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Scrambled DNA Rearrangements Annotation Pipeline


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SDRAP - Scrambled DNA Rearrangement Annotation Protocol

SDRAP is a web application which annotates DNA segments in DNA rearrangement precursor and product genomes which describe the rearrangement, and computes properties of the rearrangements reflecting their complexity. The annotated segments sought by the software are analogous to MDSs, IESs, and pointers in ciliate DNA rearrangements.



SDRAP was written on a CentOS 6.7 machine with PHP 5.3.3, MySQL 5.6.31 and Apache 2.2.15. SDRAP makes use of the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST). In particular, the procedure was tested using the blastn command of the BLAST+ software suite at version 2.2.31. Backwards Compatibility with other versions of these softwares cannot be guaranteed, so older and newer versions of these softwares may cause unexpected behaviors.


  1. Clone or download and unpack this repository into the desired directory (must be inside the website root directory of your machine to be accessible remotely via internet browser)
  2. Open a terminal window and cd into the SDRAP directory
  3. Run the command ./ (might require sudo rights)
  4. In some systems, the SELinux context of the tmp directory created in the SDRAP directory during the previous step must be changed to give apache sufficient privileges to work with the temporary files it creates. The exact context needed depends on the system, but most of the time, the following command chcon -Rt httpd_user_content_t tmp (might require sudo rights) while in the SDRAP directory should work.


Simply open up SDRAP in a browser, enter required parameters, select desired genome sequence files and click the "Annotate" button. The execution of the procedure may take a few minutes to several hours depending on the size of the input dataset; make sure your browser does not time out during the execution of the software.

As input to the protocol, the correct precursor and product sequence files must be selected (see Input genome sequence files), required parameters must be specified (see Required parameters), and if desired, optional parameters can be specified (see Optional parameters).

Input genome sequence files

To add a sequence file for sequences in the precursor, open a terminal window cd into the SDRAP directory in a terminal window and run:

./ precursor <file>

To add a sequence file for sequences in the product, open a terminal window, cd into the SDRAP directory and run:

./ product <file>

The two commands may require sudo rights and any browser window with the SDRAP page loaded may need to be forcibly refreshed to see the newly added files in the list of options.

Sequence files are accepted in FASTA format (see BLAST input formats). Delimiters for the selected input files can be specified. SDRAP will break the description line of each nucleotide sequence into fields based on the specified delimiter and only consider the first field for future reference to the sequence. Therefore, please be sure to include a unique identifier as the first field in the description line of each nucleotide sequence across both the precursor and product sequence files.

Required Parameters

MySQL database

MySQL database parameter input fields in the web application interface.


The host name, or IP address identifying the MySQL server which SDRAP should use. If using the MySQL server of the machine where SDRAP is located, leave this field as 'localhost'.


The MySQL username that SDRAP should use. This user should have all privileges on the database with name specified below. It is inadvisable to use a the MySQL root user or to create a user with all privileges on all databases. Instead, a new MySQL user solely for SDRAP should be created This can be done as follows:

  1. Log into the MySQL server with a user that has sufficient privileges to create users and grant privileges.
  2. Execute in MySQL with sufficient permissions:
CREATE USER '<username>'@'localhost'
IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
  1. Execute in MySQL with sufficient permissions:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `<database-name>`.*
TO '<username>'@'localhost';

In the above two MySQL commands, replace 'localhost' by '%' if intending for SDRAP to log into the MySQL server remotely. Also, if you intend to use SDRAP multiple times, and do not want to grant privileges to each database individually, you can come up with a common prefix for all the databases SDRAP will create and grant all privileges on all databases with that prefix by replacing <database-name>.* by <prefix>%.*. Then, whenever specifying the database name SDRAP should use, make sure it has the specified prefix. For security purposes, you should ensure that only the databases created by SDRAP on the MySQL server will have the specified prefix.


The password of the MySQL user specified in the previous field.

