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Janno committed Oct 8, 2012
1 parent a9b4d96 commit 6598674
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Showing 13 changed files with 107 additions and 90 deletions.
124 changes: 62 additions & 62 deletions src/myhill_nerode.v
Expand Up @@ -247,35 +247,35 @@ Section MyhillNerode.

Definition distinguishable := [ fun x y => (cr f_0 x) \in L != ((cr f_0 y) \in L) ].

Definition distinct0 := [set x | distinguishable x.1 x.2 ].
Definition dist0 := [set x | distinguishable x.1 x.2 ].

Lemma distinct0P x:
Lemma dist0P x:
reflect (cr f_0 x.1 \in L <> (cr f_0 x.2 \in L))
(x \in distinct0).
(x \in dist0).
rewrite /distinct0 /= !inE.
rewrite /dist0 /= !inE.
apply: iffP. apply idP.
by move/eqP.
by move/eqP.

Lemma distinct0NP x:
Lemma dist0NP x:
reflect (cr f_0 x.1 \in L = (cr f_0 x.2 \in L))
(x \notin distinct0).
(x \notin dist0).
apply: iffP. apply idP.
move => H. apply/eqP. move: H.
apply: contraR. move/eqP.
by move/distinct0P.
move/eqP. apply: contraL. by move/distinct0P/eqP.
by move/dist0P.
move/eqP. apply: contraL. by move/dist0P/eqP.

Definition distinctS (distinct: {set X*X}) :=
[set (x,y) | x in X, y in X & [ exists a, psucc x y a \in distinct ] ].
Definition distS (dist: {set X*X}) :=
[set (x,y) | x in X, y in X & [ exists a, psucc x y a \in dist ] ].

Lemma distinctSP (distinct: {set X*X}) x y:
reflect (exists a, psucc x y a \in distinct)
((x,y) \in distinctS distinct).
Lemma distSP (dist: {set X*X}) x y:
reflect (exists a, psucc x y a \in dist)
((x,y) \in distS dist).
apply: iffP. apply idP.
move/imset2P => [] x' y' _.
Expand All @@ -288,80 +288,79 @@ Section MyhillNerode.
exists a. exact H.

Lemma distinctSNP (distinct: {set X*X}) x y:
reflect (forall a, psucc x y a \notin distinct)
((x,y) \notin distinctS distinct).
Lemma distSNP (dist: {set X*X}) x y:
reflect (forall a, psucc x y a \notin dist)
((x,y) \notin distS dist).
apply: introP.
move/distinctSP => H1 a.
move/distSP => H1 a.
apply/negP => H2. by eauto.
move/negbTE/distinctSP => [a H1] H2.
absurd (psucc x y a \in distinct) => //.
move/negbTE/distSP => [a H1] H2.
absurd (psucc x y a \in dist) => //.
by apply/negP.

Definition unnamed distinct :=
distinct0 :|: distinct :|: (distinctS distinct).
Definition one_step_dist dist := dist0 :|: dist :|: (distS dist).

Lemma unnamedP (distinct: {set X*X}) x:
reflect ([\/ x \in distinct0, x \in distinct | x \in distinctS distinct])
(x \in unnamed distinct).
Lemma one_step_distP (dist: {set X*X}) x:
reflect ([\/ x \in dist0, x \in dist | x \in distS dist])
(x \in one_step_dist dist).
rewrite /unnamed !inE.
rewrite /one_step_dist !inE.
apply: introP.
move/orP => [/orP [] |]; eauto using or3.
by move/norP => [] /norP [] /negbTE -> /negbTE -> /negbTE -> [].

Lemma unnamedNP (distinct: {set X*X}) x:
reflect ([/\ x \notin distinct0, x \notin distinct & x \notin distinctS distinct])
(x \notin unnamed distinct).
Lemma one_step_distNP (dist: {set X*X}) x:
reflect ([/\ x \notin dist0, x \notin dist & x \notin distS dist])
(x \notin one_step_dist dist).
apply: introP.
by move/unnamedP/nand3P/and3P.
move/negbNE/unnamedP/nand3P => H1 H2.
by move/one_step_distP/nand3P/and3P.
move/negbNE/one_step_distP/nand3P => H1 H2.
apply: H1. by apply/and3P.

