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Releases: Jeffan207/usyrup

USyrup 1.3.0

21 Mar 05:32
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A bit late on this release. I made these changes a few months ago and forgot to tie it to a new version in GitHub. This release adds the following:

  • Lazy Injection support via the LazyObject type. All the documentation is updated with more information on it, check it out!
  • I updated the namespace inside the SyrupComponent, this shouldn't be a backwards incompatible change (hopefully).

USyrup 1.2.0

10 Apr 02:58
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A relatively minor USyrup update.

  • Updates the script execution order for the SyrupComponent class from 1000 to -900. This means that on-demand injections will be available on Awake() and injectable game objects will have their dependencies injected and ready to use by the default time Start() step!

USyrup 1.1.0 Release!

28 Aug 16:46
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Announcing USyrup 1.1.0! This release adds support for:

  • Field injection! You can now annotate fields on classes/MonoBehaviour with the [Inject] attribute. Field injection follows the same principles as method injection. Field injection will always occur before method injection and after constructor injection when classes are injected. Check out the README for more information.
  • Support for injecting private methods and fields. Previously, USyrup only supported public members.

USyrup 1.0.3 Release

25 Aug 12:06
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This is the first real release containing new features for USyrup. Nothing incredibly exciting but hopefully useful!

Included in this release:

  1. New [SceneInjection] attribute! You can use this to enable/disable scene injection on the annotated MonoBehaviour.
  2. A useSceneInjection toggle on the SyrupComponent class. If you want to disable scene injection for a whole scene this is the way to do it.
  3. A verboseLogging toggle on the SyrupComponent class. Adds some more (noisy) logs that may be helpful for debugging what USyrup is doing behind the scenes.

The documentation has been updated with more information on how to utilize the new changes.


Added Branding!

19 May 06:52
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This is the last of the trivial releases. I added a branding banner to the README.

New Installation Instructions

19 May 06:20
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Updated the installation instructions in the README. Upping the version so it gets picked up by OpenUPM.


18 May 06:47
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The initial release of USyrup!