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Janno committed Oct 8, 2012
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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions thesis/chpt_coq.tex
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,14 @@ \chapter{\coq\ and \ssreflect}


The Coq system is designed to develop mathematical proofs, and especially to write formal specifications, programs and to verify that programs are correct with respect to their specification.
It provides a specification language named Gallina.
Terms of Gallina can represent programs as well as properties of these programs and proofs of these properties.
Using the so-called Curry-Howard isomorphism, programs, properties and proofs are formalized in the same language called Calculus of Inductive Constructions, that is a $\lambda$-calculus with a rich type system.
All logical judgments in Coq are typing judgments.
The very heart of the Coq system is the type-checking algorithm that checks the correctness of proofs, in other words that checks that a program complies to its specification.
Coq also provides an interactive proof assistant to build proofs using specific programs called tactics \cite{Coq:manual}.

\todo{Description, citation}

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69 changes: 35 additions & 34 deletions thesis/chpt_fa.tex
Expand Up @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ \section{Connected Components}

To make use of the fact that $A_c$ is fully connected, we will proof a characteristic property of $A_c$.
To make use of the fact that $A_c$ is fully connected, we will prove a characteristic property of $A_c$.
We will need this property of $A_c$ in Chapter \ref{chap:MN}.

Expand All @@ -266,15 +266,14 @@ \section{Connected Components}

We can compute give a representative for every state $x \in Q_c$.
There is a representative for every state $x \in Q_c$.

$x$ carries a proof of reachability.
From this, we get a path through the graph of $\mathrm{reachable1}$ that ends ind $x$.
We build the representative by extracting the edges of the path and building a word from those.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -303,22 +302,23 @@ \section{Emptiness}
\lang{A_c} = \emptyset \iff F_c = \emptyset.
We have $\lang{A_c} = \emptyset$ and have to show that for all $x \in Q_c$, $x \notin F_c$.
Let $x \in Q_c$.
By Lemma \ref{dfa_connected_repr} we get $w$ such that the unique run of $w$ on $A_c$
ends in $x$.
We use $\lang{A_c} = \emptyset$ to get $w \notin \lang{A_c}$,
which implies that the run of $w$ on $A_c$ ends in a non-final state.
By substituting the last state of the run by $x$ we get $x \notin F_c$.

We have $F_c = \emptyset$ and have to show that for all words $w$, $w \notin \lang{A_c}$.
We use $F_c = \emptyset$ to show that the last state of the run of $w$ on $A_c$ is non-final.
Thus, $w \notin \lang{A_c}$.

Thus, emptiness is decidable.

Thus, emptiness is decidable.

%The formalization of Lemma \ref{dfa_lang_empty} is split in two parts to facilitate its application.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ \subsection{Regular Expressions to Finite Automata}
%For every constructor, we provide an equivalent automaton.

Depending on the constructor of the regular expression, we will construct an equivalent DFA or NFA.
Depending on the constructor of the regular expression, we will construct a corresponding operation on DFAs or NFAs.
\lstinline{Void}, \lstinline{Eps}, \lstinline{Dot}, \lstinline{Atom}, \lstinline{Plus}, \lstinline{And} and \lstinline{Not} are very easy to implement on DFAs, whereas \lstinline{Star} and \lstinline{Conc} lend themselves well to NFAs.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ \subsubsection{Eps}
We define an automaton that accepts only the empty word, i.e.
A_\varepsilon := (\{t, f\}, t, \{f\}, \{(x, a, f) \; | \; x \in \{t, f\}, a \in \Sigma\}).
A_\varepsilon := (\{t, f\}, t, \{t\}, \{(x, a, f) \; | \; x \in \{t, f\}, a \in \Sigma\}).

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -787,7 +787,6 @@ \subsection{Finite Automata to Regular Expressions}
The third method, which we chose for our development, is due to Kleene \cite{KleeneNets}.
It is known as the ``\textbf{transitive closure method}''.
This method recursively constructs a regular expression that is equivalent to the given automaton.
We now give a detailed
For the remainder of the chapter, we assume that we are given a DFA $A=(Q,s,F,\delta)$.