Definition distinct := lfp unnamed.
Definition distinct := lfp one_step_dist.

Notation "x ~!= y" := ((x,y) \in distinct) (at level 70, no associativity).
Notation "u ~!=_f_0 v" := (f_0(u) ~!= f_0(v)) (at level 70, no associativity).
Notation "x ~= y" := ((x,y) \notin distinct) (at level 70, no associativity).
Notation "u ~=_f_0 v" := (f_0(u) ~= f_0(v)) (at level 70, no associativity).

Lemma distinctS_unnamed: mono distinctS.
Lemma distS_mono: mono distS.
move => s t /subsetP H.
move => [x y] /distinctSP [a H1].
apply/distinctSP. exists a.
move => [x y] /distSP [a H1].
apply/distSP. exists a.
exact: H.

Lemma unnamed_mono: mono unnamed.
Lemma one_step_dist_mono: mono one_step_dist.
move => s t H. apply/subsetP.
move => [x y] /unnamedP [] H1; apply/unnamedP;
move => [x y] /one_step_distP [] H1; apply/one_step_distP;
first by eauto using or3.
move: (subsetP H _ H1).
by eauto using or3.
move/subsetP: (distinctS_unnamed H).
move/subsetP: (distS_mono H).
by eauto using or3.

Lemma equiv0_refl x:
(x,x) \notin distinct0.
(x,x) \notin dist0.
Proof. by rewrite in_set /= eq_refl. Qed.

Lemma equiv_refl x: x ~= x.
rewrite /distinct. move: x.
apply lfp_ind => [|dist IHdist] x.
by rewrite in_set.
apply/unnamedNP. econstructor => //;
apply/one_step_distNP. econstructor => //;
first by exact: equiv0_refl.
apply/distinctSNP => a.
apply/distSNP => a.
exact: IHdist.

Expand All @@ -371,24 +370,24 @@ Section MyhillNerode.
Lemma not_dist_sym x y: ~~ distinguishable x y -> ~~ distinguishable y x.
Proof. apply: contraL. move/dist_sym => H. by apply/negPn. Qed.

Lemma equiv0_sym x y: (x,y) \notin distinct0 -> (y,x) \notin distinct0.
Proof. by rewrite /distinct0 /= 2!in_set eq_sym. Qed.
Lemma equiv0_sym x y: (x,y) \notin dist0 -> (y,x) \notin dist0.
Proof. by rewrite /dist0 /= 2!in_set eq_sym. Qed.

Lemma distinct0_sym x y: (x,y) \in distinct0 -> (y,x) \in distinct0.
Proof. by rewrite /distinct0 /= 2!in_set eq_sym. Qed.
Lemma dist0_sym x y: (x,y) \in dist0 -> (y,x) \in dist0.
Proof. by rewrite /dist0 /= 2!in_set eq_sym. Qed.

Lemma equiv_sym x y: x ~= y -> y ~= x.
move: x y.
rewrite /distinct.
apply lfp_ind => [|s IHs] x y.
by rewrite 2!in_set.
move/unnamedNP => [] H0 H1 H2.
apply/unnamedNP. constructor.
move/one_step_distNP => [] H0 H1 H2.
apply/one_step_distNP. constructor.
exact: equiv0_sym.
exact: IHs.
apply/distinctSNP => a.
move/distinctSNP in H2.
apply/distSNP => a.
move/distSNP in H2.
apply: IHs. exact: H2.

