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A lightweight Solid component that utilizes the power of CSS animations to create silky smooth marquees.


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A lightweight Solid component that utilizes the power of CSS animations to create silky smooth marquees.

Quick start

Install it:

npm i solid-marquee
# or
yarn add solid-marquee
# or
pnpm add solid-marquee


To use the component, first import Marquee into your file using either the default import or named import

import Marquee from "solid-marquee"
// or
import { Marquee } from "solid-marquee"

Then wrap the <Marquee> tags around any component or text you'd like to slide.

  I can be a Solid component, multiple Solid components, or just some text.

A sample file might look like this:

import MyComponent from "../components/MyComponent"
import Marquee from "solid-marquee"

const App = () => {
  return (

export default App


Property Type Default Description
style object {} Inline style for the container div
className string "" Name of the css class to style the container div
play boolean true Whether to play or pause the marquee
pauseOnHover boolean false Whether to pause the marquee when hovered
pauseOnClick boolean false Whether to pause the marquee when clicked
direction "left" or "right" "left" The direction the marquee is sliding
speed number 20 Speed calculated as pixels/second
delay number 0 Duration to delay the animation after render, in seconds
iterations number 0 The number of times the marquee should loop, 0 is equivalent to infinite
onFinish Function null A callback for when the marquee finishes scrolling and stops. Only calls if loop is non-zero.
onCycleComplete Function null A callback for when the marquee finishes a loop. Does not call if maximum loops are reached (use onFinish instead).
children ReactNode null The children rendered inside the marquee


