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Sven Ruppert edited this page Feb 25, 2018 · 3 revisions


This workshop is planned for a full day based on 8h.

Beginning: 0900 - End: 1700

  • 0700 - 0830 : prepare the place
  • 0830 - 0900 : pre - party

  • 0900 - 0915 : Welcome, Basic instructions
  • 0915 - 0930 : Installations of missing parts
  • 0930 - 1000 : HelloWorld
  • 1000 - 1100 : Core -Elements / -Topics

  • 1100 - 1200 : Demo 00 - write your app

  • 1200 - 1300 : break

  • 1300 - 1330 : practical junit5 - Testing Basics
  • 1330 - 1345 : webdriver / selenium basics - VaadinAddOns
  • 1345 - 1415 : practical Testbench Jumpstart
  • 1415 - 1430 : TDD Best practices - theo
  • 1430 - 1500 : TDD Best practices - exercises

  • 1500 - 1530 : Mutation Testing - theo.
  • 1530 - 1630 : Refactoring and TestCoverage - exercises

  • 1630 - 1700 : V10 Preview Demo incl Migration

  • 1700 - 1730 : Questions
  • 1730 - 1800 : networking / clearing space