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Jennifer Buehler edited this page May 27, 2016 · 6 revisions

The following instruction guide you through the process of installing packages in the gazebo-pkgs repository.


Optionally (for the tutorials)

You will also need my repository jaco-arm-pkgs. Please follow instructions on the jaco-arm-pkgs wiki for instruction on how to install it.
You will only need this as runtime dependency for the tutorials, the packages are not required for compilation.


On Ubuntu/debian, you may install the ROS packages using the package manager

sudo apt-get install \
    ros-<distro>-gazebo-ros \
    ros-<distro>-eigen-conversions \

Add the required git repositories to your catkin workspace:

cd <your-catkin-ws>/src
git clone
git clone

Hint: Alternatively to cloning the repositry directly into the catkin source folder, you may also clone the repositories elsewhere and then create a softlink to the main folders in your catkin source directory:
ln -s <path to {gazebo|general-message}-pkgs>

To compile, you can now use catkin_make as usual:

cd ..