Expand All @@ -804,9 +803,9 @@ \subsection{Finite Automata to Regular Expressions}
Conversely, if there is a word which does not pass through a state and whose run on $A$ starts in $x$ and ends in $y$,
it can only be a singleton word consisting of one of the transitions from $x$ to $y$.
Therefore, the corresponding regular expression is the disjunction of all transitions from $x$ to $y$.
These transitions constitutes all possible words that lead from $x$ to $y$ without passing through any state.
These transitions constitute all possible words that lead from $x$ to $y$ without passing through any state.

Otherwise, if $x = y$, we also have to consider the empty word, since its run on $A$ starts in $x$ and ends in $y$.
If $x = y$, we also have to consider the empty word, since its run on $A$ starts in $x$ and ends in $y$.
Thus, the corresponding regular expression is the disjunction of all transitions from $x$ to $y$ \textit{and} $\varepsilon$.

Expand All @@ -828,11 +827,14 @@ \subsection{Finite Automata to Regular Expressions}

If $\sigma$ does not pass through $z$, it is covered by the regular expression for paths from $x$ to $y$ restricted to $X\backslash\{z\}$.

In order to define $R$ recursively, we need to pick an element $z \in X$ if $X \neq \emptyset$.
For this purpose, we assume an ordering on $Q$.
We will then pick $z \in X$ such that $z$ is the smallest element in $X$ w.r.t to the ordering.

Let $X \subseteq Q$. Let $x, y \in Q$.
We define R recursively on \todo{correct?}$|X|$:
We define R recursively on $|X|$:
R^X_{x,y} := \left\{
Expand All @@ -853,7 +855,7 @@ \subsection{Finite Automata to Regular Expressions}
} a + \varepsilon
& \mbox{if } X = \emptyset \wedge x = y; \\
R^{X\backslash\{z\}}_{x,z} (R^{X\backslash\{z\}}_{z,z})^* R^{X\backslash\{z\}}_{z,y} + R^{X\backslash\{z\}}_{x,y}
& \mbox{if } \exists z \in X.
& \mbox{if } X \neq \emptyset \wedge z \mbox{ minimal in } X.
Expand All @@ -872,7 +874,8 @@ \subsection{Finite Automata to Regular Expressions}

Following the intuition given above, we try to express $\lang{A}$ by $R$.
%Following the intuition given above, we try to express $\lang{A}$ by $R$.
We now express $\lang{A}$ using $R$.
Based on the observation that every accepted word has a run from $s$ to some state $f \in F$,
we only have to combine the corresponding regular expressions $R^Q_{s,f}$ to form a regular expression for $\lang{A}$.
The goal of this chapter is to prove the following theorem.
Expand All @@ -887,10 +890,10 @@ \subsection{Finite Automata to Regular Expressions}
In order to prove this theorem, we will first define a predicate on words that corresponds to $\lang{R^X_{x,y}}$.
We call this predicate $L^X_{x,y}$ and define it such that it includes those words
whose runs on $A$ starting in $x$ only pass through states in $X$ and end in $y$.
This is a direct implementation of the idea behind $R^X_{x,y}$.
Then, we show that $L^{X \cup \{z\}}$ can be expressed in terms of $L^X$.
We prove that we can express $\lang{A}$ by $\bigcup_{f\in F} L^Q_{s,f}$.
Finally, we show that $R^X_{x,y} = L^X_{x,y}$, thus proving Theorem \ref{dfa_to_regex}.
%This is a direct implementation of the idea behind $R^X_{x,y}$.
%Then, we show that $L^{X \cup \{z\}}$ can be expressed in terms of $L^X$.
%We prove that we can express $\lang{A}$ by $\bigcup_{f\in F} L^Q_{s,f}$.
%Finally, we show that $R^X_{x,y} = L^X_{x,y}$, thus proving Theorem \ref{dfa_to_regex}.