SDRAP will connect to the MySQL server using the PHP command:

mysqli_connect(<hostname>, <username>, <password>);
Database name

Tthe name SDRAP should give the MySQL database which will be generated. The MySQL Username given above should have all privileges on this database, as explained in the Username parameter description above.

Organism information

Organism information input fields in the web application interface.

While these parameters are listed as required parameters, they can be left blank because they do not affect the computation. However, I highly recommend specifying the values of these parameters to be able to reference which organism the data refers to.


The name of the genus of the organism (taxonomic rank below family and above species).


The name of the species of the organism (taxonomic rank below genus and above Strain).


The name of the strain of the organism (intraspecific taxonomic rank).

Taxonomy id

The Taxonomy identifier of the organism (taxon identifier in NCBI Taxonomy Database).

Genome assemblies

Genome assemblies input fields in the web application interface.

Precursor genome

Precursor sequence file of the organism. See Genome Sequence Files above for more information on how to add files to the list of choices, how to remove them, and the necessary format of the files.

Precursor sequence description delimiter

Delimiter for the selected precursor sequence file. SDRAP will break the description line of each nucleotide sequence in the file into fields based on the specified delimiter and only consider the first field for future reference to the sequence. Please be sure to include a unique identifier as the first field in the description line of each nucleotide sequence across both the precursor and product sequence files.

Product genome

Product sequence file of the organism. See Input genome sequence files for more information on how to add files to the list of choices, how to remove them, and the necessary format of the files.

Product sequence description delimiter

Delimiter for the selected product sequence file. SDRAP will break the description line of each nucleotide sequence in the file into fields based on the specified delimiter and only consider the first field for future reference to the sequence. Please be sure to include a unique identifier as the first field in the description line of each nucleotide sequence across both the precursor and product sequence files.

Telomere motif
  • String over the alphabet {A, C, G, T}
  • P in algorithm description

Short nucleotide sequence motif whose tandem-repeats characterizes the telomeres of the organism. For example, if the telomeres of the organism consist of repetitions of the nucleotide sequence TTAGGG, then the value of the Telomere Pattern parameter should be specified as TTAGGG.

Optional Parameters

Telomere detection

Telomere detection parameter input fields in the web application interface.

Max relative error
  • Real number between 0 and 1
  • e in algorithm description

Maximum Levenshtein distance between the annotated telomere and a flawless telomeric sequence, relative to length of current expansion of telomere at any time during the telomere annotation algorithm. A low value for this parameter enforces higher sequence similarity, both locally within the annotated telomere and for the entire telomere. Setting the value of this parameter to 0, effectively enforces a percent identity of 100 to a flawless telomeric sequence.

Max cumulative error
  • non-negative integer
  • h in algorithm description

Maximum number of additions of nucleotides during telomere expansion which cause an increase in the Levensthein distance between the annotated telomere and a flawless telomeric sequence. This cumulative error is reduced every time a nucleotide is added during telomere expansion which does not increase the Levensthein distance, but never drops below 0. A low value for this parameter permits fewer flaws close together without being "balanced out" by basepairs conforming to the ideal telomere. Setting the value of this parameter to 0, effectively enforces a percent identity of 100 to a flawless telomeric sequence.

Max length
  • positive integer
  • l in algorithm description

Maximum length of a telomere. When a telomere expands to a length longer than this parameter's value, it is reset to the last form during telomere detection where the cumulative error (H) was 0. If the value of this parameter is set to an integer less than the length of the parameter Telomere Pattern, the algorithm will never return a telomere.

Max offset
  • non-negative integer
  • o in algorithm description

The maximum distance between a telomere and the end of a product sequence. Setting the value of this parameter to 0 will forbid the presence of nontelomeric portions at those ends of the sequence where telomeres were found and lead to the exclusion of any such telomeres from the telomere annotation.

Min length
  • non-negative integer
  • m in algorithm description

The minimum length of a telomere. If the value of this parameter is set to a value less than or equal to the length of the parameter Telomere Pattern, the length of the parameter Telomere Pattern becomes the effective minimum length.

