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A cli that may or may not download music from a certain website


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A cli that may or may not download albums from a certain website.


pip install pytubemusic

Requires ffmpeg to be installed on your machine.

Installation Note

PyTubeMusic uses the PyTube library. This can occasionally break. However, patches are usually quickly released as new versions or as pull requests. Try upgrading to the latest version of PyTube if downloading fails.

Note, to pip install from a pull request do:

 pip install git+<PR_NUM>/head

Where <PR_NUM> is the number of the pull request.


pytubemusic has two commands:

  • export: fetches and exports tracks specified by a TOML file

    pytubemusic export -h
    usage: pytubemusic export [-h] [-o OUT] [-q] conf
    Exports the track(s) from the specified ``conf`` path.
    positional arguments:
      conf           The path to the configuration file specifying video data
                     (type: Path)
      -h, --help     show this help message and exit
      -o, --out OUT  The directory files/folders will be exported to.
                     If not given, uses the cwd. (type: Path, default: None)
      -q, --quiet    Whether logs should be suppressed
                     (type: bool, default: False)
  • dump-schema: dumps the JSON schema for Tracks and Albums to a file

    usage: pytubemusic dump-schema [-h] [-o OUT] [-q] {Album,Track,Media}
    Exports the specified json schema to the specified directory
    positional arguments:
      {Album,Track,Media}  The schema to be dumped (type: str)
      -h, --help           show this help message and exit
      -o, --out OUT        The directory files/folders will be exported to.
                           If not given, uses the cwd. (type: Path)
      -q, --quiet          Whether logs should be suppressed
                           (type: bool, default: False)

The primary command is export this requires TOML files that specifies the URL, cover image, and other metadata for one or more tracks. The TOML format will be described below.


There are three data types that pytubemusic can parse:

  • Media: A union type, either an Album, or Track
  • Album: A container for Tracks with additional metadata
  • Track: A specification for one or more individual tracks

It is recommended you export the Media json schema to use when writing TOML files.

All media types rely on some basic primitives:

Data Primitives

By convention, optional fields are prefixed with Maybe


Tags come in three forms: Tags, TrackTags, AlbumTags. A Tags object is a mapping of ffmpeg mp3 metadata tag names ( to their values. The only difference between the three types of tags is that for TrackTags the title field is required, and for AlbumTags, the album field is required.


Covers are used for the track cover photos. They have two forms: File, and Url.

File covers have the form:

path: Path

When resolving the path specified in a File cover, the path will be taken as relative to the TOML config file it is specified in — unless the path is absolute.

Url covers have the form:

href: str

If a URL scheme is not provided, it defaults to HTTPS


TimeDeltas are used to specify timestamps for tracks. These are strings of the form: HH:MM:SS or HH:MM:SS.D{1,6}


There are several types of tracks:


A single specifies a single track taken from a single URL. It has the general form:

url: str = Field(pattern=r"/watch\?v=")
metadata: TrackTags
cover: MaybeCover = None
start: MaybeTimedelta = None
end: MaybeTimedelta = None

If the start and end timestamps are not provided, they default to the start and end of the video respectively.

For example:

url = ""
start = "00:00:01"
end = "00:07:23.5"

title = "My Track"
artist = "Joe Schmoe"

href = ""


A split track is where a single video is split into several smaller audio tracks. It has the general form:

url: str = Field(pattern=r"/watch\?v=")
cover: MaybeCover = None
tracks: tuple[TrackStub, ...] = Field(min_length=1)

Where tracks is a list of one or more TrackStubs of the form:

metadata: TrackTags
cover: MaybeCover = None
start: MaybeTimedelta = None
end: MaybeTimedelta = None

If the start timestamp is not provided, it defaults to the start of the video. If the end timestamp is not provided, it defaults to the start of the next video, or the end of the video.

If a cover is provided in the TrackStub, it overrides any cover specified in the Split track.

For example:

url = ""

path = "./covers/pic1.jpeg"

start = "00:00:01"

path = "./covers/pic2.jpeg"

title = "My First Track"

start = "00:07:23.5"

title = "My Second Track"


Playlists download tracks from a playlist, either by merging several tracks into one, or as separate tracks. Playlist tracks have the general form:

url: str = Field(pattern=r"/playlist\?list=")
cover: MaybeCover = None
tracks: tuple[TrackStub | MergeStub | Drop, ...] = ()

Where tracks is a list of any conbination of TrackStubs, MergeStubs, or Drop literals. Videos are loaded in the order they appear in the playlist.


Track stubs contain metadata about the track at that position, as well as an optional cover and start and end timestamps:

metadata: TrackTags
cover: MaybeCover = None
start: MaybeTimedelta = None
end: MaybeTimedelta = None

Merge stubs consist of track metadata, an optional cover, and a list of start and end timestamps. For example, if the merge stub contains three time stubs, then the next three videos from the playlist are merged into a single track.

metadata: TrackTags
cover: MaybeCover = None
parts: tuple[TimeStub | Drop, ...]

With TimeStubs being of the form:

start: MaybeTimedelta = None
end: MaybeTimedelta = None

A drop literal indicates a particular playlist video should be ignored:

drop: Literal[True] = True
Playlist Example

Here is a playlist example demonstrating various track types:

url = ""
cover = {href = ""}

# TrackStub
start = "00:00:01"
end = "00:07:23.4"

title = "My First Track Title"

# Drop
drop = true

# MergeStub
parts = [{start = "00:00:05"}, {drop = true}, {}]

title = "My Second Track Title"


Merge tracks are used to join two or more videos into a single track. They have the general form:

metadata: TrackTags
cover: MaybeCover = None
parts: tuple[AudioStub, ...] = Field(min_length=1)

Where AudioStubs are of the form:

url: str = Field(pattern=r"/watch\?v=")
start: MaybeTimedelta = None
end: MaybeTimedelta = None

For example:

title = "My Track"
artist = "Joe Schmoe"

href = ""

url = ""
start = "00:00:01"
end = "00:07:23.5"

url = ""
start = "00:00:05.2"
end = "00:15:40"


Albums are just collections of tracks that have some universal metadata applied. Album tracks will be given a track metadata tag denoting their position in the album. They have the general form:

metadata: AlbumTags
cover: MaybeCover = None
tracks: tuple[TrackType, ...] = Field(min_length=1)

Where TrackType is any of the above track types.

For example:

album = "My Album"
artist = "Joe Schmoe"

href = ""

# Single
url = ""
start = "00:00:01"
end = "00:07:23.5"

title = "My Track"

# merge
title = "My Other Track"

url = ""
start = "00:00:01"
end = "00:07:23.5"

url = ""
start = "00:00:05.2"
end = "00:15:40"


A cli that may or may not download music from a certain website






