prevents a guild from having the same name as a character on the same realm. As such, guilds are identified by a registered trademark symbol before their name. For example, guild Noobs from that same server would be identified as '® Noobs - Shattered Halls'.

If the realm portion of the ID is omitted, the library assumes you meant the current realm the player is logged on.


The bagID identifies a single item container that contains multiple item slots. The possible values for bagID change depending on the owner type. For a guild, the only possibility is:

  • 1 to 5 for the guild bank tabs

Meanwhile, for a character, the current possibilities are:

  • -2 for the reagent bank
  • -1 for the main bank bag
  • 0 for the backpack
  • 1 to 4 for the bags on the character
  • 5 to 11 for the custom bank bags
  • 'equip' for the character's equipment
  • 'vault' for the void storage

⚠️ Note that both tabs of the void storage are considered a single bag of 180 slots.

Data Structures

All the function part of the query API return information in the form of tables. Not only this makes code more readable, due to the large amount of variables being returned, it also makes it possible for caches to add their own fields to the data, if they have additional information we did not think of including.

Item Data

Field Type Description
id number The item's ID number.
link string A hyperlink for the item
icon string Path to an icon texture for the item.
quality number Quality (rarity) level of the item.
count number Current stack size for the item.
locked boolean Whether the item is currently locked from being moved.
recent boolean Whether the item has recently been stored (void storage only).
filtered boolean Whether the item is filtered out using the Blizzard item filtering system.
readable boolean Whether the item can be read.
lootable boolean Whether the item can be opened for loot.
worthless boolean Whether the item can't be sold at an NPC vendor.
cached boolean Whether the information came live from the server or from a cache.

Bag Data

An extension of item data, bag data features the same fields with minor modifications and additions:

Field Type Description
count number The number of item slots in this container.
free number The number of empty item slots in this container.
slot number Equipment slot ID of this container (1 to 11 only).
owned boolean Whether access to this container has been purchased (-2 and 5-11 only).
viewable boolean Whether the container can be viewed by your character (guild bank only).
canDeposit boolean Whether your character can deposit items in this container (guild bank only).
numWithdrawals number Maximum number of withdrawals your character can do (guild bank only).
remainingWithdrawals number Number of withdrawals remaining to your character (guild bank only).

Owner Data

Field Type Description
cached boolean Whether the information came live from the server or from a cache.
isguild boolean Whether the owner is a guild or a character.
money number Amount of copper owned by the entity.
faction string English name of the owner's faction.
guild string Name of the guild the owner belongs to (character only).
class number Class ID of the owner (character only).
gender number Gender ID of the owner (character only).
race number Race ID of the owner (character only).

LibItemCache 💾

Using the Library
Data Specification
Advanced Uses

Exposing your Cache
Interface Protocol

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