Alignment merging

Alignment merging parameter input fields in the web application interface.

Max shift
  • non-negative integer
  • t in algorithm description

The value of this parameter determines the maximum discrepancy between the relative positions of the corresponding end points of the precursor and product regions of two alignments, for them to be considered for merging.

Max distance
  • non-negative integer
  • d in algorithm description

The maximum number of basepairs between the precursor intervals and between the product intervals (separately) allowed for two matches corresponding to these intervals to be considered for merging.

Preliminary annotation

Preliminary annotation parameter input fields in the web application interface.

Min alignment length
  • positive integer
  • l in algorithm description

The value of this parameter determines the minimum length an alignment must have to be considered for preliminary annotation.

Min alignment bitscore
  • non-negative integer
  • b in algorithm description

The value of this parameter determines the minimum bitscore an alignment must have to be considered for preliminary annotation.

Min alignment percent identity
  • real number between 0 and 100
  • q in algorithm description

The value of this parameter determines the minimum percent identity an alignment must have to be considered for preliminary annotation.

Min alignment coverage contribution
  • non-negative integer
  • c in algorithm description

The value of this parameter determines the number of base pairs an alignment must cover, and which are not already covered by previously considered (possibly merged) alignments, to be considered for preliminary annotation.

Additional annotation

Additional annotation parameter input fields in the web application interface.

Min alignment bitscore
  • non-negative integer
  • b' in algorithm description

The minimum bitscore an alignment must have to be considered for additional annotation.

Min alignment percent identity
  • real number between 0 and 100
  • q' in algorithm description

The minimum percent identity an alignment must have to be considered for additional annotation.

Min product interval coverage for matches
  • real number between 0 and 1
  • r in algorithm description

The minimum coverage of the product interval of a preliminary match by the product interval of an (possibly merged) alignment to be considered for additional annotation as match which is treated like a repeat of the overlapping preliminary match.

Min product interval coverage for fragments
  • real number between 0 and 1
  • r' in algorithm description

The minimum coverage of the product interval of a preliminary match by the product interval of an (possibly merged) alignment to be considered for additional annotation as fragment of the overlapping preliminary match.

Augmenting annotation

Augmenting annotation parameter input fields in the web application interface.

Min gap length
  • positive integer

The minimum number of basepairs between two consecutive preliminary matches in the product for the region to be annotated as a gap.

Compute pointers

If checked, pointers will be computed; else they will not be computed.

Min pointer length
  • positive integer

The minimum intersection size of two consecutive preliminary matches in the product for the overlapping region in the product sequence and the corresponding two regions in the precursor sequence to be annotated as pointers.

Compute match-complementary regions

If checked, SDRAP will output the annotations of intervals complementary to the precursor intervals of matches on the precursor sequences; else, it will not.

Min match-complementary region length
  • positive integer

The minimum number of basepairs between two consecutive matches in the precursor for the interval to be annotated as match-complementary region.

Property computation

***Note: SDRAP computes whether or not an arrangement is non-scrambled. See Scrambled Nonscrambled for more details.

Property computation parameter input fields in the web application interface.

Min coverage
  • integer between 0 and 100

The minimum proportion of the region of a product sequence between its telomeres, if any, which must be covered by preliminary matches of a precursor sequence, for arrangement properties of the arrangement between the two sequences to be computed.

Max overlap tolerance
  • non-negative integer

The maximum intersection size of the precursor intervals of two matches in an arrangement to still be considered disjoint. Note that two matches where one product interval is contained in another are never considered disjoint, regardless of the value of this parameter.

Unambiguous subarrangement limit
  • positive integer

The maximum number of unambiguous subarrangements of an arrangement whose properties are considered in the arrangement property computation.


If checked, an unambiguous subarrangement of an arrangement must be complete to be considered non-scrambled; else, this property is not required.