Let $w \in \Sigma^*$.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -919,7 +922,7 @@ \subsection{Finite Automata to Regular Expressions}
L is monotone \todo{is this word correct?} in $X$, i.e.
\forall X \subseteq Q, z \in X, x,y \in Q. \; L^X x y \subseteq L^{X\cup\{z\}} x y.
\forall X \subseteq Q, z \in X, x,y \in Q. \; L^X_{x,y} \subseteq L^{X\cup\{z\}} x y.
Expand All @@ -945,7 +948,6 @@ \subsection{Finite Automata to Regular Expressions}
Let $w \in \Sigma^*$. Let $x,z \in Q$.
Let $\sigma$ be the run of $w$ on $A$ starting in $x$.
\todo{notation for membership in runs?}
Let $z \in \sigma_1 \ldots \last{\sigma}$.
Then there exist $w_1, w_2 \in \Sigma^*$ such that
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -973,7 +975,7 @@ \subsection{Finite Automata to Regular Expressions}
Let $w \in L^{X\cup\{z\}}_{x,y}$.
We have that either
w \in L^{X}_{x,y},
w \in L^{X}_{x,y}
or there exist $w_1$ and $w_2$ such that
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1016,9 +1018,6 @@ \subsection{Finite Automata to Regular Expressions}


With this, we can prove that a sequence of $n$ words $w_0, \ldots, w_{n-1} \in L^{X}_{z,z}$
forms a word $w = w_1 \ldots w_{n-1}$ with $w \in L^{X\cup\{z\}}_{z,z}$.

Let $n \in \mathbb{N}$. Let $w_0, \ldots, w_{n-1} \in L^{X}_{z,z}$.
Expand All @@ -1038,16 +1037,18 @@ \subsection{Finite Automata to Regular Expressions}

Finally, we can show that $L^X$ respects the defining equation of $R^X$.
This lemma is quite involved as it is a combination of many different results.
There is, however, a very clear intuition behind the strategy to prove it.
Lemma \ref{L_split} allows us to cut off a non-empty prefix from a word $w \in L^{X}_{x,y}$.
This prefix is in $L^{X}_{x,z}$.
By size induction, the remainder of $w$ can be cut into three parts,
one in $L^{X}_{z,z}$, one in $(L^{X}_{z,z})^*$ and one in $L^{X}_{z,y}$.
We only have to merge the first two parts to prove this direction of the lemma.
%This lemma is quite involved as it is a combination of many different results.
%There is, however, a very clear intuition behind the strategy to prove it.
%Lemma \ref{L_split} allows us to cut off a non-empty prefix from a word $w \in L^{X}_{x,y}$.
%This prefix is in $L^{X}_{x,z}$.
%By size induction, the remainder of $w$ can be cut into three parts,
%one in $L^{X}_{z,z}$, one in $(L^{X}_{z,z})^*$ and one in $L^{X}_{z,y}$.
%We only have to merge the first two parts to prove this direction of the lemma.

The other direction is easily solved by Lemma \ref{L_cat}.
%The other direction is easily solved by Lemma \ref{L_cat}.

Finally, we can show that $L^X$ respects the defining equation of $R^X$.
With all the lemmas we have in place now, this can now be shown with relative ease.

Expand All @@ -1073,7 +1074,7 @@ \subsection{Finite Automata to Regular Expressions}
With the former, we have $w_3$, $w_4$, and $w_4$ such that $w_2 = w_3 w_4 w_5$, $w_3 \in L^{X}_{z,z}$,
$w_4 \in (L^X_{z,z})*$ and $w_5 \in L^X_{z,y}$.
We merge $w_3$ and $w_4$ such that $w_3 w_4 \in (L^{X}_{z,z})^*$.
This gives us with $w_2 \in (L^{X}_{z,z})^* L^X_{z,y}$.
This gives us $w_2 \in (L^{X}_{z,z})^* L^X_{z,y}$.
Thus, $w_1 w_2 \in L^X_{x,z} (L^X_{z,z})^* L^X_{z,y}$.

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