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Jara edited this page Feb 12, 2016 · 10 revisions

The gameserver.ini located in the same folder as index.js or there where you started the server. The server by default fills in some of these values so at times it be not needed to change or add them to the ini file. Some are not in the ini file and will need to be added to it before you start the server. Or you can edit the ini file and in the console write reload to load the new config file.

Config Meaning
serverMaxConnections: 64 Maximum amount of connections to the server
serverMaxConnPerIp: 9 Max number of connections from one IP
serverPort: 44411 Server port
serverGamemode: 0 Gamemode, See list
serverVersion: 1 Protocol to use, 1 for new (v561.20 and up) and 0 for old (Old is used by most private web clients)
serverResetTime: 24 Time in hours to reset (0 is off)
serverName: My url The URL to display on the Tracker (leave empty will show ip:port, max 32char)
serverAdminPass: your pass Remote console commands password
serverBots: 0 Amount of player bots min players on server, -1 to disable bot system completly
serverViewBaseX: 1024 Base view X distance of players (Warning: high values may cause lag)
serverViewBaseY: 592 Base view Y distance of players
serverStatsPort: -88 Port for stats server. Having a negative number will disable the stats server
serverStatsUpdate: 60 Amount of seconds per update for the server stats
serverLogToFile: 1 Log Info To File
serverLiveStats: 0 Shows live stats on console screen. (Needs a winder window)
serverAutoPause: 0 Enable or Disable the auto pause system on no players
gameLBlength: 10 Number of names to display on Leaderboard (Vanilla value: 10)
borderLeft: 0 Left border of map (Vanilla value 0)
borderRight: 12000 Right border of map (Vanilla value 12000)
borderTop: 0 Top border of map (Vanilla value 0)
borderBottom: 12000 Bottom border of map (Vanilla value 1200)
spawnInterval: 20 The interval between each food cell spawn in ticks (1 tick = 50 ms)
foodSpawnAmount: 10 The amount of food to spawn per interval
foodStartAmount: 100 The starting amount of food in the map
foodMaxAmount: 500 Maximum food cells on the map
foodMass: 1 Starting food size (In mass)
foodMassGrow: 0 Enable or Disables food mass grow ?
foodMassGrowPossiblity: 50 Chance for a food to has the ability to be self growing
foodMassLimit: 5 Maximum mass for a food can grow
foodMassTimeout: 120 The amount of interval for a food to grow its mass (in seconds)
virusMinAmount: 10 Minimum amount of viruses on the map
virusMaxAmount: 50 Maximum amount of viruses on the map. If this amount is reached, then ejected cells will pass through viruses
virusStartMass: 100 Starting virus size (In mass)
virusFeedAmount: 7 Amount of times you need to feed a virus to shoot it
ejectMass: 12 Mass of ejected cells
ejectMassLoss: 16 Mass lost when ejecting cells
ejectMassCooldown: 200 Time until a player can eject mass again
ejectSpeed: 160 Base speed of ejected cells
ejectSpawnPlayer: 50 Chance for a player to spawn from ejected mass
playerStartMass: 10 Starting mass of the player cell
playerMaxMass: 22500 Maximum mass a player can have
playerSpeed = 30 Base Player speed (Vanilla value 30)
playerMinMassEject: 32 Mass required to eject a cell
playerMinMassSplit: 36 Mass required to split
playerMaxCells: 16 Max cells the player is allowed to have
playerRecombineTime: 30 Base amount of seconds before a cell is allowed to recombine
playerMassDecayRate: .002 Amount of mass lost per second
playerMinMassDecay: 9 Minimum mass for decay to occur
playerMaxNickLength: 15 Maximum nick length
playerDisconnectTime: 60 The amount of seconds it takes for a player cell to be removed after disconnection (If set to -1, cells are never removed)
tourneyMaxPlayers: 12 Maximum amount of participants for tournament style game modes
tourneyPrepTime: 10 Amount of ticks to wait after all players are ready (1 tick = 1000 ms)
tourneyEndTime: 30 Amount of ticks to wait after a player wins (1 tick = 1000 ms)
tourneyTimeLimit: 20 Time limit of the game, in minutes
tourneyAutoFill: 0 If set to a value higher than 0, the tournament match will automatically fill up with bots after this amount of seconds
tourneyAutoFillPlayers: 1 The timer for filling the server with bots will not count down unless there is this amount of real players
chatMaxMessageLength: 70 Maximum message length
chatToConsole: 1 Log chat to console 1 on, 0 off
chatIntervalTime: 10000 Time in msec people have to wait to send a new chat msg
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