If checked, an unambiguous subarrangement of an arrangement must be consecutive to be considered non-scrambled; else, this property is not required.


If checked, an unambiguous subarrangement of an arrangement must be ordered to be considered non-scrambled; else this property is not required.

Output Parameters

Output parameters input fields in the web application interface.

Min coverage
  • integer between 0 and 100

The minimum proportion of the region of a product sequence between its telomeres, if any, which must be covered by preliminary matches of a precursor sequence, for the arrangement's annotations to be included in the output.

Use SDRAP aliases

If checked, SDRAP will output annotations with the DNA sequences labelled numerically in the order they were read into the program; else, SDRAP will use the primary identifiers listed in the input sequence files to refer to each sequence from its output.

Output gaps

If checked, SDRAP will output the annotations of gaps on the product sequences; else, it will not.

Output fragments

If checked, SDRAP will output the annotations of fragments on the precursor sequences; else, it will not.

Output summary

If checked, SDRAP will output a table containing a range of numbers which reflect some key statistics which summarize the outcome of the computation.


Telomere detection algorithm

The variables P, o, l, e, h, and m referenced here refer to the corresponding required and optional parameters.

The algorithm takes as input:

  • S - Product sequence (string over alphabet {A, C, G, T})
  • P - Telomere motif (string over alphabet {A, C, G, T})
  • e - Max relative error (real number between 0 and 1)
  • h - Max cumulative error (non-negative integer)
  • l - Max length (positive integer)
  • o - Max offset (non-negative integer)
  • m - Min length (non-negative integer)

The algorithm returns:

  • false if no telomere was detected
  • Substring of S representing detected telomere at 5' end, otherwise
  1. Find first occurrence of a cyclic permutation P' of P at most o base pairs from the 5' end of S and set E <- P' (return false if none was found).
  2. Create a flawless telomeric sequence F for comparison (F is the sequence obtained by concatenating P with itself ceiling of (l + o) / |P| times and then cyclically permuting it in such a way that the cyclic permutation P' detected in S in step 1 appears at the same position in F).
  3. Set B to be an empty buffer string, set H <- 0, set D_old <- 0.
  4. Repeat until |B| + |E| = l:
    1. Add predecessor of the concatenation of B and E in S to the front of B.
    2. Compute the Levensthein distance D_new between the concatenated substring BE of S with the corresponding substring of F.
    3. If D_new / |BE| > e, end the loop.
    4. If D_new > D_old, set H <- H + 1.
    5. If D_new <= D_old, set H <- max(0, H - 1).
    6. If H = 0, set E <- BE and H <- empty.
    7. Set D_old <- D_new.
  5. Repeat analogous versions of steps 3. and 4. to add basepairs to the right of E in S.
  6. If |E| >= m, return E, else return false.

Telomeres at the 3' end of product sequences are detected by applying the algorithm to the reverse complement of the suffix of length o + l of S.

Alignment merging

Sequence alignments are obtained using BLAST with the -ungapped flag (full parameter list: -task megablast -ungapped -lcase_masking -word_size 18 -dust no -max_hsps 10000 -max_target_seqs 10000) to avoid falsely combining alignments that reflect sequences of unscrambled MDSs to single large gapped alignments. To avoid falsely leaving sets of alignments which reflect a single MDS fragmented, some of these ungapped sequence alignments are merged during the Preliminary annotation step and the Additional annotation step. In this section, the criterion for two alignments to be merged is discussed. The variables t, and d referenced here refer to the correponding optional parameters.

Here, we neglect the actual sequences of sequence alignments and model sequence alignments as triples ([i,j], [k,l], o) where [i,j] and [k,l] are integer intervals describing the positions of the aligned regions in the precursor and product, respectively, and where o is either +, or -, and indicates the orientation of the alignment. As opposed to BLAST, we have, j >= i, and l >= k always, even when o = -. The coordinates always refer to start and end coordinates of +-strand of the sequence.

