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Fast Reflection Removal


Removes reflections quickly and easily.


How to use

You can either:

  • install it as a Python package,
  • clone and use it as a repository, or
  • use it as a web app on my website.

How to install

As a package

In your own project, just perform the following command:

# python refers to the virtual environment to install package to
python -m pip install fast-reflection-removal

Now, you can use the reflection removal in your project in the following manner:

from frr import FastReflectionRemoval

# numpy array with values between 0 and 1 of shape (H, W, C)
img = ...
# instantiate the algoroithm class
alg = FastReflectionRemoval(h = 0.11)
# run the algorithm and get result of shape (H, W, C)
dereflected_img = alg.remove_reflection(img)


As a repository

  1. Clone the project and go to its root directory.
  2. Create and activate the virtual environment:
    # create the environment
    python3 -m venv "venv"
    # activate the environment
    source venv/bin/activate # on Windows ./venv/Scripts/activate.ps1 in Powershell
  3. Install the necessary packages:
    python -m pip install --upgrade pip
    python -m pip install --upgrade wheel setuptools pip-tools
  4. Install the packages from requirements and the project:
    make sync # on windows just perform the following commands: python -m piptools sync requirements.txt; python -m pip install -e .

How to run the project


# activate the environment
source venv/bin/activate # on Windows ./venv/Scripts/activate.ps1 in Powershell
frr "tests/test_frr/fixtures/toy_example.jpg" "out.jpg" -h 0.11

The program, in this example, loads input image from the path tests/test_frr/fixtures/toy_example.jpg, processes it with parameter h=0.11 and outputs it into out.jpg. More information about the parameters can be obtained by invoking frr --help.

Project structure


  • docs: documentation.
  • src: contains list of folders for sources, e.g. python.
  • tests: tests that follow the structure of src/python.


This repository implements paper Fast Single Image Reflection Suppression via Convex Optimization authored by Yang Yang, Wenye Ma, Yin Zheng, Jian-Feng Cai and Weiyu Xu.