Expand All @@ -398,12 +397,12 @@ Section MyhillNerode.
rewrite /distinct.
apply lfp_ind => [|s IHs] x y z.
by rewrite 3!in_set.
move/unnamedNP => [] /distinct0NP H1 H2 /distinctSNP H3.
move/unnamedNP => [] /distinct0NP H4 H5 /distinctSNP H6.
apply/unnamedNP. constructor.
apply/distinct0NP. by rewrite H1 H4.
move/one_step_distNP => [] /dist0NP H1 H2 /distSNP H3.
move/one_step_distNP => [] /dist0NP H4 H5 /distSNP H6.
apply/one_step_distNP. constructor.
apply/dist0NP. by rewrite H1 H4.
by apply: IHs; eassumption.
apply/distinctSNP => a.
apply/distSNP => a.
apply: IHs.
by eapply H3.
exact: H6.
Expand All @@ -416,14 +415,14 @@ Section MyhillNerode.
apply: contraR.
elim: w u v => [|a w IHw] u v.
rewrite 2!cats0.
rewrite /distinct lfpE -/distinct /unnamed => H;
last by exact: unnamed_mono.
by rewrite /distinct0 /= 3!in_set 2!cr_mem_L H.
rewrite /distinct lfpE -/distinct /one_step_dist => H;
last by exact: one_step_dist_mono.
by rewrite /dist0 /= 3!in_set 2!cr_mem_L H.
move => H.
rewrite /distinct lfpE -/distinct;
last by exact: unnamed_mono.
apply/unnamedP. apply: Or33.
apply/distinctSP. exists a.
last by exact: one_step_dist_mono.
apply/one_step_distP. apply: Or33.
apply/distSP. exists a.
apply: IHw.
by rewrite -2!catA 2!(cr_mem_L_cat f_0).
Expand All @@ -436,12 +435,12 @@ Section MyhillNerode.
move: u v.
apply lfp_ind => [|dist IHdist] u v.
by rewrite in_set.
move/unnamedP => [].
move/distinct0P => /eqP.
move/one_step_distP => [].
move/dist0P => /eqP.
rewrite !cr_mem_L /= => H.
exists [::]. by rewrite 2!cats0.
exact: IHdist.
move/distinctSP => [a] /IHdist [w].
move/distSP => [a] /IHdist [w].
rewrite -2!catA !cr_mem_L_cat.
by eauto.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -521,6 +520,7 @@ Section MyhillNerode.

End Minimalization.

End MyhillNerode.
Binary file modified thesis/chapters/chpt_MN.pdf
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34 changes: 17 additions & 17 deletions thesis/chpt_MN.tex
Expand Up @@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ \section{Minimizing Equivalence Classes}


To find more distinguishable equivalence classes, we have to identify equivalence classes that ``lead'' to distinguishable equivalence classes.
Expand All @@ -418,33 +418,33 @@ \section{Minimizing Equivalence Classes}
Given a set of pairs of equivalence classes $\mathit{dist}$,
we define the set of pairs of distinguishable equivalence classes that have successors in $\mathit{dist}$ as
\mathit{distinct_S}(\mathit{dist}) := \{ (x,y) \; | \; \exists a. \, \mathit{psucc_a}(x,y) \in \mathit{dist}\}.
\mathit{dist_S}(\mathit{dist}) := \{ (x,y) \; | \; \exists a. \, \mathit{psucc_a}(x,y) \in \mathit{dist}\}.

Let $\mathit{dist}$ be a subset of $X \times X$. We define $\mathit{unnamed}$ such that
Let $\mathit{dist}$ be a subset of $X \times X$. We define $\mathit{one\mhyphen step\mhyphen dist}$ such that
\mathit{unnamed}(\mathit{dist}) := \mathit{dist_0} \cup \mathit{dist} \cup \mathit{distinct_S}(\mathit{dist}).
\mathit{one\mhyphen step\mhyphen dist}(\mathit{dist}) := \mathit{dist_0} \cup \mathit{dist} \cup \mathit{distinct_S}(\mathit{dist}).