Given two alignments M1 = ([i1, j1], [k1, l1], o1) and M2 = ([i2, j2], [c2, d2], o2), the distance between M1 and M2 is:

max(0, max(i1, i2) - min(j1, j2) - 1, max(k1, k2) - min(k1, k2) - 1)

Illustration of distance between two alignments.

The shift between them is:

max((i1i2) − (k1k2), (j1j2) − (l1l2)), if o1 = o2 = '+'
max((i1i2) − (l2l1), (j1j2) − (k2k1)), if o1 = o2 = '-'
undefined, if o1 != o2

Illustration of shift of a pair of alignments.

For two non-negative integers t and d, M1 and M2 are (t, d)-mergeable if:

  1. o1 = o2, and
  2. distance between M1 and M2 is at most d, and
  3. shift between M1 and M2 is at most t.

Preliminary annotation algorithm

Flowchart and example for the preliminary annotation algorithm

The variables k, b, q, c referenced here refer to the corresponding optional parameters. t and d are the merging parameter values.

The algorithm takes as input:

  • Hsp - Collection of ungapped alignments returned by BLAST with length, bitscore and percent identity at least k, b, and q, respectively, between a precursor (BLAST subject) and product (BLAST query) sequence.
  • c - Min alignment coverage contribution (non-negative integer)

The algorithm returns:

  • A collection Pre containing alignments from Hsp or alignments obtained by merging members of Hsp, where no aligned product region contains another.
  1. Set Pre <- {} and sort Hsp by bitscore (descending).
  2. For each H in Hsp:
    1. If H covers at least c basepairs, which aren't already covered by members of Pre:
      1. For each M in Pre:
        1. If (H, M) are (t, d)-mergeable:
          1. Merge M into H.
          2. Remove M from Pre.
      2. For each M in Pre:
        1. Pre' <- (Pre \ {M}) union {H}
        2. If M covers less than c basepairs, which aren't covered by members of Pre':
          1. Remove M from Pre
      3. Add H to Pre.
  • This algorithm only considers alignments, or portions of alignments that align regions of product sequences between telomeres, if any.
  • Indices are assigned to each member of Pre indicating order of appearance of their corresponding product region compared to the others.

Additional annotation algorithm

Flowchart and example for the additional annotation algorithm

The variables b', q', r, r' referenced here refer to the corresponding optional parameters. t and d are the merging parameter values.

The algorithm takes as input:

  • Hsp - Collection of ungapped alignments returned by BLAST with bitscore and percent identity at least b', and q', respectively, between a pre- cursor (BLAST subject) and product (BLAST query) sequence.
  • Pre - Preliminary arrangement obtained in preliminary annotation step
  • r - Min product interval coverage for matches (real number between 0 and 1)
  • r' - Min product interval coverage for fragments (real number between 0 and 1)

The algorithm returns:

  • A collection Add containing alignments from Hsp \ Pre or alignments obtained by merging members of Hsp \ Pre. For each such alignment A and each member M of Pre whose aligned product region is intersected by that of A by at least r • |Prod(M)|, exactly one copy of A is present in Add with the index of M assigned to it.
  • A collection Frag containing alignments from Hsp \ Pre or alignments obtained by merging members of Hsp \ Pre. For each such alignment A and each member M of Pre whose aligned product region is intersected by that of A by at least r' • |Prod(M)| and less than r • |Prod(M)|, exactly one copy of A is present in Frag with the index of M assigned to it.
  • A collection NoIdx containing alignments from Hsp \ Pre or alignments obtained by merging members of Hsp \ Pre, where no member M of Pre intersects its aligned product region by r' • |Prod(M)|, or more.
  1. Set Add <- {}, set Hsp'' <- {}, and set Hsp' <- Hsp \ Pre, where each alignment in Hsp which was merged to form an alignment in Pre is removed from Hsp', as well.
  2. For each H in Hsp':
    1. For each M in Hsp'':
      1. If (H, M) are (t, d)-mergeable:
        1. Merge M into H.
        2. Remove M from Hsp'' and Add.
    2. For each M in Pre:
      1. If intersection size of product regions of H and M is at least r:
        1. Add H to Add with same index as M.
      2. else if intersection size is at least r':
        1. Add H to Frag with same index as M.
    3. Add H to Hsp''.
  3. NoIdx <- Hsp'' \ (Add union Frag)


