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Organizer Infos

Sven Ruppert edited this page Feb 25, 2018 · 1 revision

Preparation List for the organizers

This workshop is designed to be done in around 8h. For this there are a few preparations needed.

Proper Internet

The internet connection should be good enough, that all attendees can use maven and git. If this is not guaranteed I recommend to use the Vaadin Developer Environment you can find on github. For a group of 15 attendees you can use a machine with 8GB Memory and a proper actual CPU (min. 4 Cores). Linux is recommended, OSX is running well, about Windows I have no infos.

Don´t use Raspi´s !!!

Prepare the Nexus and fill the local caching repos before the workshop. An easy way is a mvn clean install of this project using this Nexus as a mirror.

github Accounts or accounts on your git Server

To interact with your attendees easy it is good if every one of the attendees will have an account at github or on your internal git-server. prepare it before to make sure there will be no delay.

git repo

Don´t work with your attendees on the same git repo. Everybody should have it´s own repo. So everybody can do what ever he want´ts and the re will be no merge conflict during the workshop. This is sometimes very time consuming to bring the attendees workspace up and running again.

Changes from you are pushed to your repo, attendees should fork this repo and merge changes from you into the personal repo. If something is going wrong, the attendee can fork your repo again.