$unnamed$ is monotone and has a fixed-point.
$\mathit{one\mhyphen step\mhyphen dist}$ is monotone and has a fixed-point.
Monotonicity follows directly from the monotonicity of $\cup$.
The number of sets in $X \times X$ is finite.
Therefore, $unnamed$ has a fixed point.
We iterate $\mathit{unnamed}$ $|X*X|+1 = |X|^2+1$ times on the empty set.
Since there can only ever be $|X*X|$ items in the result of $\mathit{unnamed}$,
Therefore, $\mathit{one\mhyphen step\mhyphen dist}$ has a fixed point.
We iterate $\mathit{one\mhyphen step\mhyphen dist}$ $|X*X|+1 = |X|^2+1$ times on the empty set.
Since there can only ever be $|X*X|$ items in the result of $\mathit{one\mhyphen step\mhyphen dist}$,
we will find the fixed point in no more than $|X*X|+1$ steps.

Let \textit{\textbf{distinct}} be the fixed point of $unnamed$ and let it be denoted by $\not\cong$.
Let \textit{\textbf{distinct}} be the fixed point of $\mathit{one\mhyphen step\mhyphen dist}$ and let it be denoted by $\not\cong$.
We write \textit{\textbf{equiv}} for the complement of \textit{distinct} and denote it $\cong$.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -475,9 +475,9 @@ \section{Minimizing Equivalence Classes}
Note that complementary transitivity, anti-reflexivity and symmetry are closed under union.
We proceed by fixed-point induction.
\item For $\mathit{unnamed}(\mathit{dist}) = \emptyset$ we have anti-reflexivity, symmetry and (\ref{trans}) %complementary transitivity
\item For $\mathit{one\mhyphen step\mhyphen dist}(\mathit{dist}) = \emptyset$ we have anti-reflexivity, symmetry and (\ref{trans}) %complementary transitivity
by the properties of $\emptyset$.
\item For $\mathit{unnamed}(\mathit{dist}) = \mathit{dist'}$
\item For $\mathit{one\mhyphen step\mhyphen dist}(\mathit{dist}) = \mathit{dist'}$
we have $\mathit{dist}$ anti-reflexive, symmetric and (\ref{trans}). %complementarily transitive.
It remains to show that
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ \section{Minimizing Equivalence Classes}
Thus, $u \not\cong_{f_0} v$.
\item For $w = aw'$ we have $uaw \in L \not\Leftrightarrow vaw \in L$.
We have to show $u \not\cong_{f_0} v$, i.e. $({f_0}(u), {f_0}(v)) \in \mathit{distinct}$.
By definition of $\mathit{distinct}$, it suffices to show $({f_0}(u), {f_0}(v)) \in \mathit{unnamed}(\mathit{distinct})$.
By definition of $\mathit{distinct}$, it suffices to show $({f_0}(u), {f_0}(v)) \in \mathit{one\mhyphen step\mhyphen dist}(\mathit{distinct})$.

For this, we prove $({f_0}(u), {f_0}(v)) \in \mathit{distinct_S}(\mathit{distinct})$.
By $uaw \in L \not\Leftrightarrow vaw \in L$ we have $({f_0}(\crep{u}a), {f_0}(\crep{v}a)) \in dist_0$.
Expand All @@ -538,8 +538,8 @@ \section{Minimizing Equivalence Classes}
We do a fixed-point induction.
\item For $\mathit{unnamed}(\mathit{dist}) = \emptyset$ we have $({f_0}(u), {f_0}(v)) \in \emptyset$ and thus a contradiction.
\item For $\mathit{unnamed}(\mathit{dist}) = \mathit{dist'}$ we have $({f_0}(u), {f_0}(v)) \in \mathit{dist'}$.
\item For $\mathit{one\mhyphen step\mhyphen dist}(\mathit{dist}) = \emptyset$ we have $({f_0}(u), {f_0}(v)) \in \emptyset$ and thus a contradiction.
\item For $\mathit{one\mhyphen step\mhyphen dist}(\mathit{dist}) = \mathit{dist'}$ we have $({f_0}(u), {f_0}(v)) \in \mathit{dist'}$.
We do a case distinction on $\mathit{dist'}$.
\item $({f_0}(u), {f_0}(v)) \in \mathit{dist_0}$.
Expand Down

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