When SDRAP runs on a dataset, the software creates a subdirectory to its annotations directory and fills it with sequence files, annotations files and a few additional data files. The name of the subdirectory will be identical to the name of the MySQL database created by the procedure (see the corresponding required parameters). In this section, all files which SDRAP outputs into this subdirectory is briefly described. <database_name> refers to the name of the MySQL database (same as name of subdirectory).

***Note: SDRAP reports whether or not an arrangement is non-scrambled. See Scrambled Nonscrambled for more details.

Sequence Files


Contains the nucleotide sequences of all precursor and all product sequences. Sequences are identified either by their primary identifier (see Required parameters), or by a numeric identifier assigned by SDRAP, if the Use SDRAP aliases checkbox is checked (see Optional parameters). Telomeres, if any, are masked as lower-case letters in the product sequences.


Contains the nucleotide sequences of all precursor sequences. Sequences are identified either by their primary identifier (see Required parameters), or by a numeric identifier assigned by SDRAP, if the Use SDRAP aliases checkbox is checked (see Optional parameters).


Contains the nucleotide sequences of all product sequences. Sequences are identified either by their primary identifier (see Required parameters), or by a numeric identifier assigned by SDRAP, if the Use SDRAP aliases checkbox is checked (see Optional parameters). Telomeres, if any, are masked as lower-case letters.

Annotation Files

Note that all annotation files include annotations of high-scoring pairs, matches, fragments, eliminated sequences, pointers and gaps between a precursor and product sequence only when the region of the product sequence between the telomeres, if any, is covered by preliminary matches by at least a certain amount, as specified in the input parameters (see Optional parameters). All annotation files follow the BED file format.

Note: All output files which report whether or not an arrangement is scrambled, report non-scrambling.

Note: The BED format uses 0-based start and 1-based end coordinates as opposed to the conventional 1-based start/end coordinates. However, 1-based start/end coordinates are still used in all segment aliases (including those in the output BED files) and all coordinates in the output SQL tables. To convert the start coordinates in the BED files to 1-based, simply add +1 to them.


Contains the annotations of the precursor intervals of the BLAST high-scoring pairs on precursor sequences.


Contains the annotations of the precursor intervals of the matches on precursor sequences.


Contains the annotations of the portions of the precursor intervals of preliminary matches which are considered pointers.


Contains the annotations of the precursor intervals of the fragments on precursor sequences.


Contains the annotations of the intervals complementary to the precursor intervals of matches in precursor sequences.


Contains the annotations of the product intervals of the BLAST high-scoring pairs on product sequences.


Contains the annotations of the product intervals of the matches on product sequences.


Contains the annotations of the portions of the product intervals of preliminary matches which are considered pointers.


Contains the annotations of the regions in the product sequences which are considered gaps.

Data Files


A tab-delimited file containing the numeric identifier assigned to each sequence in the first column and the corresponding primary identifier specified in the input genome files in the second column.


A tab-delimited file containing a descriptor of each parameter (except for the MySQL password used) in the first column and the value of the parameter used during software execution in the second column.


A tab-delimited file with header containing pairs of precursor and product sequences and the properties identified for their arrangement, as described in the header. (1 = true, 0 = false)


A tab-delimited file with descriptions of numbers associated with the software

execution in the first column and the corresponding values in the second column.

Scrambled Nonscrambled

weakly and strongly scrambled and non-scrambled are duals to each other. Here is their correspondence:

scrambled non-scrambled
neither weakly nor strongly weakly and strongly
weakly but not strongly weakly but not strongly
weakly and strongly neither weakly nor strongly