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Releases: Jerrylum/GaiasVault

Version 4.1

20 Sep 19:10
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  • Removed trapdoors from guard area ceiling.
  • Removed AFK Tunnel.
  • Added block above emergency exit to allow pearl glitching to work again.
  • Added Inner Trap Portal Broken light to warden's room.
  • Added a sound when someone steps into/out of a 1 person door.
  • Added an extra trap portal.
  • Made the emergency exit not covered by the outer area bans.
  • Made the emergency exit do less damage.
  • Made a block being broken in the cell trigger a lockdown.
  • Made autopanic triggers also trigger a lockdown.
  • Made elder guardians persistent.
  • Shifted second 1 person door over a block.
  • Fixed warden equipment station not dispensing helmet.
  • Fixed being unable to walk out of second 1 person door.
  • Fixed clock in South cell.
  • Chorus Proofed pearl detector.
  • Replaced Cobble in cell with netherite (still regenerates into cobblestone)

(First time making a release on Github, lets hope this works)

Version 4

19 Jul 17:11
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Added more perm chunk bans.
Added signs to the guard tunnels to prevent using dragon eggs to create chorus spots.
Added an extra bed to the exit process.
Added 2 players detector after second bed gate.
Added Warden Keycard back to keycard chest.
Adjusted the crystals in the portal hallway.
Fixed the cell respawn system.
Fixed Guard Stasis 1 & 2 not being triggered by lockdown/activate all stasis button.
Updated warden backup auto panic lever to be inverted.
Extended mining detector by a few blocks.
Updated the guard handbook

Version 3

10 Jun 03:14
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Added lever to force enable (and prevent disabling) auto panic in a secondary respawn area for the warden.
Added "Inner Chunk Ban Mining Detector". Basically "Inner Chunkban Pearl Detector" but on top.
Added a few more blocks to the warden-guard room wall.
Made the suicide button practically impossible to accidentally trigger.
Made all Elder Guardian chambers 3 blocks tall.
Made the ender pearl dropper not store any items.
Made first decon bed gate detect if a block is placed vs pushed to the side.
Swapped swiss and player detector at the bottom of the prison.
Some misc redstone rewiring to cover up exposed redstone.
Shifted second decon composter over 1 block
Replaced snowballs with keycards.
Depreciated guard portal (new process for adding guards)
Filled chunk ban control room with water
Fixed the first bed gate alarm getting stuck on.
Fixed exit bed door.
Fixed one of the outer chunk bans

Tweaked the guard handbook.

Version 2

19 May 18:30
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Added observers under the hoppers for each bed gate. (Because why not)
Added "Inner Chunkban Pearl Detector" light to warden room.
Added some blocks to limit pearling in the guard room.
Added "Warden Leave Auto Panic", basically if the warden gets disconnected while this is enabled auto panic starts.
Improved warden equipment machine.
Improved all player online detectors.
Made all setup command blocks relative
Made it so you cannot open the inner and outer door of the first bed gate at the same time (Security stuff)
Expanded pearl glitch detector.
Filled the cell completely up with end crystals.
Replaced endstone walls with enchantment tables.
Replaced bottom swiss with swiss V4
Removed 4 ticks of delay for the outer portal when using the guard portal. (Should remove any amount of time no portals are open)
Removed map item frames from warden's room (for ease of readding them on your own server)
Fixed outer door of first bed gate (Should close properly now if you place a block in it)

Version 1.2

16 May 02:03
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Added 1 sea lantern
Fixed refill tunnel redstone line

Version 1.1

15 May 07:33
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Added trapdoor beside the cell access room door
Improved swiss cheese above visitor areas
Made auto panic enable inner chunkbans
Refill all the chests

Version 1.0

14 May 19:33
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Fixed redstone line below the prison
Fixed visitor stasis chamber redstone line
Removed water from visitor stasis door

Version 0.9

13 May 16:09
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Version 0.9 Pre-release

This is 0.9